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Tali Sharot,Cass R. Sunstein (2)
Tali Sharot (1)
凱斯.桑思坦等人 (1)
塔莉.沙羅特,凱斯.桑思坦 (1)

時報文化 (2)
Little Brown Book Group (1)
Little Brown UK (1)
Simon & Schuster (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:凱斯.桑思坦等人  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2024/07/05 裝訂:平裝
✦亞馬遜最佳「非文學類」編輯選書✦✦新思潮俱樂部(Next Big Idea Club)推薦必讀✦ ────《推力》、《雜訊》共同作者 ╳ MIT認知神經科學教授────聯手解密人類的最大盲點:習慣化傾向 危機與轉機,就藏在習以為常的事物裡。從個人幸福到社會議題,當現狀變得沉悶且黯淡,「去習慣化」就是走出新局的路線圖。 ❝ 本書猶如一場生活實驗,帶領我們看穿習慣化,用嶄新的眼光衡量自己的人生、撼動已經凍結的信念 ❞ ▎習慣化無所不在,卻又經常被無視 .在揭穿謊言時要避免重述謊言?.一年安排幾趟小旅行的效果勝於一次長時間的遠行? .瑞典改為「靠右行駛」的第一天,交通事故竟然大幅下降?.結婚提升戀人的幸福程度,但在兩年後便會下降至婚前的水平?.貼文的按讚鈕新增信任與不信任兩個選項,就能減少一半的假訊息?.英國前首相大衛.卡麥隆為何甘冒政治史上的最大風險舉行脫歐公投? 曾經教我們興奮的事物,最後成了生活裡習以為常的擺設;短暫的戀情比長達十年的感情更讓人回味。我們一旦接受看似微不足道的壞事,對壞事的容忍度就在不知不覺中被放大;每安然度過一個小風險,就會讓我們去冒更大的風險。 我們每天都與這些內建的傾向共處,卻毫無頭緒它會影響我們至何種境地。哈佛法學教授桑思坦和MIT認知神經科學教授沙羅特深入研究這些現象,不僅告訴我們為何會習慣化,還要教我們如何去習慣化:重燃生活中的喜悅之火、讓我們更具創造力、覺察迫切需要改變之處。 ▎每個行為都只比上一個糟糕一點點,最終會讓我們做出多可怕的事? 「我一開始只拿幾百、幾千,對此感到安心自在,在我意識到之前,它已像滾雪球一樣變成巨大的數目。」───龐氏騙局的首腦伯納德.麥道夫 想像你是新上任的社群小編,為一名抗癌成功的健康大師管理社群,她要你發表的第一篇文章是茄子的療效,你對內容有疑慮,但經過一番掙扎還是照做了;第二篇文章是自家網站販售的鴕鳥蛋可以促進生育,你覺得不對勁但還是照做了;幾個月後,她要你發表一篇癌症療法教讀者放棄化療改採某種偏方,這篇文章對讀者造成的影響,嚴重性遠大於之前的文章。 在工作幾個月後,或是任職
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There
作者:Tali Sharot  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2024/02/27 裝訂:精裝
For fans of Thinking Fast and Slow and The Power of Habit, a groundbreaking new study of how disrupting our well-worn routines, both good and bad, can rejuvenate our days and reset our brains to allow us to live happier and more fulfilling lives. Have you ever noticed that what is thrilling on Monday tends to become boring on Friday? Even exciting relationships, stimulating jobs, and breathtaking works of art lose their sparkle after a while. People stop noticing what is most wonderful in their own lives. They also stop noticing what is terrible. They get used to dirty air. They stay in abusive relationships. People grow to accept authoritarianism and take foolish risks. They become unconcerned by their own misconduct, blind to inequality, and are more liable to believe misinformation than ever before. But what if we could find a way to see everything anew? What if you could regain sensitivity, not only to the great things in your life, but also to the terrible things you stopped notic
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:79 871
Look Again:The Power of Noticing What was Always There
作者:Tali Sharot; Cass R. Sunstein  出版社:Little Brown Book Group  出版日:2024/02/29 裝訂:精裝
