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Edward N. Wolff (2)
Jocelyn Pixley (2)
T. M. Podolski (1)
李榮謙 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (5)
智勝文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:李榮謙  出版社:智勝文化  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:平裝
本書出版迄今已歷經多次大篇幅的改版,尤其是十三版的改版幅度最大。這次再進行改版,主要是針對穩定幣(stablecoin)、央行數位通貨(CBDC)的快速發展,尤其是新冠肺炎(COVID-19)危機導致央行職能的大幅擴增,以及後新冠肺炎危機高通膨所帶來的深遠影響。十四版旨在引入全球金融危機及新冠肺炎危機所帶來的嶄新議題,包括貨幣政策與財政政策過度連結所衍生的疑慮、中央銀行業面臨的新挑戰(例如除物價穩定與金融穩定職責外,是否應擴大至充分就業、分配不均、氣候變遷等備受爭議的領域),以及穩定幣、CBDC等熱門議題。另為求全書結構更加簡潔,亦將原來共二十一章縮減為十九章,刪除原版本第八章、第十章,部分內容改放入第七章;而每一章的自我演練題單元,除再加入新近年度國家考試「貨幣銀行學」(與「貨幣銀行學概要」)科目的考題外,並將先後次序再加以整理。與之前版本相較,這個版本變動較大的章節依序為:第二章增修「第四節 虛擬貨幣」,除有系統地介紹虛擬貨幣的特性外,並以比特幣(bitcoin)為例,說明它存在的問題與挑戰;對於近期備受矚目的穩定幣議題,本節亦有深入淺出的介紹。第三篇的變動幅度最大,主要變動如下:第七章 銀行業:「第二節 銀行業財務狀況的評價」,將原版本放置於第十章第三節的Basel Ⅲ併入;「第五節 傳統銀行業面臨的挑戰」係整併原版本第七章第五節,以及第八章第一節、第二節及第四節,除說明影子銀行業崛起、金融科技對傳統銀行業的影響,亦引入純網銀的內容;此外,原版本第十章第二節有關主要國家的金融管制改革,則改放入本章附錄。第八章 中央銀行業:「第五節 中央銀行業面臨的新挑戰」係擴增,旨在說明央行職能不斷擴充所帶來的挑戰(包括可能會傷害央行獨立性),對於發行CBDC的熱門議題亦有深入討論。第四篇內容亦有較大變動,主要是在貨幣政策工具那一章,加入「第六節 危機因應措施:全球金融危機 vs. 新冠肺炎危機」的全新內容,除比較說明這兩次危機的起因、對實體經濟的影響外,亦引介兩次危機期間主要國家所採的因應對策,以及危機後的貨幣與通膨走勢;並討論危機因應措施所衍生的政策涵義,特別是財政政策與貨幣政策過度連結的隱憂、殭屍企業,以及主要國家央行量化緊縮(QT)如何進行等問題。第六篇則有小幅更動,主要是對於後新冠肺炎危機以來主要國家的高通膨,是否會重蹈1970年代的停滯性通膨?貨幣學派的通膨理論是
定價:820 元, 優惠價:95 779
Socialist Banking and Monetary Control:The Experience of Poland
作者:T. M. Podolski  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/02/11 裝訂:平裝
Originally published in 1973, this book deals with the development of financial institutions, changes in methods of finance and the role of monetary control in socialist economic management. The structure and activity of financial institutions were deliberately adapted to changes in policy planning techniques used in socialist economies. Dr Podolski provides a systematic description of this process of adaptation, based mainly on the example of the Polish economy, on which he has gathered a large amount of statistical data. Throughout the book international comparisons are made. Soviet experience is particularly relevant, but attempts are also made at comparisons with Western economies. Dr Podolski's study sheds a great deal of light on the role of the credit system in a centralised economy and will be of value to anyone with an interest in banking and monetary policy, or Soviet and Eastern Bloc economies.
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520
Growth, Accumulation, and Unproductive Activity:An Analysis of the Postwar US Economy
作者:Edward N. Wolff  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/12/14 裝訂:平裝
This book documents the growth of unproductive activity in the United States economy since World War II and its relation to the economic surplus, capital accumulation, and economic growth. Unproductive activities broadly consist of those involved in the circulation process, including wholesaling and retailing, banking and financial services, advertising, legal services, business services and many (though not all) government activities. The results indicate that the level of unproductive activity in the postwar economy has been a significant factor in the slowdown in the rate of capital accumulation, productivity growth and the overall growth rate. Here, the villain is shown to be the gradual but persistent shift of resources to unproductive activities. The consequence has been a reduction in new capital formation and productivity growth and an erosion in the rate of growth in per capita living standards. Moreover, the rise in unproductive activity is itself seen to be rooted in the log
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520
作者:Edward N. Wolff  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1986/10/31 裝訂:精裝
This book documents the growth of unproductive activity in the United States economy since World War II and its relation to the economic surplus, capital accumulation, and economic growth. Unproductive activities broadly consist of those involved in the circulation process, including wholesaling and retailing, banking and financial services, advertising, legal services, business services and many (though not all) government activities. The results indicate that the level of unproductive activity in the postwar economy has been a significant factor in the slowdown in the rate of capital accumulation, productivity growth and the overall growth rate. Here, the villain is shown to be the gradual but persistent shift of resources to unproductive activities. The consequence has been a reduction in new capital formation and productivity growth and an erosion in the rate of growth in per capita living standards. Moreover, the rise in unproductive activity is itself seen to be rooted in the log
Central Banks, Democratic States and Financial Power
作者:Jocelyn Pixley  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/05/31 裝訂:平裝
When the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and Bank of England purchased bank and state debt during the 2007–2008 crisis, it became apparent that, when technically divorced from fiscal policy, monetary policy cannot revive but only prevent economic activity deteriorating further. Pixley explains how conflicting social forces shape the diverse, complex relations of central banks to the money production of democracies and the immense money creation by capitalist banking. Central banks are never politically neutral and, despite unfair demands, are unable to prevent collapses to debt deflation or credit/asset inflation. They can produce debilitating depressions but not the recoveries desired in democracies and unwanted by capitalist banks or war finance logics. Drawing on economic sociology and economic histories, this book will appeal to informed readers interested in studying democracies, banks and central banking's ambivalent positions, via comparative and distributive perspectives
定價:1819 元, 優惠價:9 1637
作者:Jocelyn Pixley  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/06/30 裝訂:精裝
When the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and Bank of England purchased bank and state debt during the 2007–2008 crisis, it became apparent that, when technically divorced from fiscal policy, monetary policy cannot revive but only prevent economic activity deteriorating further. Pixley explains how conflicting social forces shape the diverse, complex relations of central banks to the money production of democracies and the immense money creation by capitalist banking. Central banks are never politically neutral and, despite unfair demands, are unable to prevent collapses to debt deflation or credit/asset inflation. They can produce debilitating depressions but not the recoveries desired in democracies and unwanted by capitalist banks or war finance logics. Drawing on economic sociology and economic histories, this book will appeal to informed readers interested in studying democracies, banks and central banking's ambivalent positions, via comparative and distributive perspectives



