This work offers the most comprehensive account of the origin and consequences of the Yan’an Rectification Movement from 1942 to 1945. The author argues that this campaign emancipated the Chinese Comm
The coal fields of West Virginia would seem an unlikely market for big band jazz during the Great Depression. That a prosperous African American audience dominated by those involved with the coal indu
The coal fields of West Virginia would seem an unlikely market for big band jazz during the Great Depression. That a prosperous African American audience dominated by those involved with the coal indu
Collects five novels written by the twentieth-century American novelist, including "Dance Night," "Come Back to Sorrento," "Turn, Magic Wheel," Angels on Toast," and "A Time to be Born."
This work offers the most comprehensive account of the origin and consequences of the Yan’an Rectification Movement from 1942 to 1945. The author argues that this campaign emancipated the Chinese Communist Party from Soviet-influenced dogmatism and unified the Party, preparing it for the final victory against the Nationalist Party in 1949. More importantly, this monograph shows in great detail how Mao Zedong established his leadership through this party-wide political movement by means of aggressive intraparty purges, thought control, coercive cadre examinations, and total reorganizations of the Party’s upper structure. The result of this movement not only set up the foundation for Mao’s new China, but also deeply influenced the Chinese political structure today. The Chinese version of How the Red Sun Rose was published in 2000, and has had twenty-two printings since then. ~~~~~~ “This lucid translation of Gao Hua’s seminal study of the Yan’an rectification movement and the rise of
●序言●“我衷心希望,飛虎隊的旗幟能夠永遠飛揚,並成為太平洋兩岸偉大的美中兩國人民共同奮鬥的象徵,永被銘記。” - 克萊爾•李•陳納德 陳納德將軍,我的外祖父,在1949年寫了一本述說其經歷的自傳。上面 的句子就是自傳的結語。當我們紀念飛虎隊成立80周年時,也藉此回顧他偉大成就的原因。 我的外祖父工作賣力並克服許多困難。他其中一項特質就是永不放棄所堅信的,也不輕易滿足,總認為可以做得更好。 當他決定去中國時,他給弟弟寫了一封信:“生活周而復始,生活必須在成就中找到方向。當一條眾所周知的舊路徑被阻塞時,必須開闢一條新路徑。”他離開家人去中國時,告訴他們他將離開三個月,卻待了8年多。當到達中國時,他被眼前的破壞景象感到驚訝。他看到了一個面對強大敵人卻毫無防備的民族,但也看到了一個永不放棄、願意戰鬥到最後的民族。他知道他找到了自己的方向。虎隊成立80週年是中美兩國歷史上非常重要的事件,它表明人們拋開政治分歧,為共同目標而努力的重要性。 飛虎隊在中國取得第一場胜利之前美國和日本就已開戰,但這些勇士繼續為中國戰鬥了七個月。他們與中國人建立的關係持續了一生。我們現在是他們的聲音。許多中國人和美國人在戰爭中共同犧牲了生命,我們必須透過他們的鮮血建立聯繫,為我們的子孫後代創造更美好的未來。 ●前言●非常之功,必待非常之人。二戰日本侵華戰火煙硝早已散去,但許多英雄事蹟至今仍然被人們傳頌。1930年代,日本軍力雄厚,中國根本不是對手。但是幸運之神似乎同情中國,賜給她一位與中國毫無關聯的外國人–退休的美國上尉戰鬥機飛行員Claire Lee Chennault(中文名陳納德)。陳納德的軍旅生涯並不如意,且有慢性病的問題,例如長期受到引擎噪音影響,聽力受到損傷。陳納德熱愛飛行,在20世紀初轟炸機理論為主流的年代裡,陳納德就有自己的獨特見解,提倡戰鬥機追擊術,但他的創新思維並未獲得重視。 當時中國最高統帥蔣介石的夫人宋美齡,給退休的陳納德一封邀請信。這封信從此改變他的命運,也改變了中國的命運。我們製作這一本畫冊,向陳納德將軍、飛虎隊以及所有願意流血與失去生命的人致意,因為他們的犧牲奉獻,讓我們今天得以在民主的國度裡呼吸自由的空氣。 利他之美基金會 – 創辦人楊宜誠●跋文●On 4 July, 1942, the AVG was disbanded and replaced by the 23