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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:洪清源  出版社:八旗文化  出版日:2023/07/26 裝訂:平裝
冷戰結束後三十年,東南亞如何建構獨立自主的區域秩序?從東南亞到東協共同體,「核心性」為何?又該如何發展?面對中美大國博弈的可能衝突,東南亞如何尋求平衡、掌握區域主導權?新加坡智庫學者──洪清源教授,從內部視角結合區域戰略觀,完整爬梳東南亞區域主義的演變、探索東南亞的當代新秩序!本書不只是一部後冷戰時代的東南亞國際關係史──更適合成為研究東南亞國際關係課程的核心教材!==========當代的東南亞如何成功建構獨立自主的區域秩序?關鍵就在於以「東協」(ASEAN,東南亞國家協會)為核心的多國合作關係。長期以來,東協透過各種協調機制,比如區域論壇(ARF)、外長會議(AMM Retreat)、國防部長會議(ADMM-Plus)等,強化各成員國之間的交流及合作。可以說,今天的東南亞已不僅僅是地理名詞,更是透過東協而凝聚為「共同體」,成為國際政治的重要角色。■東協的內部危機──從亞洲金融風暴到恐怖主義的擴散不過,誕生於冷戰時期的東協(1967年),在冷戰結束後三十年間(1991-2017年)的發展歷程中,也多次面臨瀕臨解體的危機,其中影響最劇烈的便是亞洲金融風暴(1997年),以及於九一一事件(2001年)後恐怖主義活動在東南亞地區的擴散。首先,爆發於泰國的亞洲金融風暴,直接導致泰國、馬來西亞、印尼的經濟與政治動亂,而東協其他成員國如新加坡卻未能伸出援手,凸顯當時東協內部合作體系的不完善。其次,東協在九一一事件發生後,遲遲未能組織因應跨國恐怖主義的集體行動;對抗恐怖主義的問題不只是防堵恐攻而已,還包括洗錢、毒品走私、網路犯罪、以及其他跨國犯罪等議題。本書對這些事件的發展過程均有詳細描述。然而,危機也造就轉機。作者對此評論,「東協十國的成立正好撞上亞洲金融危機,而就在東協即將復甦的緊要關頭,又碰上九一一恐攻事件。如果不是這場金融危機,東協可能不會加速它的經濟與『非傳統安全』事務的整合。」換言之,上述事件雖然造成東南亞的嚴重損失,卻也迫使東南亞各國政府決心集中力量,組織更有效率的決策系統。■東協的外部挑戰──從南海主權爭議到中美衝突的困境另一方面,對強調區域自主性的東協來說,最大的挑戰莫過於中國勢力的擴張,以及隨之而來的大國博弈──中美衝突。雖然在經濟上,中國持續與東南亞保持著密切的合作交流關係,但在政治上,中國也不斷對東南亞施加壓力,其中最具代表性、且歷時最長的事件便是南海主
定價:520 元, 優惠價:9 468
作者:李邁先-著; 洪茂雄-增訂  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2020/12/18 裝訂:平裝
★從東歐早期歷史,到冷戰時的情況,再到迎來巨變的民主化,本書給你最全面詳盡的東歐史★★從共產走向民主,從集權走向多元開放,且看鐵幕之下的東歐人民,如何奔向自由★ 本書分上、下兩冊,共五編三十章,上冊介紹東歐諸國的早期歷史、十九世紀的東歐與戰間期的新東歐,下冊介紹現代東歐的形成,以及當代東歐變貌。  
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定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
作者:李邁先-著; 洪茂雄-增訂  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2020/12/18 裝訂:平裝
★從東歐早期歷史,到冷戰時的情況,再到迎來巨變的民主化,本書給你最全面詳盡的東歐史★★從共產走向民主,從集權走向多元開放,且看鐵幕之下的東歐人民,如何奔向自由★ 本書分上、下兩冊,共五編三十章,上冊介紹東歐諸國的早期歷史、十九世紀的東歐與戰間期的新東歐,下冊介紹現代東歐的形成,以及當代東歐變貌。
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定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
作者:許介鱗-著  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2023/05/03 裝訂:平裝
最獨特的視角,最深刻的剖析 日本自戰後走向現代的榮光與暗影 1945年8月15日,昭和天皇發布「終戰詔書」,正式結束第二次世界大戰。然而戰爭結束後,相繼而來的復員工作、戰債清償、盟軍接管,甚至是天皇存廢問題,都成為日本政府的棘手難題,如何在錯綜複雜的國際關係中解決這些問題,考驗著繼任者及國民的智慧與決心。 控制還是合作?錯綜複雜的日美關係 以美國為首,盟軍在戰後接管了日本政府。儘管美國政府曾向盟軍邀請其他國家派遣佔領軍,但大體上而言,日本在戰後幾乎可以說是落入美軍手中。美國在日本施行間接統治,並將日本作為對抗共產主義的基地之一。而從日本政府而言,巧妙的運用盟軍以及總司令部內的矛盾,逐步取回對內政的掌控權。然而在過程之中,權力的鬥爭與利益糾葛,也一直潛伏在官僚體系之中。 從重建到成長--經濟高度發展 日本在戰後面臨失去海外殖民地、生產受到戰爭破壞,以及戰後賠償等諸多經濟問題。對日本而言,穩定經濟與與穩定國家被視作相同的概念。日本政府在戰後積極投入經濟發展,1950年韓戰爆發,使軍需市場擴大,並進一步的帶動日本的出口大量增加,替戰後日本經濟打下基礎。而日本政府透過各種獎勵出口政策、完善的資金貸款措與正確的對外貿易政策,帶領日本走出戰後的低靡經濟情況,步上高度發展的道路。 作者參酌豐富的史料文獻,具體分析1945年後及至今日,日本如何因應這些挑戰,並一步步邁向現代化國家的歷程,帶領讀者理解戰後日本史的許多重要議題,包括美軍占領與日本民主改革的關係、天皇制為何能保存、韓戰如何幫助日本經濟起飛、自民黨的一黨獨大體制如何產生,以及日本的二十一世紀戰略為何?尤其獨特的是,本書更參酌了日本的國情與民族性,兼具歷史研究的理性與國族情懷的感性,為現代日本的形成,尋求一個答案。
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定價:500 元, 優惠價:79 395
作者:陳瑞山  出版社:書林  出版日:2023/01/13 裝訂:平裝
內容簡介不會救國或救民的詩是甚麼? ―米沃什〈獻詞〉本書收錄名詩百首,選自七位波蘭受學界肯定的傑出詩人,四位「大老級詩人」包含二位諾貝爾文學獎詩人米沃什、辛波絲卡,以及魯熱維奇、赫伯特;三位「新浪潮」詩人扎加耶夫斯基、利普斯卡,以及巴蘭查克。此書為國內首本針對波蘭當代七位具影響力的詩人做有系統的翻譯與評介。評介除了簡述詩人生活背景,並賞析其詩歌創作的核心理念與技巧。譯者譯筆簡潔精練、用詞雅緻,貼近原文,並附注釋助讀者盡窺波蘭詩歌獨特思維與感性之美。書末二篇〈諾貝爾獎致詞〉供讀者們進一步探索大詩人的創作理念。
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
A Contemporary History of the Chinese Zheng
作者:Ann L. Silverberg  出版社:香港大學出版社  出版日:2022/12/12 裝訂:精裝
A Contemporary History of the Chinese Zheng traces the twentieth- and twenty-first-century development of an important Chinese musical instrument in greater China.The zheng was transformed over the course of the twentieth century, becoming a solo instrument with virtuosic capacity. In the past, the zheng had appeared in small instrumental ensembles and supplied improvised accompaniments to song. Zheng music became a means of nation-building and was eventually promoted as a marker of Chinese identity in Hong Kong. Ann L. Silverberg uses evidence from the greater China area to show how the narrative history of the zheng created on the mainland did not represent zheng music as it had been in the past. Silverberg ultimately argues that the zheng’s older repertory was poorly represented by efforts to collect and promote zheng music in the twentieth century. This book contends that the restored “traditional Chinese music” created and promulgated from the 1920s forward—and solo zheng music in
