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Alice Grist (1)
Cecilia Lattari (1)
Chris-anne (1)
Christopher Butler (1)
Crystal Rice,Neopets (1)
Melinda Lee Holm (1)
Mitric;Gihef (1)
Radleigh Valentine (1)
Schafer;Hollice (1)
朵琳.芙秋、羅賴.瓦倫坦 (1)
羅賴‧瓦倫坦-作;史蒂夫‧羅伯茲-繪 (1)

Andrews McMeel Publishing (2)
生命潛能 (2)
Hay House Inc (1)
Insight Editions (1)
Lifestyles (1)
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd (1)
Schiffer Pub Ltd (1)
Welbeck Publishing Group (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:羅賴‧瓦倫坦-作; 史蒂夫‧羅伯茲-繪  出版社:生命潛能  出版日:2024/08/05 裝訂:盒裝
—絕版多年・讀者敲碗已久—經典的《天使塔羅牌》重磅回歸!內容經重新校訂,以更精確的語言傳達天使的訊息。 顛覆傳統塔羅牌中令人恐懼的象徵,以更溫柔卻具有同樣深度的圖像取代,美術風格纖細又奇幻,獻給每個渴望與天使同行的你! 「《天使塔羅牌》的要點是天使特質和塔羅牌意涵的結合,是兼備塔羅牌架構的天使學,也因而自成一套體系,許多大阿爾克納牌的名稱和象徵圖案做了更動,因而不見「教皇」,也沒有「魔鬼」。尤為特殊的是,大阿爾克納的串連故事以嶄新的「夢想家之旅」詮釋塔羅牌的愚人旅程,最精湛的旨趣就在於此。」──星宿(林樂卿) 大天使啊,請你引領龍族、人魚、獨角獸、精靈,一同施行愛與光的神奇魔法,帶領我走上幸福的道路! 塔羅牌一直被視為預測未來並提供指引的工具,有如一面直指問題核心的明鏡,神祕的魅力深深吸引每個世代的人們。曾推出多副暢銷牌卡的靈性覺者羅賴.瓦倫坦,不僅在此套牌卡中過濾了傳統塔羅牌中較為令人不安的圖像,並加入了對應的美麗象徵與精準的關鍵字,以全新的方式詮釋傳統牌義,能夠用來解讀生活中所有面向的問題。 這副牌卡以大天使來代表大阿爾克那的二十二張主牌,在小阿爾克那中則由友善的龍代表火元素;人魚代表水元素;獨角獸代表風元素;精靈則代表土元素。畫風奇幻而纖細,無論是新手或資深玩家,這都是一套能夠點亮你我靈性視野的神奇牌卡。 本書特色: ² 以更新鮮、生動的象徵取代傳統塔羅牌中較令人不安的名稱或意象,賦予了牌卡全新時代的力量,卻不失原本的深度意涵。² 以大天使取代傳統塔羅牌大阿爾克納中的人物,在我們靈性道路的上提供了強大保護和清楚的指引,並且可以和其他的天使神諭卡混合使用,在占卜時提供更細緻的詮釋。² 傳統小阿爾克納的四元素則以精靈代表土元素;獨角獸代表風元素;人魚代表水元素;友善的龍代表火元素;風元素則以形象比較溫和的獨角獸來取代。² 將宮廷牌細分為某個「狀況」或「人物」,可視情況解讀天使的訊息,找到更符合特定情況的指引。² 進階使用者可搭配《天使塔羅牌全書》(須另購)一起運用,更進一步詳細詮釋整個「夢想家之旅」,提升占卜的深度與廣度。 《天使塔羅牌》包含:128頁詳細解說手冊78張精美牌卡磁扣式精緻外盒
定價:1780 元, 優惠價:9 1602
Tarot of Tales:A Folk-Tale Inspired Boxed Set Including a Full Deck of 78 Specially Commissioned Tarot Cards and a 176-Page Illustrated Book
作者:Melinda Lee Holm  出版社:Ryland; Peters & Small Ltd  出版日:2023/03/14 裝訂:盒裝
Discover a new approach to tarot with this folk-tale inspired deluxe boxed book-and-card set from tarot expert Melinda Lee Holm and lavishly illustrated by Rohan Daniel Eason. Folk tales have brought us invaluable lessons on life for thousands of years. With Tarot of Tales, veteran tarot reader and author Melinda Lee Holm and illustrator Rohan Daniel Eason invite you into their magickal world of art and prose where your readings become personalised fairy tales told by the cards in narrative form.The meaning of each card is told in five different ways - one for each of five possible positions given in the accompanying full-colour guidebook. Lay out the cards, find the corresponding passage for each card and position and link them together to read the tale told to you by the Tarot. Presented in their own compact box for easy storage, the 78 cards provide richly detailed illustrated scenes that allow you to step inside your own personal storybook, one that changes to bring you the wisdom
定價:1649 元, 優惠價:95 1567
作者:朵琳.芙秋; 羅賴.瓦倫坦  出版社:生命潛能  出版日:2015/12/01 裝訂:盒裝
全球第一套最溫暖、最貼近心靈的塔羅牌每個人身邊都有一位以上的守護天使,等待你的召喚!守護天使降臨,等候你的呼請,靜心聆聽祂們最溫柔慈愛、清晰安全的話語…… 朵琳.芙秋與羅賴.瓦倫坦針對希望使用塔羅牌獲取答案的高敏感族群,創造出這一套《守護天使塔羅牌》,保留了傳統塔羅牌的結構,以溫柔甜美的話語和圖像,安全且溫和的方式撫慰你的心,覓得占問的答案與訊息。無論是為自己、所愛的人或個案尋求指引,《守護天使
Fairy Tarot Cards ― A 78-card Deck and Guidebook
作者:Radleigh Valentine  出版社:Lifestyles  出版日:2019/01/29 裝訂:精裝
A reiussue of the internationally best-selling Fairy Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Same great content that made the original deck so successful, now with Radleigh as the sole au
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:1 1140
Mystical Forest Tarot:A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook
作者:Cecilia Lattari  出版社:Andrews McMeel Publishing  出版日:2023/08/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:95 783
