Named one of the Ten Best Books of the Year by the New York Times Book Review Almost a decade in the making , this much-anticipated grand history of postwar Europe from one of the world's most esteeme
普立茲獎決選名單亞瑟.羅斯圖書獎(Arthur Ross Book Award)撒繆爾.強森獎決選名單(Samuel Johnson Prizes)紐約時報、英國衛報、倫敦書評、Foreign Affairs、The American Historical Review推薦《紐約時報書評》《新政治家》《觀察家》《獨立報》《衛報》年度選書2012諾貝爾和平?得主歐洲聯盟「歐盟是對歷史的回應,但永遠無
The first history of Europe since 1945 which examines the continent from a mainly ethnic perspective, Panikos Panayi has drawn on years of research to produce this comparative and exploratory account
Since 1945 Europe has experienced many periods of turmoil and conflict and as many moments of peace and integration: from the devastation felt in the aftermath of World War II to the recovery in the 1
Since 1945 Europe has experienced many periods of turmoil and conflict and as many moments of peace and integration: from the devastation felt in the aftermath of World War II to the recovery in the 1
Provides a history of contemporary Europe, covering thirty-four countries over a span of sixty years, and includes discussion of the region's economic development, culture, and politics.
Provides a history of contemporary Europe, covering thirty-four countries over a span of sixty years, and includes discussion of the region's economic development, culture, and politics.
Tony Judt decided to write Postwar in 1989, the year the collapse of the Soviet Union provided European history with a rare example of a clearly-signposted ‘end of an era’. It's scarcely surprising, t
Tony Judt was born in London in 1948, but spent most of his career in America. He studied history at Cambridge and then earned his doctorate in France. His first major writings were about France's his
In the decade after 1945, as the Cold War freeze set in, a new Europe slowly began to emerge from the ruins of the Second World War, based on a broad rejection of the fascist past that had so scarred
Europe Since 1945 is an exciting new survey of the history of Europe since the end of World War Two. In the second half of the twentieth century Europe has known a period of peace and stability unprec
Mary Fulbrook's Introduction to this splendid concluding volume in The Short Oxford History of Europe begins with a vivid contrast, setting the struggle for survival in a devastated rubble-strewn stre
This important book offers a refreshing and challenging perspective on the nature of history by analysing the character, role, functioning and wider uses of historiography. Taking British policies tow
As Europe has expanded its influence in world economic and political affairs, there has been an increased need to understand how Europe recovered from the devastation of the Second World War to become
A Companion to Europe Since 1945 provides a stimulating guide to numerous important developments which have influenced the political, economic, social, and cultural character of Europe during and sinc
This compelling volume re-examines the topic of economic growth in Europe after the Second World War. The contributors approach the subject armed not only with new theoretical ideas, but also with the experience of the 1980s on which to draw. The analysis is based on both applied economics and on economic history. Thus, while the volume is greatly informed by insights from growth theory, emphasis is given to the presentation of chronological and institutional detail. The case study approach and the adoption of a longer-run perspective than is normal for economists allow new insights to be obtained. As well as including chapters that consider the experience of individual European countries, the book explores general European institutional arrangements and historical circumstances. The result is a genuinely comparative picture of post-war growth, with insights that do not emerge from standard cross-section regressions based on the post-1960 period.