大熊貓Puff 和 Poppy找到了一片竹林,但是這些竹子夠兩隻大熊貓吃嗎?跟著Puff 和 Poppy一起在森林中快樂地遊玩,學習除法,並認識大熊貓的趣聞!《快樂學數學》系列啟動孩子的算術能力大躍進!孩子將會愛上書中的可愛動物與有趣故事,並在當中學習序數、數數(counting)、跳數(skip counting)、加法、減法等數學概念。本系列每冊書中皆附贈互動素材(官網也提供素材檔案,可自行下載列印裁切),讓每本書都是孩子動手體驗的學習工具。每則故事中也能讀到有趣的科學小知識,在快樂動手學習中,激發孩子對世界的好奇心與對數學的概念的理解。Puff and Poppy the Pandas find a bamboo forest.But are there enough bamboos for both pandas?Follow the giant pandas' delightful journey through the mountainous forest and learn division by two.Read fun facts about giant pandas!Jump start your child's advancement in numeracy with the Happy Learning Math series. Your child will delight in the fun stories about animals and encounter Math concepts, such as ordinal numbers, counting, skip counting, addition, subtraction and more.Materials for interactive play and links to printables are also included, turning each book into a hands-on experiential learning tool. Fun Science facts are also weaved into each story to spark your child's curiosity about the world.This book com