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Rupert Holmes (4)
魯伯特‧荷姆斯-作;安娜‧路易佐斯-繪 (1)
魯伯特.荷姆斯 (1)

Gallery Books (2)
Headline Publishing Group (2)
臉譜 (1)
臉譜文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:魯伯特‧荷姆斯-作; 安娜‧路易佐斯-繪  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2024/08/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:499 元, 優惠價:9 449
Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide
作者:Rupert Holmes  出版社:Gallery Books  出版日:2024/04/30 裝訂:平裝
A New York Times bestseller! From Edgar Award–winning novelist, playwright, and story-songwriter Rupert Holmes comes a diabolical thriller with a killer concept: The McMasters Conservatory for the Applied Arts, “a fantasy academy laid out like a combination of Hogwarts, Downton Abbey, and a White Lotus–style resort” (Los Angeles Times) dedicated to the art of murder where students study how best to “delete” their most deserving victim.Who hasn’t wondered for a split second what the world would be like if a person who is the object of your affliction ceased to exist? But then you’ve probably never heard of The McMasters Conservatory, dedicated to the consummate execution of the homicidal arts. To gain admission, a student must have an ethical reason for erasing someone who deeply deserves a fate no worse (nor better) than death. The campus of this “Poison Ivy League” college—its location unknown to even those who study there—is where you might find yourself the practice target of a clas
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide
作者:Rupert Holmes  出版社:Gallery Books  出版日:2023/02/21 裝訂:精裝
A New York Times bestseller! From Edgar Award–winning novelist, playwright, and story-songwriter Rupert Holmes comes a diabolical thriller with a killer concept: The McMasters Conservatory for the Applied Arts, “a fantasy academy laid out like a combination of Hogwarts, Downton Abbey, and a White Lotus–style resort” (Los Angeles Times) dedicated to the art of murder where students study how best to “delete” their most deserving victim.Who hasn’t wondered for a split second what the world would be like if a person who is the object of your affliction ceased to exist? But then you’ve probably never heard of The McMasters Conservatory, dedicated to the consummate execution of the homicidal arts. To gain admission, a student must have an ethical reason for erasing someone who deeply deserves a fate no worse (nor better) than death. The campus of this “Poison Ivy League” college—its location unknown to even those who study there—is where you might find yourself the practice target of a clas
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:79 841
Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide:THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER
作者:Rupert Holmes  出版社:Headline Publishing Group  出版日:2023/09/28 裝訂:平裝
'Full of twists, the emphasis is on comedy . . .but the extraordinary Holmes can pull the heartstrings too.' THE TIMESThe McMasters Conservatory for the Applied Arts - a luxurious, clandestine college dedicated to the fine art of murder where earnest students study how best to "delete" their most deserving victim. Who hasn't wondered for a split second what the world would be like the object of your affliction ceased to exist? But then you've probably never heard of The McMasters Conservatory, dedicated to the consummate execution of the homicidal arts. To gain admission, a student must have an ethical reason for erasing someone who deeply deserves a fate no worse (nor better) than death.The campus of this "Poison Ivy League" college-its location unknown to even those who study there-is where you might find yourself the practice target of a classmate...and where one's mandatory graduation thesis is getting away with the perfect murder of someone whose death will make the world a much b
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
作者:Rupert Holmes  出版社:Headline Publishing Group  出版日:2023/02/21 裝訂:精裝
'Full of twists, the emphasis is on comedy . . .but the extraordinary Holmes can pull the heartstrings too.' THE TIMESThe McMasters Conservatory for the Applied Arts - a luxurious, clandestine college dedicated to the fine art of murder where earnest students study how best to "delete" their most deserving victim. Who hasn't wondered for a split second what the world would be like the object of your affliction ceased to exist? But then you've probably never heard of The McMasters Conservatory, dedicated to the consummate execution of the homicidal arts. To gain admission, a student must have an ethical reason for erasing someone who deeply deserves a fate no worse (nor better) than death.The campus of this "Poison Ivy League" college-its location unknown to even those who study there-is where you might find yourself the practice target of a classmate...and where one's mandatory graduation thesis is getting away with the perfect murder of someone whose death will make the world a much b
  • 電子書
作者:魯伯特.荷姆斯  出版社:臉譜  出版日:2024/08/01 裝訂:電子書
人人都有除之而後快的對象, 但空想的殺意如何變成完美犯罪的實作? 這所學院會教導你不可不知的一切…… *洛杉磯時報、邦諾書店暢銷書排行榜冠軍 *格萊葛利.馬奎爾(《女巫前傳》)、R.L.史坦恩(《雞皮疙瘩》系列)盛讚 *亞馬遜網路書店推理懸疑類年度選書 *CrimeReads網站「年度最期待的犯罪小說」 冬陽(原生電子推理雜誌《PUZZLE》主編)、臥斧(文字工作者)、張國立(作家)、陳德政(作家)、薛西斯(小說家)、譚劍(香港推理小說作家) ──好評推薦 「很多人都會說『我真想殺了某某某』,但很少有人實際付諸行動。 光是翻開這本書,你就朝成功的謀殺邁出了最重要的第一步。 一切順利的話,你將感到無比自豪,也會獲得同儕的欽佩,前提是他們如果得知這件事。 本書將確保他們永遠不會知道。」 ──摘自《麥克馬斯特學院謀殺計畫指南》 ┤故事簡介├ 航太工業設計師克里弗原本十分享受自己的工作與生活,但新上司菲德勒的出現讓他宛如置身人間地獄。菲德勒的職場霸凌害死了克里弗敬重的前輩、暗戀的女同事,卻沒有受到任何懲罰,他甚至強行修改克里弗的設計、打算推出安全性堪慮的新產品,提出嚴正反對的克里弗被當眾羞辱開除。 克里弗不禁心生殺意,穿戴上一套偽裝之後就把菲德勒推下地鐵月台,但立刻被兩名刑警模樣的男子視破假身分,還得知無良上司大難不死,自己根本白忙一場。不過,那兩人並不是真正的刑警,而是「麥克馬斯特學院」派出的代表,專門挑選具有謀殺藝術潛能的一般人到學院進一步接受技能訓練。該學院並不是要培育喪心病狂的殺人魔,而是意在幫助具有合理動機、不得不訴諸謀殺來解決問題的平凡人,教導他們易容、下毒、射擊、解剖等各種必要技巧,殺死他們在入學時選定的對象就等於他們的「畢業專題」──至於被當的學生,就只能從人生畢業了。 克里弗在此遇見與他際遇相似的同學們,包括想報復色狼經紀人的女演員多莉亞、被同事打壓欺凌而懷恨在心的醫院職員潔瑪,還有設法提早送家族長輩上路以奪得第一桶金的逆子賈德,這所學院保證協助他們成功執行一樁樁精巧又縝密、宛若藝術創作的謀殺計畫,但是這世上真的有「完美犯罪」嗎?謀殺真的是一門能夠教習傳授的巧藝嗎?習得一身危險技藝的學生,是否真能剷除仇敵又逃過法律制裁? └學院術語小百科┘ 當弒人:你打算刪除的目標對象(字面解釋為「應當殺死的人」)。我們認為「受害者」一詞太過主觀,
定價:350 元, 優惠價:1 350