For fans of Thinking, Fast and Slow and The Power of Habit, a groundbreaking new study of how disrupting our well-worn routines, both good and bad, can rejuvenate our days and reset our brains to allow us to live happier and more fulfilling lives.Have you ever noticed that what is thrilling on Monday tends to become boring on Friday? Even exciting relationships, stimulating jobs, and breathtaking works of art lose their sparkle after a while. People stop noticing what is most wonderful in their own lives. They also stop noticing what is terrible.They get used to dirty air. They stay in abusive relationships. People grow to accept authoritarianism and take foolish risks.They become unconcerned by their own misconduct, blind to inequality, and are more liable to believe misinformation than ever before.But what if we could find a way to see everything anew? What if you could regain sensitivity, not only to the great things in your life, but also to the terrible things you stopped noticing
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:79 869
Look Again:The Power of Noticing What was Always There
作者:Tali Sharot; Cass R. Sunstein  出版社:Little Brown UK  出版日:2024/02/29 裝訂:平裝
For fans of Thinking, Fast and Slow and The Power of Habit, a groundbreaking new study of how disrupting our well-worn routines, both good and bad, can rejuvenate our days and reset our brains to allow us to live happier and more fulfilling lives.Have you ever noticed that what is thrilling on Monday tends to become boring on Friday? Even exciting relationships, stimulating jobs, and breathtaking works of art lose their sparkle after a while. People stop noticing what is most wonderful in their own lives. They also stop noticing what is terrible.They get used to dirty air. They stay in abusive relationships. People grow to accept authoritarianism and take foolish risks.They become unconcerned by their own misconduct, blind to inequality, and are more liable to believe misinformation than ever before.But what if we could find a way to see everything anew? What if you could regain sensitivity, not only to the great things in your life, but also to the terrible things you stopped noticing
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
  • 電子書
作者:塔莉.沙羅特; 凱斯.桑思坦  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2024/07/05 裝訂:電子書
✦亞馬遜最佳「非文學類」編輯選書✦ ✦新思潮俱樂部(Next Big Idea Club)推薦必讀✦ ────《推力》、《雜訊》共同作者 ╳ MIT認知神經科學教授──── 聯手解密人類的最大盲點:習慣化傾向 危機與轉機,就藏在習以為常的事物裡。 從個人幸福到社會議題,當現狀變得沉悶且黯淡, 「去習慣化」就是走出新局的路線圖。 ❝ 本書猶如一場生活實驗,帶領我們看穿習慣化, 用嶄新的眼光衡量自己的人生、撼動已經凍結的信念 ❞ ▎習慣化無所不在,卻又經常被無視 .在揭穿謊言時要避免重述謊言? .一年安排幾趟小旅行的效果勝於一次長時間的遠行? .瑞典改為「靠右行駛」的第一天,交通事故竟然大幅下降? .結婚提升戀人的幸福程度,但在兩年後便會下降至婚前的水平? .貼文的按讚鈕新增信任與不信任兩個選項,就能減少一半的假訊息? .英國前首相大衛.卡麥隆為何甘冒政治史上的最大風險舉行脫歐公投? 曾經教我們興奮的事物,最後成了生活裡習以為常的擺設;短暫的戀情比長達十年的感情更讓人回味。我們一旦接受看似微不足道的壞事,對壞事的容忍度就在不知不覺中被放大;每安然度過一個小風險,就會讓我們去冒更大的風險。 我們每天都與這些內建的傾向共處,卻毫無頭緒它會影響我們至何種境地。哈佛法學教授桑思坦和MIT認知神經科學教授沙羅特深入研究這些現象,不僅告訴我們為何會習慣化,還要教我們如何去習慣化:重燃生活中的喜悅之火、讓我們更具創造力、覺察迫切需要改變之處。 ▎每個行為都只比上一個糟糕一點點,最終會讓我們做出多可怕的事? 「我一開始只拿幾百、幾千,對此感到安心自在, 在我意識到之前,它已像滾雪球一樣變成巨大的數目。」 ───龐氏騙局的首腦伯納德.麥道夫 想像你是新上任的社群小編,為一名抗癌成功的健康大師管理社群,她要你發表的第一篇文章是茄子的療效,你對內容有疑慮,但經過一番掙扎還是照做了;第二篇文章是自家網站販售的鴕鳥蛋可以促進生育,你覺得不對勁但還是照做了;幾個月後,她要你發表一篇癌症療法教讀者放棄化療改採某種偏方,這篇文章對讀者造成的影響,嚴重性遠大於之前的文章。 在工作幾個月後,或是任職第一天,你在哪種情況下比較可能遵照她的指示發布貼文?大部分人的答案是前者,因為對壞事的容忍度逐漸產生位移。這是在澳洲真實上演的吉卜森詐騙案,她被踢爆從未罹患任何癌症,而她的說謊傾向可以追溯到少女時期,這又是另一
定價:450 元, 優惠價:7 315



