《建國方略》是孫文於1917年至1920年期間完成的3本著作的合訂本。它們分別是: 一、心理建設《孫文學說》於1919年完稿;二、物質建設《實業計畫》原以英文發表,於1920年完稿,1921年出中文本並加序,英文本名為《The International Development of China》;三、社會建設《民權初步》於1917年完稿,原名《會議通則》。
Featuring specially commissioned artwork, this study breaks new ground in covering all the uniformed Soviet security organizations from the Russian Revolution through to World War II. While the average person reacts to the term 'SS' with justified horror, most do not realize that, like Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union had its own instrument of terror, the NKVD. The precursor to the NKVD, the Cheka, was central to the Bolsheviks' elimination of political dissent during the Russian Civil War (1918-21). After 1922 the Soviet state-security organs became the GPU and then the OGPU (1923-34) before coalescing into the NKVD. After it played a central role in the Great Terror (1936-38), which saw the widespread repression of many different groups and the imprisonment and execution of prominent figures, the NKVD had its heyday during the Great Patriotic War (1941-45). During the conflict the organization deployed full military divisions, frontier troop units and internal security forces and