Georgia was once part of a much larger region of the Southeast claimed by Spain and known as La Florida. After the failure of Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon's settlement in 1526 on the coast of Georgia, Fren
Spain was the last European country to expel Jews, in 1492, and Perez (emeritus history, U. of Bordeaux) explains the action as a result of the newly consolidated country to join the ranks of other po
The region of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado holds a unique place in the world of Spanish folk literature. Isolated from the rest of the Spanish-speaking world for most of its history sinc
Constructing Spain explores the interactions between culture, geography, and society over fifty years of recent Spanish history through close readings of over a dozen films and novels.
John L. Kessell’s Spain in the Southwest presents a fast-paced, abundantly illustrated history of the Spanish colonies that became the states of New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California. With an eye
Simon Barton provides a highly readable and up-to-date analysis of the historical development of Spain from its origins to modern times. Today, as Spain has become firmly integrated into the political
Amongst the serried ranks of capitalists who drove European industrialisation in the nineteenth century, the Rothschilds were amongst the most dynamic and the most successful. Establishing businesses
Lehfeldt (history, Cleveland State U., Ohio) identifies and analyzes the place of convents in the religious geography and social landscape of early modern Spain. Convents were by definition institutio