收錄30篇膾炙人口的經典故事,看柯南道爾爵士筆下這位名偵探如何破解謎案、化解危機。搭配書中的QRcode音檔,帶領讀者穿越到貝克街221B,沉浸於一場場驚心動魄的冒險,及福爾摩斯令人拍案叫絕的精彩推理。Introduce young readers aged 7+ to Sherlock and Watson – the original crime-fighting duo!Catching curious criminals, solving ancient riddles and defending the honour of the king and the country are all in a day’s work for this world-famous detective and his faithful biographer.A collection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s timeless Sherlock Holmes stories, adapted and illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to the classics.This 30-book box set includes 01-A Study in Scarlet 血字研究02-The Sign of the Four 四簽名03-The Blue Carbuncle 藍寶石案04-The Speckled Band 花斑帶探案05-The Red-Headed League 紅髮會06-The Reigate Squires 瑞蓋特村之謎07-The Naval Treaty 海軍協約08-The Sussex Vampire 吸血鬼探案09-The Veiled Lodger 蒙面房客探案10-The Three Students 三名學生探案11-A Scandal in Bohemia 波希米亞醜聞12-The Copper Beeches 紅樺莊探案13-The Six Napoleons 六座拿破崙半身像14-The Engineer's Thumb 工程師拇指探案15-Charles Augustus Milverton 米爾沃頓探案16-Silver Blaze 銀斑駒1