爵士詩選Warm n’ Cool: A Jazz PoetryAnthology黑眼睛文化透過詩人們的想像,爵士樂與圖文創作互為表裡,擴展了我們對於即興藝術的視野。──孫秀蕙自爵士樂誕生伊始,詩人們即積極以文字回應。二十世紀初的白人詩人卡爾.桑德堡,1920年代「哈林文藝復興」的黑人詩人藍斯頓.休斯,乃至40~50年代的垮世代,甚至影響了當前的嘻哈與「口語詩」(spoken word)。「爵士詩
"... in a class by itself... sensitive, moving, and powerful jazz imagery... the perfect companion to listening to good jazz." -- Jazziz Magazine"In the course of the history of jazz, there have been
With The Jazz PoetryAnthology, this volume offers a comprehensive exploration of the history of jazz poetry. The Second Set gathers many poets omitted from The Jazz PoetryAnthology, including Gwendo
Ever since its first flowering, jazz has had a powerful influence on American poetry; this scintillating anthology offers a treasury of poems that are as varied and as vital as the music that inspired
Ever since its first flowering in the 1920s, jazz has had an influence on American poetry, and this anthology offers a collection of jazz poems. From the Harlem Renaissance to the Beat Movement, from