如何用一本書講述浩瀚的人類歷史?從宇宙大爆炸、星系演變、生命進化到早期社會的誕生、農業文明的出現、現代社會與文明危機比爾‧蓋茲投資千萬美金的公開課程快速讀懂人類10萬年發展進程 《極簡人類史:從宇宙大爆炸到21世紀》(This Fleeting World:A Short History of Humanity)是一部視野宏大、脈絡清晰的人類簡史。它講述現代智人近10萬年的發展軌跡,以宇宙大爆炸為
Humanity has often found itself on the precipice. We've survived and thrived because we've never stopped moving...In this eye-opening book, Johannes Krause, Chair of the Max Planck Institute for the H
"Thrilling . . . a bracing summary of what we have learned [from] 'archaeogenetics'--the study of ancient DNA . . . Krause and Trappe capture the excitement of this young field."--Kyle Harper, The Wall Street JournalJohannes Krause is the director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and a brilliant pioneer in the field of archaeogenetics--archaeology augmented by DNA sequencing technology--which has allowed scientists to reconstruct human history reaching back hundreds of thousands of years before recorded time. In this surprising account, Krause and journalist Thomas Trappe rewrite a fascinating chapter of this history, the peopling of Europe, that takes us from the Neanderthals and Denisovans to the present. We know now that a wave of farmers from Anatolia migrated into Europe 8,000 years ago, essentially displacing the dark-skinned, blue-eyed hunter-gatherers who preceded them. This Anatolian farmer DNA is one of the core genetic components of people with conte
Noting that standard accounts of U.S. history often pay little attention to the working class, labor historian Paul Le Blanc presents a colorful, fact-filled history that concentrates on the struggles
More than ever before, the Renaissance stands out as one of the defining moments in world history. Between 1400 and 1600, European perceptions of society, culture, politics and even humanity itself e
Mrs Dalloway, created from a series of short stories, is one of Virginia Woolf's best-known novels. Thematically it conveys a rich and genuine humanity, in part through Woolf's use of interior perspectives. This edition provides a substantial introduction, which discusses the composition history of the novel and shows how Woolf's reading, writing, and personal life as well as the world around her contributed to the book. Explanatory notes review decades of scholarship while identifying numerous allusions to Homer, Shakespeare, Tennyson and others. A complete list of textual variants shows differences among all English language editions of the novel published in Woolf's lifetime. The notes call attention to variants of particular interest, including Woolf's substantial addition, at proof stage, to the scene of Septimus' suicide. This edition also includes Woolf's seldom-reprinted 1928 introduction, along with a full chronology of composition, and a more general chronology of Woolf's lif
A rollicking collection of short stories depicts the bizarre sideshows of humanity lost to traditional history as seen through obscure scraps of historic records, from the tale of an Irish soldier who