什麼是生物醫學資訊學專家?他們的工作做些什麼呢?作者Kevin曾是一個像是你我一樣的孩子,但長大後他成為一名生物醫學資訊學專家!Kevin從小就熱愛科學和動物,這種熱情加上他的工程學天賦,使他成為一名專門研究生物醫學資訊學的小兒科醫生——使用資訊科學來改善醫療保健。Who Me? 系列是由科學家本人和范德比大學 (Vanderbilt University)的合著者一同撰寫。透過科學家們鼓舞人心的的傳記,讓小讀者了解到,科學家都是像我們一樣的普通人,因為對學習和發現新事物的熱愛,一路上努力學習,並為自己創造機會並爭取成為科學家的機會,在了解科學家的成長故事的過程中,讀者除了能從中認識基本的科學概念,也能認識科學家現在所從事的尖端研究。What is a biomedical informatics expert? What does he or she do?Meet Kevin, a kid like you and me, who grew up to become a biomedical informatics expert! Kevin grew up loving science and caring for animals, and this passion, combined with his engineering aptitude, turned him into a pediatrician specializing in biomedical informatics — using computers and data science to improve health care.The Who Me? series features inspirational biographies of scientists who young readers will be able to identify with as people like themselves. Written by the scientists themselves and co-authors from Vanderbilt University, the books are designed to help young readers understand that sc