1776-2020年美中關係史本書榮獲2017年亞瑟.羅斯圖書獎(Arthur Ross Book Award)金獎 本書從一個新國家創建、另一個舊帝國敲起喪鐘時的故事開始說起。美中兩國的交往早於1853年美國海軍將領培里(Mathew Perry)率船艦要求日本開放門戶的「黑船事件」。1784年2月22日,美國的三桅帆船「中國皇后號」從紐約港出發前往廣州,與中國進行貿易。自美國建國以來,雙方即有互動,互相影響。中國不僅有廣大的土地吸引美國墾荒者,中國市場之夢也向美國人招手。美國的思想啟迪了中國人,將他們帶向現代化及外面的世界。美國的科學、教育理論和科技流入中國,中國的藝術、美食和哲學也往外流動。從此以後,雙方一點一滴逐步建立起世界上最多元也最重要的兩國關係。 兩百多年來,美中的政客、商人、傳教士和女性深深影響著兩國的命運。從將基督教福音和教育帶至中國的美國傳教士,到建設美國大西部的華工;從冒險運送花旗蔘至廣州換取中國茶葉的快船,到在南海和台海與中國不斷擴大海軍對峙的美國軍艦;美國與中國一直維持著戲劇性的交鋒,而且在兩百年前美中關係就已確立了此一模式:狂喜的迷戀和憤怒的幻滅。 「若要用一個模式形容如此令人難以理解的複雜性,或許可用佛教輪迴的概念來描述。雙方都經歷狂熱的魅力,產生希望,然後失望、排斥和厭惡,終究又回到相互傾倒。十九、二十世紀時,美國傳教士幻想將中國渡化為全世界最大的基督教國家,此時北京朝廷命官依賴美國,保護中國不受歐洲帝國主義和日本的掠奪。這兩個希望都沒有實現。隨著歷史之輪的轉動,新期望和不可避免的幻滅都交互出現。」 作者透過個人信件、日記、回憶錄、政府文件和新聞報導等文獻,重建兩個多世紀以來,美國與中國交往中令人驚奇和悲劇的方式。本書屢屢在重大事件發生時就回溯到或許是百年前的往事,一方面證明其論點,另一方面讓讀者透過清楚的脈絡,來了解美中關係循環往復式的宿命輪迴。 時序進入二十一世紀,美中關係逐漸從原本的密切合作轉為競爭,到了2018年川普總統發動美中貿易戰,兩國距離敵對只有幾步之遙。美中關係攸關著世界的命運,現在是重述美國和中國此一歷久不衰故事的時候了。作者在撰寫本書時每天沉浸於「美國和中國商人、冒險家、傳教士、外交官、竊賊和革命家的故事中,這些人物打造出地球上所有民族之間最為錯綜複雜的關係」,耗費五年才完成這本引人入勝、扣人心弦的著作,
《世紀中國:近代中國百年圖像史》著名史學家史景遷與金安平首度合作撰書英文版出版逾二十年後,中文版首度面世「本書提供一個具說服力的榜樣,說明圖像與文字如何結合起來,構成一個截然不同而引人入勝的巨著。書中的文字自有脈絡,而且前後連貫,為照片提供了良好的說明。」──前中央研究院院士余國藩在二十一世紀,中國是世界舞台上最大的疑問號。今日的中國已不再是沉睡的巨人,但也不是西方世界可靠的盟邦。從經濟上來說,中國是一個新興強權;從政治上來看,它在經濟自由市場與軍事獨裁之間維持著一個不穩定的均勢局面。從實際地理上的距離及未來可能的走向來看,了解中國的歷史,現在正是時候。《世紀中國》精選了三百張以上珍貴而富故事性的照片,述說1894-1996中國百年歷史。這些照片選自中國、台灣與西方的檔案館、圖書館和私人收藏,許多是之前從未見過的。這些歷史照片像是時光機,帶領我們「親眼」見證許多在此之前只存在於史書字裡行間的歷史事件:從晚清到中華人民共和國期間鄉間農民與權勢階層菁英的生活、西方殖民強權在華設立「租界」的富麗堂皇與骯髒汙穢──這些「租界」是專供歐洲人在華居住的城市。透過書中珍貴罕見的照片,我們見證了庚子義和拳亂、南京大屠殺、大躍進和文化大革命。另外還有一些古怪的歷史鏡頭,像是二次大戰期間在華美軍士兵使用筷子食用他們的「K口糧」軍用罐頭,以及悠哉地在江水裡游泳後、身上沾滿淤泥的毛澤東私人生活照片。與這些珍貴照片搭配的,是令人驚嘆的歷史敘事書寫,作者是在西方漢學界備受尊崇的史景遷,這是他頭一次與妻子金安平合作撰述。本書的文字追尋近代中國在內戰、世界大戰與共產革命當中四分五裂的經過,及其緩慢崛起成為軍事與經濟超級強權的始末。本書既著眼於平民百姓的生活,也重視像蔣介石、毛澤東這樣的高層人物,而編織出一段錯綜複雜又引人入勝的社會、政治與軍事史。《美國與中國:十八世紀末以來的美中關係史》1776-2020年美中關係史本書榮獲2017年亞瑟.羅斯圖書獎(Arthur Ross Book Award)金獎 本書從一個新國家創建、另一個舊帝國敲起喪鐘時的故事開始說起。美中兩國的交往早於1853年美國海軍將領培里(Matthew Perry)率船艦要求日本開放門戶的「黑船事件」。1784年2月22日,美國的三桅帆船「中國皇后號」從紐約港出發前往廣州,與中國進行貿易。自美國建國以來,雙方即有互動,互相影響
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Charles Burney (1726–1814), was the foremost music historian of his day. The General History, his most famous work, was published in four volumes between 1776 and 1789 and is still of great value today. Burney wanted to write something which would appeal to and inform the musician and the general reader. Research for the History was undertaken during two European tours, in 1770 and 1772, consulting original sources and meeting the great musicians of the time. The resultant work is engaging and elegantly written, offering the reader a fascinating view not only of Burney's own musical preferences and enthusiasms, but also a reflection of contemporary fashionable taste. All four volumes contain generous musical examples, quotations from original sources and an index. Volume 1, originally published in 1776 (of which this is the revised edition of 1789) is devoted tothe music of the ancient civilisations, in particular of Greece.
Charles Burney (1726–1814), was the foremost music historian of his day. The General History, his most famous work, was published in four volumes between 1776 and 1789 and is still of great value today. Burney wanted to write something which would appeal to and inform the musician and the general reader. Research for the History was undertaken during two European tours, in 1770 and 1772, consulting original sources and meeting the great musicians of the time. The resultant work is engaging and elegantly written, offering the reader a fascinating view not only of Burney's own musical preferences and enthusiasms, but also a reflection of contemporary fashionable taste. All four volumes contain generous musical examples, quotations from original sources and an index. The second volume, published in 1782, covers the development of music from plainchant tothe Reformation.
Charles Burney (1726–1814), was the foremost music historian of his day. The General History, his most famous work, was published in four volumes between 1776 and 1789 and is still of great value today. Burney wanted to write something which would appeal to and inform the musician and the general reader. Research for the History was undertaken during two European tours, in 1770 and 1772, consulting original sources and meeting the great musicians of the time. The resultant work is engaging and elegantly written, offering the reader a fascinating view not only of Burney's own musical preferences and enthusiasms, but also a reflection of contemporary fashionable taste. All four volumes contain generous musical examples, quotations from original sources and an index. The third volume, published 1789, considers European music tothe end of the seventeenth century and English church music from the death of Purcell to Burney's time.