Rebel Heart Tarot:A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook
作者:Alice Grist  出版社:Welbeck Publishing Group  出版日:2022/12/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:1044 元, 優惠價:79 825
The Muse Tarot ― A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook
作者:Chris-anne  出版社:Hay House Inc  出版日:2020/04/07 裝訂:精裝
EXPECT MAGIC, EXPLORATION AND INSPIRATION. Infused with a wildly eclectic spirit, The Muse Tarot will illuminate your path toward inspiration and magic with its bright symbolism and powerful Muse ener
定價:1026 元, 優惠價:1 1026
Neopets: The Official Tarot Deck:A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook, Faerie Edition
作者:Crystal Rice; Neopets  出版社:Andrews McMeel Publishing  出版日:2024/02/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:989 元, 優惠價:95 940
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Tarot Deck And Guidebook
作者:Schafer; Hollice  出版社:Insight Editions  出版日:2022/07/26 裝訂:精裝
Let vampires, werewolves, and other frights guide your tarot practice with this beautifully haunting tarot deck, featuring illustrations inspired by classic horror monsters.Add an element of horror to your tarot experience with this spooky and unique take on the traditional 78-card tarot deck. This dark tarot set features iconic characters from classic horror literature, films, and beyond in gorgeous and original illustrations. Featuring both major and minor arcana, the set also comes with a helpful guidebook explaining each card's meaning, as well as simple instructions for easy readings. Packaged in a sturdy, decorative gift box, this terrifying collectible tarot deck is the perfect gift for the horror fan or tarot enthusiast. ORIGINAL ART: The booklet and each of the 78 cards in this deck feature never-before-seen original horror-themed art based on classic tarot iconography GUIDEBOOK INCLUDED: This unique deck includes a guidebook to help tarot practitioners of all skill levels p
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:79 841
The Son Tarot—Mysticism, Meditation, and Divination for Gay Men
作者:Christopher Butler  出版社:Schiffer Pub Ltd  出版日:2012/10/28 裝訂:平裝
Designed for the needs of gay men, this 78-art card Tarot deck and accompanying guidebook employ the wisdom needed to travel the path to unique masculine spirituality, celebrating life as a gay man an
定價:2025 元, 優惠價:1 2025
Sirens Of The Norse Sea
作者:Mitric; Gihef  出版社:PBKHMNOD  出版日:2022/08/23 裝訂:平裝
Let Eleven, Jim Hopper, and other beloved residents of Hawkins, Indiana guide your tarot practice with this otherworldly tarot deck and guidebook inspired by the hit Netflix series Stranger Things.Netflix's Emmy Awardwinning series Stranger Things has captivated the imaginations of millions of viewers all around the world. Now fans can experience the series like never before, with the first official Stranger Things tarot deck! Featuring original artwork inspired by classic tarot iconography, this 78-card deck comprises both major and minor arcana and depicts fan-favorite characters, imagery, and themes from Stranger Things. Packaged in a collectible gift box, it's a totally tubular gift for Stranger Things fans and tarot enthusiasts alike! 78 TAROT CARDS: Each card depicts fan-favorite characters, imagery, and themes from Stranger Things representing the major and minor arcana. ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS: Each card is a work of art featuring an original, detailed image of iconic characters
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600



