This laugh-out-loud tale tells us the story of humble broccoli's big day as she attends the Vegetable Awards with her best friend carrot, teaching lessons of friendship and modesty.This funny and light-hearted tale is a delightful, laugh-out-loud story of friendship, humility, and vegetables, which kids of all ages will love!It's nearly time for the Annual Vegetable Awards and all the vegetables gather to discuss who deserves to be nominated. Unassuming Broccoli feels she lives a very normal life but decides to go along as best friend Carrot – with the amazing hair – will be there. Broccoli is quiet while the other vegetables begin to bicker about who is the best.“Easy peasy” chorused the Pea Pod Possy. “We went skiing through the Wobbly Wild Woods, home of the white whistling wolves! And only one of us got eaten!”.“Don’t be silly”, said Tomato, “I went trekking through the…”“TOMATO! You’re not even a vegetable!” Potato protested. “Besides, I climbed to the top of Vege-Table Mountain!”
This laugh-out-loud tale tells us the story of humble broccoli's big day as she attends the Vegetable Awards with her best friend carrot, teaching lessons of friendship and modesty.This funny and light-hearted tale is a delightful, laugh-out-loud story of friendship, humility, and vegetables, which kids of all ages will love!It's nearly time for the Annual Vegetable Awards and all the vegetables gather to discuss who deserves to be nominated. Unassuming Broccoli feels she lives a very normal life but decides to go along as best friend Carrot – with the amazing hair – will be there. Broccoli is quiet while the other vegetables begin to bicker about who is the best.“Easy peasy” chorused the Pea Pod Possy. “We went skiing through the Wobbly Wild Woods, home of the white whistling wolves! And only one of us got eaten!”.“Don’t be silly”, said Tomato, “I went trekking through the…”“TOMATO! You’re not even a vegetable!” Potato protested. “Besides, I climbed to the top of Vege-Table Mountain!”