Harry Potter and Sense and Sensibility actor Alan Rickman builds upon his legacy as a world-class actor, a tireless political activist, an avid traveler, and more through his diaries—a twenty-five-year passion project in which Rickman invites readers backstage and into his life.Alan Rickman remains the one of the most beloved actors of all time across almost every genre in the American and British markets, from his breakout role as Die Hard’s Hans Gruber to his heart-wrenching run as Professor Severus Snape, and beyond. His air of dignity, his sonorous voice, and the knowing wit he brought to each role have captivated viewers across nearly every generation alive today.But Rickman’s artistry wasn’t confined to just his performances. Fans of movies, theater, and memoirs at large will delight in the intimate experience of Rickman detailing the extraordinary and the ordinary in a way that is “anecdotal, indiscreet, witty, gossipy and utterly candid.” He grants us access to his thoughts and
林克雷特聲音系統,是盛行歐美多年的專業表演方法之一,各大知名表演院校的戲劇必修課,專為演員量身定做的聲音系統。旨在消除經年累月的生理與心理的聲音障礙,讓體內情感能透過自由的聲音直接釋放。其實,就是在帶你重新找回自己與生俱來的表達能力。林克雷特以超過五十年的教學經驗彙整出最符合戲劇演員聲音需求的訓練方法。本書將看似無形而難以捉摸的聲音體感及經驗,透過一系列循序漸進的科學步驟練習讓複雜的聲音技術學習變得有跡可循。系統內,會先將身體意識喚醒後開始放鬆;再透過喚醒呼吸意識的覺察力、開始與聲音真實碰觸;進展至較技術性的唇舌喉頸的開展,再到共鳴腔體開發等實際操作,探索聲音及音域的彈性與可能。中間也穿插了科學性知識及基本解剖概念,讓讀者對體肌骨骼更進一步地理解後,才進入母子音等有效構音的探索,最後運用於文本實戰練習。這練習的過程邏輯進展適合專業演員、學生演員、表演老師、聲音與語言教師以及任何對聲音表現力感興趣的人研讀。知名演員如派翠克.史都華、雪歌妮.維佛、比爾.墨瑞、艾倫.瑞克曼、山姆.洛克威爾,及東尼獎得主Bernadette Peters及許多一線百老匯演員等,均曾學習此系統。釋放了你的聲音,就釋放了你自己。To Free Your Voice is to Free Yourself