《科技和小工具的歷險記》身臨其境接觸超過15項突破性的進步,這些進步改變了我們的生活、工作和娛樂方式。第一台電腦是什麼時候發明的?光纖技術如何改變通信?如果你能用現實生活中的「力場」保護你的財物呢?在數位筆記本上塗鴉,與機器人朋友鬥智鬥勇,並穿著 GPS 鞋四處走動!從清潔我們生活空間的機器,到載著我們移動到各地的引擎,從口袋型設備到巨大的資訊中心,以前所未有的方式認識科技和小工具的驚人運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Technology and Gadgets is an immersive encounter with more than 15 groundbreaking advances that have changed the way that we live, work and play. When were the first computers invented? How did fibre optic technology transform communications? What if you could protect your belongings with a real-life "force field"? Scribble in a digital notebook. Pit your wits against robot friends. And walk around in GPS shoes! From the machines that clean our living spaces to the engines that move us from place to place, and from pocket-sized devices to vast hubs of information, grasp the astounding workings of tech and gadgets as never before!
《科技和小工具的歷險記》身臨其境接觸超過15項突破性的進步,這些進步改變了我們的生活、工作和娛樂方式。第一台電腦是什麼時候發明的?光纖技術如何改變通信?如果你能用現實生活中的「力場」保護你的財物呢?在數位筆記本上塗鴉,與機器人朋友鬥智鬥勇,並穿著 GPS 鞋四處走動!從清潔我們生活空間的機器,到載著我們移動到各地的引擎,從口袋型設備到巨大的資訊中心,以前所未有的方式認識科技和小工具的驚人運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Technology and Gadgets is an immersive encounter with more than 15 groundbreaking advances that have changed the way that we live, work and play. When were the first computers invented? How did fibre optic technology transform communications? What if you could protect your belongings with a real-life "force field"? Scribble in a digital notebook. Pit your wits against robot friends. And walk around in GPS shoes! From the machines that clean our living spaces to the engines that move us from place to place, and from pocket-sized devices to vast hubs of information, grasp the astounding workings of tech and gadgets as never before!