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$800以上 (11)

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Glenn Stockwell (2)
Jyotsna Pundir (2)
Catherine D. Ennis (EDT) (1)
Donald J. Treffinger, Patricia F. Schoonover, & Edwin C. Selby (1)
Donald J. Treffinger/ Patricia F. Schoonover/ Edwin C. Selby (1)
Edwin Chandraharan (1)
Freeman (1)
Patrick Maillé (1)
Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran (1)
Wallerstein (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (7)
John Wiley & Sons Inc (2)
Routledge UK (1)
Sourcebooks Inc (1)
華騰文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Donald J. Treffinger; Patricia F. Schoonover; & Edwin C. Selby  出版社:華騰文化  出版日:2014/06/10 裝訂:平裝
《創造力與創新教育:創造力教學實務指引》是一本有關於認識、學習和教導創造力與創新的實用指南書,它可以提升個人在生活和專業學習領域的創意表現。適用於教育行政人員、教師、有志於教育工作的未來教師和從事創意領域的工作者等。 本書明確的詮釋創造力與創新的正思與一般錯誤的迷思,提供了內容創新、過程創新、文化與組織情境的創新和結果呈現的創新四個面向,並提出讓人對於創造力與創新展現的發展策略與方法。創造力是可以
定價:370 元, 優惠價:93 344
Educating for Creativity & Innovation ─ A Comprehensive Guide for Research-Based Practice
作者:Donald J. Treffinger; Patricia F. Schoonover; Edwin C. Selby  出版社:Sourcebooks Inc  出版日:2012/11/01 裝訂:平裝
Treffinger, Schoonover, and Selby, who are associated with the Center for Creative Learning, help educational administrators and specialists, teachers, and community leaders nurture creativity in lear
定價:2025 元, 優惠價:1 2025
作者:Freeman  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  出版日:2007/01/26 裝訂:精裝
At a time when evidence is everything, the comprehensive Handbook of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies handbook provides a unique, up-to-date overview of the current evidence-base for psychological thera
Community-Based Participatory Research For Health: Advancing Social And Health Equity, Third Edition
作者:Wallerstein  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  出版日:2017/10/13 裝訂:平裝
The definitive guide to CBPR concepts and practice, updated and expanded Community-Based Participatory Research for Health: Advancing Health and Social Equity provides a comprehensive reference for t
定價:3570 元, 優惠價:9 3213
Obstetrics ― Evidence-based Algorithms
作者:Jyotsna Pundir  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/11/30 裝訂:平裝
Clinical research has produced a continuous stream of evidence-based guidelines to guide practice in obstetrics. The guidelines are often widely scattered: this book brings together the essential guidelines in one comprehensive resource. The primary focus is on the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and other UK national guidelines; however, many chapters contain a 'Guideline Comparator' box carrying information from important international guidelines. Where there are no UK guidelines, information based on international guidelines is provided; where any guidelines do not exist, available evidence and accepted norms of practice based on expert opinion are detailed. Several chapters also contain a 'what not to do' box, which should act as a source of rich debate. To assist those studying for postgraduate examinations - such as MRCOG - the information is presented in schematic flowcharts, representing a step-by-step method of approaching clinical problems and providing an e
定價:3249 元, 優惠價:9 2924
Gynaecology ― Evidence-based Algorithms
作者:Jyotsna Pundir  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/10/15 裝訂:平裝
Clinical research has produced a continuous stream of evidence-based guidelines to guide practice in gynaecology. The guidelines are often widely scattered: this book brings together the essential guidelines in one comprehensive resource. The primary focus is on Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and other UK national guidelines; however, many chapters contain a 'Guideline Comparator' box carrying information from important international guidelines. Where there are no UK guidelines, information based on international guidelines is provided; where any guidelines do not exist, available evidence and accepted norms of practice based on expert opinion are detailed. Several chapters also contain a 'what not to do' box, which should act as a source of rich debate. To assist those studying for postgraduate examinations - such as MRCOG - the information is presented in schematic flowcharts, representing a step-by-step method of approaching clinical problems and providing an easy
定價:3249 元, 優惠價:9 2924
作者:Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/12/31 裝訂:平裝
In light of new recommendations for intrapartum care, this fully updated second edition offers a review of best practice in all aspects of labour and delivery. This authoritative guide incorporates revised recommendations from the latest MBRRACE-UK Report, NICE guidelines, Cochrane Reviews and RCOG Green-top Guidelines to provide advice that is in line with the latest research and practice. New chapters cover the aspects of non-technical skills, ranging from leadership and team work to situational awareness and decision making. This edition also emphasises the problem of adherent placenta and discusses how it should be managed. With its modern, evidence-based approach, Best Practice in Labour and Delivery is the ideal textbook for those training in labour ward practice and studying for postgraduate examinations. Offering clear and practical guidance, this comprehensive book will help all obstetricians, obstetric anaesthetists, midwives and nurse practitioners to understand and deliver
