故事的主角,是一隻頑皮的鴿子,在Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (別讓鴿子開巴士)中,一心夢想自己能開公車的鴿子,千方百計,苦苦哀求,希望能開公車。從畫面的安排與對話,滿滿的互動元素,若與小孩一起共讀,邊讀邊演,想必非常有趣。而在The Pigeon Needs a Bath! (鴿子需要洗澡)中,鴿子就是不愛洗澡的小朋友的化身,各種耍賴的招數,最後鴿子卻愛上洗澡,家長應該更想知道莫威樂是怎麼說服鴿子的吧!美國的出版社今年更推出這本書的洗澡書,讓閱讀延伸至浴室!本套書共有以下七本平裝書1. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! 9781844285136When the driver leaves the bus temporarily, he gives the reader just one instruction: "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus!" But, boy, that pigeon tries every trick in the book to get in that driving seat: he whines, wheedles, fibs and flatters. Will you let him drive? Told entirely in speech bubbles, this is a brilliantly original book.2. Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! 9781406308129It's getting late and the bus driver is going to brush his teeth and get ready for bed. Will you do him a favour while he is gone – don't let the pigeon stay up late! But this pigeon is wide awake: he isn't even tired – in fact he's in the mood for a hot-dog party! So will YOU let him sta
故事的主角,是一隻頑皮的鴿子,在Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (別讓鴿子開巴士)中,一心夢想自己能開公車的鴿子,千方百計,苦苦哀求,希望能開公車。從畫面的安排與對話,滿滿的互動元素,若與小孩一起共讀,邊讀邊演,想必非常有趣。此套書包含以下七本精裝本:The Pigeon Has to Go to School! (9781368046459)Why does