科學無處不在,但你知道科學就在你身邊嗎?睜開你的眼睛,讓我們一起發現科學吧!讓我們一起漫步在新加坡,與科學奇蹟不期而遇!本書提供豐富的全彩圖片與生動插圖,加上A*STAR(新加坡科技研究局) 科學家 Amalina Binta Ebrahim Attia 博士的的介紹,向讀者展示深受大家喜愛的新加坡景點,其背後的科學知識,並悠遊其中!使用書中搭配的擴增實境(AR)功能,可以觀賞Lina 博士所製作的影片,詳細介紹每個景點背後的科學奧秘!*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Hello, little readers! Did you know that Science is everywhere, all around you? We can encounter and discover the wonders of Science unexpectedly as we walk around Singapore, so open your eyes and let's discover Science together! In this full-colour book, through an exciting combination of photography and illustration, A* Scientist Dr Amalina Binta Ebrahim Attia is going to show you the Science behind your favourite Singapore attractions and destinations for play and fun! So, are you ready to start? Let's Discover Science, Singapore!Use AR to access videos made by Dr Lina, where she further explains the science behind each attraction!
科學無處不在,但你知道科學就在你身邊嗎?睜開你的眼睛,讓我們一起發現科學吧!讓我們一起漫步在新加坡,與科學奇蹟不期而遇!本書提供豐富的全彩圖片與生動插圖,加上A*STAR(新加坡科技研究局) 科學家 Amalina Binta Ebrahim Attia 博士的的介紹,向讀者展示深受大家喜愛的新加坡景點,其背後的科學知識,並悠遊其中!使用書中搭配的擴增實境(AR)功能,可以觀賞Lina 博士所製作的影片,詳細介紹每個景點背後的科學奧秘!*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Hello, little readers! Did you know that Science is everywhere, all around you? We can encounter and discover the wonders of Science unexpectedly as we walk around Singapore, so open your eyes and let's discover Science together! In this full-colour book, through an exciting combination of photography and illustration, A* Scientist Dr Amalina Binta Ebrahim Attia is going to show you the Science behind your favourite Singapore attractions and destinations for play and fun! So, are you ready to start? Let's Discover Science, Singapore!Use AR to access videos made by Dr Lina, where she further explains the science behind each attraction!