A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, you re theHeffleys.The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns.Gas station bathrooms, craz
暑假和全家人來趟開車自助旅行不錯吧?但對葛瑞來說這真的是最糟糕的決定了!住的是可怕的汽車旅館,玩的是在農場看家畜和逛小市集,車上聽的是大家學西班牙語,而屋漏偏逢連夜雨,車窗壞掉的同時外面下起豪大雨,最後全家的家當還被偷了!這趟旅行能不能如期完成呢?作者Jeff Kinney自己最喜歡的一集,絕對值得你投入無奈又爆笑的葛瑞家族公路旅行落難記。Get ready, Diary of a Wimpy K
A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, you’re the Heffleys. The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns. Gas station bathrooms, c