NETFLIX上映首周旋即奪下全球電影總榜TOP1《善惡魔法學院》精彩前傳首部曲距離《善惡魔法學院》一百年前的無盡之林,少年雙胞胎校長一為善、一為惡,他們一同為善惡魔法學院挑選學生,一同訓練、教導學生,為他們迎向命運之路做好準備。然而,變故驟起,令人始料未及!★相愛、背叛又或死亡?無人能置身事外!前傳首部曲《善惡魔法學院:雙城崛起》記錄了學校統治受到挑戰而互相角力,以及學生的忠誠和勇氣受到考驗,在童話故事中總說善惡平衡,然而,當守護無盡森林的少年雙胞胎開始打破天平時會發生什麼事?如果善惡從來都不是他們注定的樣子要怎麼辦?當愛變成毒藥,善念轉為惡念,在彼此效忠和忠於已方之間糾結不已……,讓人感動與難以預測的曲折,充滿魔法、危險、智謀與勇氣的情節,讓你的目光停不下來,內心隨著文字起伏不已。★全球銷量突破350萬冊,各界盛讚,指標書店年度精選!作者蘇曼‧查納尼創造了一個壯麗的奇幻世界,是繼《哈利波特》之後,席捲110國暢銷榜的魔幻經典。透過出人意料的劇情轉折,點出童話背後我們未曾深思的矛盾與道德灰色地帶,為讀者帶來不一樣的啟發,看見更多元的價值觀。知名作家《波西傑克森》作者雷克‧萊爾頓、《少年PI的奇幻漂流》編劇大衛‧馬吉、「童書界史蒂芬‧金」、《雞皮疙瘩》作者R. L. 史坦恩……一致力薦。更為指標書店年度精選:►紐約時報暢銷榜連續41週►美國邦諾書店年度最佳圖書►美國BAM!書店年度最佳圖書►英國水石書店年度風雲書決選►美國書商協會獨立書店暢銷書►Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳書籍分類決選本書特色【哈利波特之後,再掀魔法學院風雲!】★《哈利波特》、《波西傑克森》之後,新一代的魔法學院冒險★風靡歐美,融合亞瑟王傳奇元素,顛覆你對童話的想像★紐時暢銷書霸榜41週,上市後隨即被環球影業以七位數搶下電影版權★《善惡魔法學院》已被翻譯成30種語言、遍及110國家、全球銷售超過350萬冊!
在善惡對立之前,一對兄弟攜手建立學院,訓練所有人對抗未知的宿命。當凌駕眾人的力量來襲,一切攸關生死的魔幻對決就此展開《善惡魔法學院》前傳。The battle between Good and Evil begins.Two brothers.One Good.One Evil.Together they watch over the Endless Woods.Together they choose the students for the School for Good and Evil.Together they train them, teach them, prepare them for their fate.Then, something happens.Something unexpected.Something powerful.Something that will change everything and everyone.Who will survive?Who will rule the School?The journey starts here. Every step is filled with magic, surprises, and daring deeds that test courage, loyalty, and who you really are. But they only lead you to the very beginning of the adventures that are THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL.
在善惡對立之前,一對兄弟攜手建立學院,訓練所有人對抗未知的宿命。當凌駕眾人的力量來襲,一切攸關生死的魔幻對決就此展開《善惡魔法學院》前傳。 THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL is now a major motion picture from Netflix – starring Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Sofia Wylie, Sophie Anne Caruso, Jamie Flatters, Earl Cave, Kit Young and more!The battle between Good and Evil begins.Go back in time to the beginning of the School for Good and Evil and uncover the never-before-told events leading up to Sophie and Agatha’s dramatic arrival and the beginning of their epic fairy tale.Two brothers. One Good. One Evil.Together, they watch over the Endless Woods. Together, they choose the students for the School for Good and Evil. Together they train them, teach them, prepare them for their fate.Then, something happens. Something that will change everything and everyone. Who will survive? Who will rule the School?The journey starts here. With magic, surprises and daring deeds at every turn, courage and loyalty
The battle between Good and Evil begins.Two brothers.One Good.One Evil.Together they watch over the Endless Woods.Together they choose the students for the School for Good and Evil.Together they train them, teach them, prepare them for their fate.Then, something happens.Something unexpected.Something powerful.Something that will change everything and everyone.Who will survive?Who will rule the School?The journey starts here. Every step is filled with magic, surprises, and daring deeds that test courage, loyalty, and who you really are. But they only lead you to the very beginning of the adventures that are THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL.