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(英)理查德‧霍加特 (2)
Anastasiya A. Lipnevich (2)
Andreas Tuerk (1)
Jay Winter (1)
John Goodridge (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
Routledge UK (1)
上海人民出版社 (1)
商務印書館(大陸) (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:(英)理查德‧霍加特  出版社:上海人民出版社  出版日:2018/08/01 裝訂:平裝
當一個社會變得更富裕時,它會失去其他價值嗎?教育和識字能力使數百萬人浪費在消費流行文化上嗎?媒體是否強迫我們進入表像和物質的世界,抑或這一切都充盈美好? 本書提出這些問題時,英國正在經歷20世紀中期巨大的社會變革,然而作者具有里程碑意義的工作今天卻沒有失去其針對性和力量。作者對英格蘭北部消失的工人階級社區的價值觀提供了迷人的洞見,並將其與他對帶有強烈影響力的美國大眾文化的看法一起編織。 本書開闢了
定價:468 元, 優惠價:87 407
作者:(英)理查德‧霍加特  出版社:商務印書館(大陸)  出版日:2020/05/01 裝訂:平裝
《識字的用途》採用民族志的研究方法,集中解讀了工人階級文化的價值與意義,刻畫與勾勒了20世紀前半葉英國的社會與文化,尤其是工人階級文化的巨大變遷,試圖證明二戰前的英國工人階級社區是具有傳統的有機社會的色彩的,其中有一種典型的工人階級的“十分豐富多彩的生活”(the full rich life)。大眾娛樂的形式以及鄰里和家庭關係的社會實踐之間的聯繫構成了一種複雜的整體,其中的公共價值和私人實踐是緊密地交織在一起的。1957年,霍加特的《識字的用途》出版。該書被公認為是英國文化研究的奠基性文本。此後,霍加特便成為英國最著名的公共知識分子和文化批評家之一。他的作品挑戰了根深蒂固的學科與社會界線,提出了包括文學、大眾文化和公共政策在內的一系列主題。霍加特的著作和文章體現了他對於規範性問題和公共話語始終如一的廣泛參與,並給予當代關於文化、讀寫能力、公民教育和社會民主等論爭以滋養。
定價:330 元, 優惠價:87 287
作者:John Goodridge  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/05/02 裝訂:精裝
A History of British Working-Class Literature examines the rich contributions of working-class writers in Great Britain from 1700 to the present. Since the early eighteenth century the phenomenon of working-class writing has been recognised, but almost invariably co-opted in some ultimately distorting manner, whether as examples of 'natural genius'; a Victorian self-improvement ethic; or as an aspect of the heroic workers of nineteenth- and twentieth-century radical culture. The present work contrastingly applies a wide variety of interpretive approaches to this literature. Essays on more familiar topics, such as the 'agrarian idyll' of John Clare, are mixed with entirely new areas in the field like working-class women's 'life-narratives'. This authoritative and comprehensive History explores a wide range of genres such as travel writing, the verse-epistle, the elegy and novels, while covering aspects of Welsh, Scottish, Ulster/Irish culture and transatlantic perspectives.
作者:Andreas Tuerk  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2016/06/06 裝訂:精裝
First published in 1985. Too often aspects of working-class life have been treated as distinct and separate. The contributors to this volume are aware of the dangers of such atomisation and have attem
The Working Class in Modern British History:Essays in Honour of Henry Pelling
作者:Jay Winter  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/09/15 裝訂:平裝
The thirteen essays in this book reflect the dual character of writing about the history of the British working class. The first section focuses on the outlook, organization, and policies of the Labour movement. The second section is concerned with central aspects of the social history of the working class. Together, these essays provide striking evidence of the ways in which the experience of class has pervaded virtually every corner of this nation's public life. They also show that the mixed political record of organized Labour, its hesitations and failures as well as its struggles and successes, cannot be understood without a full appreciation of the collective and individual lives of working people outside the political arena.
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520
The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback
作者:Anastasiya A. Lipnevich  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/11/30 裝訂:平裝
This book brings together leading scholars from around the world to provide their most influential thinking on instructional feedback. The chapters range from academic, in-depth reviews of the research on instructional feedback to a case study on how feedback altered the life-course of one author. Furthermore, it features critical subject areas - including mathematics, science, music, and even animal training - and focuses on working at various developmental levels of learners. The affective, non-cognitive aspects of feedback are also targeted; such as how learners react emotionally to receiving feedback. The exploration of the theoretical underpinnings of how feedback changes the course of instruction leads to practical advice on how to give such feedback effectively in a variety of diverse contexts. Anyone interested in researching instructional feedback, or providing it in their class or course, will discover why, when, and where instructional feedback is effective and how best to p
定價:3054 元, 優惠價:9 2749
作者:Anastasiya A. Lipnevich  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/11/30 裝訂:精裝
This book brings together leading scholars from around the world to provide their most influential thinking on instructional feedback. The chapters range from academic, in-depth reviews of the research on instructional feedback to a case study on how feedback altered the life-course of one author. Furthermore, it features critical subject areas - including mathematics, science, music, and even animal training - and focuses on working at various developmental levels of learners. The affective, non-cognitive aspects of feedback are also targeted; such as how learners react emotionally to receiving feedback. The exploration of the theoretical underpinnings of how feedback changes the course of instruction leads to practical advice on how to give such feedback effectively in a variety of diverse contexts. Anyone interested in researching instructional feedback, or providing it in their class or course, will discover why, when, and where instructional feedback is effective and how best to p



