★小學生中英雙語橋梁故事書首選推薦★風靡全世界的神奇樹屋再次開啟認識歷史大人物、了解自然災害、重回各大經典時代!穿梭古今、上天下地,快讓神奇樹屋帶你去冒險!【這次,一起重回影響美國、影響世界的關鍵那一年】頭像被印在百元美鈔、有「美國第一人」之稱的富蘭克林,電力、民主、知識普及都因他而生,但他卻差點半途而廢,放棄一切?看傑克與安妮帶著高齡81歲的富蘭克林回到未來,用最意想不到的方法幫助富蘭克林下定決心!原來,一個小行動和一顆堅定的心,就能改變全世界【「神奇樹屋」全系列特色】★注音搭配插圖,文字淺顯、邏輯清楚、篇幅適中,孩子能夠獨自讀完又不至於沒耐心,是從圖畫書跨越到文字書的最佳讀本,累積閱讀成就感的最佳選擇,也榮獲文化部推薦為優良課外讀物。★故事情節有趣,主題多元豐富,通過穿越故事的設定帶領孩子認識世界各處,書中知識涵蓋自然、生物、歷史、地理等,是跨領域素養與趣味閱讀一網打盡。★收錄中英雙語,英文句子淺顯易懂,適合中英雙語共讀,同時提升英文閱讀理解力,並建立對英文閱讀的信心和興趣。★全系列蟬聯博客來、誠品、金石堂、MOMO暢銷書排行榜★全球31種語言版本,總銷售量超過1.43億冊、臺灣銷售量突破220萬冊【「神奇樹屋」全系列介紹】美國知名兒童文學作家瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)創作的《神奇樹屋》(MAGIC TREE HOUSE®)系列,描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮搭乘神奇樹屋穿梭時空的冒險故事。哥哥傑克,聰明冷靜、深思熟慮,熱愛書本和知識,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮,反應靈敏,喜歡動物,熱愛幻想與冒險,並且勇氣過人。這兩個一動一靜、個性截然不同的兄妹,在樹林裡發現了一間堆滿書的神奇樹屋,神奇樹屋就像時光機器,帶他們到一個個不同的時空中旅行。於是,兄妹倆來到史前時代的恐龍谷、和騎士探訪中古世紀的城堡、到古埃及破解木乃伊的祕密、跟著海盜出海尋寶……,每一次的冒險都緊張刺激、精采得不得了!傑克和安妮這對小兄妹,是去過世界各地最多地方、認識最多名人、遭遇過最多災難,也是和最多動物做朋友的小兄妹,你不能不認識他們!現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!在前三次的旅程中,傑克和安妮從三位英雄身上學到了偉大的智慧。現在,他們即將穿越時空,向第四位英雄學習!一個炎熱的夏日午後,傑
The life of Ben Franklin, a key leader in the founding of the United States, is introduced in this early reader biography. Ben Franklin was a famous inventor, statesman, and writer who helped the thir
Get whisked away through time in the magic tree house with Jack and Annie in the #1 bestselling series--and meet famous Founding Father and inventor Ben Franklin!When Jack and Annie are whisked back i
Travel back in time in the magic tree house with Jack and Annie in this #1 bestselling series and meet the greatest warriors of all--the Romans! Then get whisked away and meet famous founding-father a
Get whisked away through time in the magic tree house with Jack and Annie in the #1 bestselling series—and meet famous Founding Father and inventor Ben Franklin!Jack and Annie know all about Ben Frank
Track the facts about the great printer, inventor, and Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin!When Jack and Annie came back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #32: To the Future, Ben Franklin! they
This nontraditional tribute to Benjamin Franklin--all in almanac format--is brimming with humorous cartoons, instructive adages, and a wealth of information about a Founding Father who was as amusing as he was amazing. Benjamin Franklin devised armonicasand bifocals, helped bring us the Constitution and signed the Declaration of Independence, and even experimented with electricity and invented the Franklin stove. He amassed enough noteworthy accomplishments to cover the entire alphabet from A to Z!
Ben Franklin was the scientist who, with the help of a kite, discovered that lightning is electricity. He was also a statesman, an inventor, a printer, and an author-a man of such amazingly varied tal
Ben Franklin was the most famous American in the entire world during colonial times. No wonder! After all, the man could do just about anything. Why, he was an author and an athlete and a patriot and
Ten-year-old Ben Franklin finds working in his father's candle shop boring -- he'd much rather be doing experiments. He can't wait to try out his latest idea. With nothing but a simple kite, can Ben g
You are holding the only modern adaptation of Benjamin Franklin’s 18th century autobiography. It is at its heart one of the greatest business stories ever told. The most versatile Founding Father was
A dazzling picture-book biography of a fascinating Founding FatherA true Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin was the first American celebrity. In pictures and text, master artist Robert Byrd documents