Obstetric and Intrapartum Emergencies:A Practical Guide to Management
作者:Edwin Chandraharan  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/02/28 裝訂:平裝
Global and national confidential inquiry reports show that 60 to 80% of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are due to avoidable errors. This comprehensive and illustrated second edition offers a practical guide to the management of obstetric, medical, surgical, anaesthetic and newborn emergencies in addition to organisational and training issues. The book is divided conveniently into nine sections and updated throughout in line with modern research and practice. Several new chapters cover setting up skills and drills training in maternity services to reduce avoidable harm, managing obstetric emergencies during 'home births' and in low-risk midwifery units, and minimizing maternal and fetal morbidity in failed operative vaginal delivery. Each chapter includes a practical algorithm for quick reference, the scientific basis for proposed actions, a case-based practical exercise and useful learning tools such as 'Key Pearls' and 'Key Pitfalls'. An invaluable resource for obstetri
定價:3119 元, 優惠價:9 2807
作者:Patrick Maillé  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/03/31 裝訂:精裝
Presenting a balance of theory and practice, this up-to-date guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key issues in telecommunication network economics, as well as the mathematical models behind the solutions. These mathematical foundations enable the reader to understand the economic issues arising at this pivotal time in network economics, from business, research and political perspectives. This is followed by a unique practical guide to current topics, including app stores, volume-based pricing, auctions for advertisements, search engine business models, the network neutrality debate, the relationship between mobile operators and mobile virtual network operators, and the economics of security. The guide discusses all types of players in telecommunications, from users, to access and transit network providers, to service providers (including search engines, cloud providers or content delivery networks), to content providers and regulatory bodies. Ideal for graduate students, res
Routledge Handbook of Physical Education Pedagogies
作者:Catherine D. Ennis (EDT)  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2010/11/26 裝訂:精裝
The first fully comprehensive review of theory, research and practice in physical education to be published in over a decade, this handbook represents an essential, evidence-based guide for all studen
定價:13230 元, 優惠價:1 13230
Mobile Assisted Language Learning:Concepts, Contexts and Challenges
作者:Glenn Stockwell  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/11/30 裝訂:平裝
The increased use of sophisticated mobile devices opens up new possibilities and challenges for language teachers and learners, which has led to an increasing need to consider issues relating to mobile technologies specifically. To date, there is no comprehensive book-length treatment of issues relating to mobile-assisted language learning (MALL). This book fills that gap, providing a resource for present and future language teachers, and for graduate students of applied linguistics and TESOL, to understand how mobile devices can best be used for language teaching. It is founded on existing research, practice and theory, and offers a balanced perspective, based on the author's own experiences with mobile learning - considering the limitations of such an approach, as well as the benefits. Written in a practical and approachable tone, it provides a much-needed guide to MALL, and its fascinating insights promote further debate within the field.
定價:1859 元, 優惠價:9 1673
作者:Glenn Stockwell  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/11/30 裝訂:精裝
The increased use of sophisticated mobile devices opens up new possibilities and challenges for language teachers and learners, which has led to an increasing need to consider issues relating to mobile technologies specifically. To date, there is no comprehensive book-length treatment of issues relating to mobile-assisted language learning (MALL). This book fills that gap, providing a resource for present and future language teachers, and for graduate students of applied linguistics and TESOL, to understand how mobile devices can best be used for language teaching. It is founded on existing research, practice and theory, and offers a balanced perspective, based on the author's own experiences with mobile learning - considering the limitations of such an approach, as well as the benefits. Written in a practical and approachable tone, it provides a much-needed guide to MALL, and its fascinating insights promote further debate within the field.