定價:3160 元, 優惠價:79 2496
What We Eat:A Global History of Food
作者:Singaravelou; Pierre; Venayre; Sylvain (Professor of Contemporary History)  出版社:Columbia University Press  出版日:2025/03/04 裝訂:精裝
定價:1650 元, 優惠價:95 1567
After Modernist Painting:The History of a Contemporary Practice
作者:Craig (University of Nottingham Staff UK)  出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  出版日:2025/02/06 裝訂:精裝
定價:4500 元, 優惠價:9 4050
After Modernist Painting:The History of a Contemporary Practice
作者:Craig (University of Nottingham Staff UK)  出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  出版日:2025/02/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:1499 元, 優惠價:9 1349
作者:Paul Atkinson; Sally Sheard  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2025/04/02 裝訂:精裝
Indigenous History from 1978?resent: The Contemporary Era
作者:E. A. Hale  出版社:Focus Readers  出版日:2025/01/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:95 573
Indigenous History from 1978?resent: The Contemporary Era
作者:E. A. Hale  出版社:Focus Readers  出版日:2025/01/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:1759 元, 優惠價:95 1671
作者:Cheng Guangwei  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/12/09 裝訂:精裝
The Socialist Calculation Debate:Theory, History, and Contemporary Relevance
The Socialist Calculation Debate:Theory, History, and Contemporary Relevance
Feminisms: A Global History
作者:Lucy Delap  出版社:Univ of Chicago Pr  出版日:2025/04/19 裝訂:平裝
A global, useable history of feminism that incorporates alternative starting points and new thinkers, challenging the presumed priority of European feminism and offering a reinterpretation of the historical record. Feminism's origins have often been framed around a limited cast of mostly white and educated foremothers, but the truth is that feminism has been and continues to be a global movement. For centuries, women from all walks of life have been mobilizing for gender justice. As the last decade has reminded even the most powerful women, there is nothing "post-feminist" about our world. And there is much to be learned from the passion and protests of the past. Historian Lucy Delap looks to the global past to give us a usable history of the movement against gender injustice--one that can help clarify questions of feminist strategy, priority and focus in the contemporary moment. Rooted in recent innovative histories, the book incorporates alternative starting points and new thinkers
定價:684 元, 優惠價:9 615
Networked Bodies: The Culture and Ecosystem of Contemporary Performance 身體網絡(英文版)
作者:Xin CHENG 等著  出版社:臺北表演藝術中心  出版日:2023/01/01 裝訂:平裝
“This publication assembling the practices and discourses of ‘Asian contemporary performance’ is assuredly a statement of ‘the world we have made’ for the now and the future, as well as a means of connecting TPAC and other ‘worlds.’ ”-Ruo-Yu LIU, Chairwoman of Taipei Performing Arts Center“While it is now hardly unusual to find choreographers working in an exhibition setting, or visual artists performing on a stage, it is still rare to see practitioners from the different fields working together, as can be found at ADAM.”-John Tain, Head of Research at Asia Art Archive“With various understandings from multiple disciplines, life journeys and international practices, this publication is neither a collected manifesto, nor an imprint of harmony and integration. On the contrary, it is the very embodiment of incarnations and trajectories of the world history and the network of contemporary corporeality.”-Chun-Yen WANG, Art Critic“The anthology sheds light on contemporary, situated approaches
