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Kate Quinn (1)
Marilyn Yalom/ Theresa Donovan Brown (1)
Mary C. Erler (1)
瑪莉蓮‧亞隆、德雷莎‧布朗 (1)
瑪莉蓮.亞隆 (1)

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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:瑪莉蓮.亞隆  出版社:貓頭鷹  出版日:2022/12/03 裝訂:平裝
朋友更親密,比伴侶更療癒。現代女性極為重要的社交關係,卻是近代才形成的概念。 ◎ 繼《乳房的歷史》、《太太的歷史》,書寫女性文化史三部曲完結篇◎ 法國學術教育最高榮譽「法國教育榮譽軍官勳位」得主◎ 顧燕翎(台灣大學婦女研究室創始研究員、前婦女新知基金會董事長)專文導讀你有閨蜜,古人沒有 今日,「閨蜜」代表能流露真性情、分享私生活、給予我們情感支持的親密朋友。雖然這個詞一般用來指涉女性的好友圈,但是你知道嗎,無血緣的女性能公然聚集、結為群體、彼此扶持,都是近300年才發展出的互動方式。在過去2,000年的人類歷史中,社會想像的「友誼」是一種只存在於男性之間的偉大情操,而女性的關係則不配稱為友誼,只是男性社交的附屬物,對社會毫無幫助。 從不存在到主流的女性友誼 女性主義史學家瑪莉蓮亞隆與史丹佛大學作家德雷莎布朗合作,從歷史、文學、哲學、宗教與流行文化等面向,爬梳並重建了男性書寫的大歷史架構中,隱形的女性情誼及演變。她們由古羅馬時期哲學家證明「女性間沒有友誼」的論述開始,到中世紀修道院的修女關係、17世紀起女性在沙龍的公開交友、19世紀工業化社會中的俱樂部、以及女性合法同居關係「波士頓婚姻」等等。最後女性的友誼模式終於翻轉為社會主流,成為我們今日所認知,具有情感親密的友誼。 歷史上的偉大閨蜜 本書收錄了許多女性友誼的偉大故事。像是法國大革命中犧牲的羅蘭夫人,選擇好友蘇菲作為她上斷頭台的見證人。美國小羅斯福總統夫人愛蓮娜創立女性愛國組織,許多女性也在這些策略與行動中作為她的顧問與後盾。這些典範讓我們看見:曾經被視為低層次的「女性友誼」,其實起源於社群中的互助,而這也是社會生活發展的基礎。在日漸疏離的社會裡,這種越來越普遍的女性友誼模式,正是我們所需要的正面力量。 ◎好評推薦西方文化長久歌頌男性之間的兄弟情義,卻忽略、輕視女性情誼。此書從浩瀚史料中挖掘出女性友誼的多樣性以及彼此的深情、信任和互相依賴。今天女性已經走出了廚房,與男性並肩參與公領域的各行各業,她們的女性化表達方式必將改造身旁男性的情感模式和價值觀,塑造有情有義、人人平等的社會文化。——顧燕翎(台灣大學婦女研究室創始研究員、前婦女新知基金會董事長) 本書的兩位作者瑪莉蓮.亞隆、德雷莎.布朗挑戰通史寫作的宏觀架構,兼以如長鏡頭運鏡手法般來呈現西方過往今來女性友誼的私密
定價:630 元, 優惠價:9 567
作者:瑪莉蓮‧亞隆; 德雷莎‧布朗  出版社:貓頭鷹  出版日:2018/12/13 裝訂:平裝
八卦、虛偽、爭風吃醋,女人總是為難女人, 宮鬥劇的女性友誼刻板印象,有超過2000年的歷史, 不過,這是因為女人天性如此? 還是過去的發言權都掌握在男性手上? 第一本完整討論女性友誼歷史定位的專書。 從古希臘羅馬談起,透過無數例證,發掘女性友誼的真貌, 你將發現,今日「友誼」正進入前所未見的全盛時期! ․不存在的女性情誼 今日我們很難忽視女性之間的友誼
作者:(美)瑪麗蓮‧亞隆; (美)特雷莎‧多諾萬‧布朗  出版社:社會科學文獻出版社  出版日:2020/09/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:468 元, 優惠價:87 407
The Social Sex ─ A History of Female Friendship
作者:Marilyn Yalom; Theresa Donovan Brown  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2015/09/22 裝訂:平裝
From historian and acclaimed feminist author of How the French Invented Love andA History of the Wife comes this rich, multifaceted history of the evolution of female friendship.In today’s culture, th
定價:798 元, 優惠價:79 630
Women, Reading, and Piety in Late Medieval England
作者:Mary C. Erler  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/03/09 裝訂:平裝
Women, Reading, and Piety in Late Medieval England traces networks of female book ownership and exchange which have so far been obscure, and shows how women were responsible for both owning and circulating devotional books. In seven narratives of individual women who lived between 1350 and 1550, Mary Erler illustrates the ways in which women read and the routes by which they passed books from hand to hand. These stories are prefaced by an overview of nuns' reading and their surviving books, and are followed by a survey of women who owned the first printed books in England. An appendix lists a number of books not previously attributed to religious women's ownership. Erler's narratives also provide studies of female friendship, since they situate women's reading in a network of family and social connections. The book uses bibliography to explore social and intellectual history.
定價:2339 元, 優惠價:9 2105
The Diamond Eye
作者:Kate Quinn  出版社:William Morrow & Co  出版日:2022/03/29 裝訂:平裝
The New York Times bestselling author of The Rose Code returns with an unforgettable World War II tale of a quiet librarian who becomes history’s deadliest female sniper. Based on a true story.In the snowbound city of Kiev, wry and bookish history student Mila Pavlichenko organizes her life around her library job and her young son―but Hitler’s invasion of Russia sends her on a different path. Given a rifle and sent to join the fight, Mila must forge herself from studious girl to deadly sniper―a lethal hunter of Nazis known as Lady Death. When news of her three hundredth kill makes her a national heroine, Mila finds herself torn from the bloody battlefields of the eastern front and sent to America on a goodwill tour.Still reeling from war wounds and devastated by loss, Mila finds herself isolated and lonely in the glittering world of Washington, DC―until an unexpected friendship with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and an even more unexpected connection with a silent fellow sniper offer th
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Mercury Boys
作者:Chandra Prasad  出版社:Soho Teen  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:平裝
History and the speculative collide with the modern world when a group of high school girls form a secret society after discovering they can communicate with boys from the past, in this powerful look at female desire, jealousy, and the shifting lines between friendship and rivalry.After her life is upended by divorce and a cross-country move, 16-year-old Saskia Brown feels like an outsider at her new school―not only is she a transplant, but she’s also biracial in a population of mostly white students. One day while visiting her only friend at her part-time library job, Saskia encounters a vial of liquid mercury, then touches an old daguerreotype―the precursor of the modern-day photograph―and makes a startling discovery. She is somehow able to visit the man in the portrait: Robert Cornelius, a brilliant young inventor from the nineteenth century. The hitch: she can see him only in her dreams. Saskia shares her revelation with some classmates, hoping to find connection and friendship amo
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330



