It isn’t that Abby Carson can’t do her schoolwork. She just doesn’t like doing it. And consequently, Abby will have to repeat sixth grade—unless she meets some specific conditions, including taking on an extra credit project: find a pen pal in a distant country. But when Abby’s first letter arrives at a small school in Afghanistan, complications arise. The elders agree that any letters going back to America must be written well, but the only qualified English-speaking student is a boy. And in this village, it’s not proper for a boy to correspond with a girl. So, Sadeed’s sister will dictate and sign the letters for him. But what about the villagers who believe that girls should not be anywhere near a school? And what about those who believe that any contact with Americans is...unhealthy?As letters flow back and forth—between the prairies of Illinois and the mountains of central Asia, across cultural and religious divides, through the minefields of different lifestyles and traditions—a
風箏手 vs. 蜘蛛女透過一份跨越國界的家庭作業,他們看見世界,學到包容!艾比快被留級了,再這樣下去,她必須重讀六年級,除非她願意完成一個特別的加分作業──交一個國外的筆友。艾比的第一封信被送到阿富汗的一個小學校,交到薩迪德手中。一個熱愛攀岩爬高的蜘蛛女艾比,遇上了很會寫詩的鬥風箏高手薩迪德,就此展開一段跨越國界的友情與交流。然而,在傳統保守的阿富汗與看似開明的美國,這樣的通信事件是否會帶來意想不到的衝擊與麻煩呢?---------------------【名家推薦】朱錫林(兒童文學作家)畢恆達(臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所教授)劉必榮(東吳大學政治系教授)希望孩子們的眼睛,都能透過風箏,看見世界的每個角落;希望他們有機會了解世界各地不同的文化,結交世界各國不同的朋友,並且隨著世界觀的巨輪,不斷向前翻滾。──朱錫林(兒童文學作家)《我的阿富汗筆友》好看、有創意,又具教育意義⋯⋯那種純粹的友誼、知心與包容,讓人動容。克萊門斯總是用愛與包容、信任與創意,讓大人和小孩一起努力,在解決難題的過程中不停學習。每次閱讀克萊門斯的校園小說,都是一次次滿溢著溫暖喜悅的體驗。──畢恆達(臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所教授)要培養國際觀一個很重要的部分,是了解不同國家的人在想什麼、他們的喜怒哀樂、他們的價值觀,以及他們與周邊國家的恩怨情仇。《我的阿富汗筆友》說的是與不同文化背景的筆友交往的故事,正是拓展自己國際視野,讓自己和世界產生聯繫的最好方式。──劉必榮(東吳大學政治系教授)【安德魯‧克萊門斯校園小說系列特色】★博客來網路書店「年度之最」選書、誠品選書、開卷好書獎最佳青少年圖書、好書大家讀年度最佳少年兒童讀物獎、文化部中小學生推薦優良課外讀物......★國外獲獎無數:美國學校圖書館期刊年度最佳圖書、克里斯多福獎、美國家長評選大獎、號角雜誌推薦書......★系列全球暢銷數百萬冊,已譯成德、法、義、英、日、韓......等十餘國語言版本
It isn't that Abby Carson can't do her schoolwork, it's just that she doesn't like doing it. And that means she's pretty much failing sixth grade. When a warning letter is sent home, Abby realizes tha