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
More Than a Dream: The Radical March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (National Book Awards Longlist)
作者:Yohuru Williams  出版社:FARRAR STRAUSS & GIROUX  出版日:2023/08/29 裝訂:精裝
A gripping middle-grade history that offers a fresh look at the groundbreaking 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom by spotlighting the protest's radical roots and the underappreciated role of Black women--includes a wealth of contemporary black-and-white photos throughout. Six decades ago, on August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom--a moment often revered as the culmination of this Black-led protest. But at its core, the March on Washington was not a beautiful dream of future integration; it was a mass outcry for jobs and freedom NOW--not at some undetermined point in the future. It was a revolutionary march with its own controversies and problems, the themes of which still resonate to this day. Without diminishing the words of Dr. King, More Than a Dream looks at the march through a wider lens, using Black newspaper reports as a primary resource, recognizing the overlooked wo
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
The Arts of China
作者:Michael Sullivan; Shelagh Vainker  出版社:Univ of California Pr  出版日:2018/08/02 裝訂:平裝
Internationally renowned and a crucial classroom text, The Arts of China has been revised and expanded by the late Michael Sullivan, with Shelagh Vainker. This new, sixth, edition has an emphasis on Chinese art history, not as an assemblage of related topics, but as a continuous story. With updated attributions and dating throughout and a revised bibliography, it reflects the latest archaeological discoveries, as well as giving increased attention to modern and contemporary art and to calligraphy throughout China’s history, with additional discussions of work by women artists. Visual enhancements include all new maps, and approximately one hundred new color illustrations—bringing the total to well over four hundred color illustrations.Written in the engaging and lucid style that is Sullivan's hallmark, The Arts of China is readily accessible to general readers as well as to serious students of art history. Sullivan's approach remains true to the way the Chinese themselve
定價:2697 元, 優惠價:9 2427
Where are the people?:People’s theater in Inter-Asian Societies
作者:Qi LI; Zikri Rahman; Joyce C.H. LIU-主編  出版社:國立陽明交通大學出版社  出版日:2022/11/21 裝訂:平裝
Where Are the People?How Could the People’s Bodies Voice Themselves in the Form ofTheatrical Aesthetics?At That Time, the Audience Really Stood Up.In this evening, theater practitioners initiated the conversation with physical action. They engage with contemporary issues through their unique performance styles. From a discursive context, they enter the scene of resistance and undertake the labor of performance. Their performance is not just the preface to a series of dialogues, but also a witness to thirty years of People’s Theater.“People’s theater” belongs to the people.It is the theater created by the people and speaks for the people as it has appeared in history in diverse forms.People theater in Inter-Asian Societies began to grow in a cross-region, which included Jakarta, Manila, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Busan, Maputo, Beijing, Shanghai, Hualien, Taichung, and Taipei. Through the writings and images written down by theatrical artists from these spaces, we can figu
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定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
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