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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

看見你,聽見我,遇見愛:米米與白雪(全書中、英對照精裝版繪本故事+佩岑沉浸式原聲閱讀中、英文版故事QR Code+ Pentel雙色色鉛筆+佩岑療癒金句原創圖明信片一套共5張)
作者:侯佩岑-著; 李涵硯-繪  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2023/04/14 裝訂:盒裝
這是侯佩岑第一本自己創作的奇幻故事, 全書中、英對照,可以讓我們同時欣賞兩種不同語言文字的美與感受。 伴你記住每一段特別的友誼、每一次獨特的相遇、以及每一個刻在記憶裡的愛隨書附贈:①佩岑沉浸式原聲閱讀中、英文版故事QR Code②Pentel雙色色鉛筆 ③侯佩岑療癒金句原創圖明信片一套(共5張)本書故事主題引導:1.友誼 →應該建立在用心去理解對方真正是什麼樣的人,願意專心聆聽對方的聲音。2.不同 →我們每一個人都是獨立的個體,彼此都是不同的,故事中的米米與白雪是兩種不 同的生物,但是透過理解,進而接受彼此的不同,也許就能意外收穫寶貴的友情。3.離別 →面對離別我們可能都會有悲傷和不捨,但只要彼此之間的愛存在,那麼就算是分開,那份愛也會一直陪伴在我們心中、會永遠存在。4.看見和聽見 →很多人心中一定都渴望「被看見」,從別人的注視中感受到自己的存在;很多人也一定渴望自己的心聲能「被聽見」,不論是被看見亦或被聽見,都是一份希望有人真正理解自己的心情。所以我們也要學著看見別人、聽見別人,去認真的瞭解別人,同時我們也能從別人是如何看我們自己的,去認識到也許自己也不瞭解的那一面。彼此的看見和聽見,就是一份最好的愛,而這樣的愛不論是需要經歷挫折或分離,也會在人生的道路上永遠陪伴著我們。故事簡介:米米是個可以隱形的外星人,來到地球進行為期2年的旅行,他可以感受周遭的喜怒哀樂,甚至可以聽見每一個生物內心的想法。有天米米在水族館認識了一隻與眾不同的魚,那隻魚竟然能夠看見隱形的他!米米向魚兒介紹了他自己,並為這隻魚兒取名為白雪,從那天起,他們變成了好朋友。米米帶著白雪一同遊玩嬉戲,更一起看盡春夏秋冬四季,體驗了他們都沒接觸過的世界。但終有一天,米米需要回到自己的星球,儘管捨不得對方,但是他們知道,友誼和回憶是自己的,誰也拿不走。他們認識了彼此的不同並不會成為友誼的阻礙,更學會了真正的愛,是出自心底的關心和祝福。學習看見、學習聽見、學習愛~~
定價:699 元, 優惠價:9 629
作者:徐輔賢  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2023/08/03 裝訂:平裝
意見不合、各說各話、爭論不休時,有人會翻臉、暴怒或冷處理,這樣只會讓關係決裂,其實,真正成熟的溝通高手,懂得善用辯論技巧,當成化解衝突的手段! ★ Amazon.com溝通技巧類暢銷榜No. 1★ Amazon Kindle非文學類優良圖書★《出版人週刊》、《科克斯》書評、《書單》雜誌大推★《逆思維》作者、哈佛大學教授、聯合國官員、普立茲獎得主、澳洲前總理⋯⋯各界讚譽 ► 每一次意見交流,都是一場辯論也許有人會認為,辯論必須爭得你死我活,或是只在比賽場合,才派得上用場,但無論是提案、說服、溝通、談判……只要是意見交流,每一次都是一場辯論。 ► 不愛衝突的好好先生,竟兩度榮奪世界辯論冠軍徐輔賢9歲時,跟隨父母從韓國移民到澳洲,由於語言和文化的不同,導致他不喜歡跟人起衝突,習慣展現笑容,讓人覺得有親和力。 在因緣際會下,老師指派他去參加辯論比賽,過程中,他體悟到,雖然自己不愛衝突,但如果保持沉默,反而無法解決問題,更無法達成共識和目標。最後,他靠靈活的辯論技巧,兩度榮獲世界辯論冠軍,甚至擔任哈佛大學辯論聯盟教練。 ► 懂思辯,讓你的觀點更有說服力徐輔賢認為,有意見總比沒意見好,意見不合反而好處多多,包括:可以捍衛自己的立場、達成目的、減少未來衝突、共創雙贏、讓世界變更好……因此,他提出辯論五大基本要素,讓我們說服別人、化解衝突、找出解決方案── .主題:如何找出意見分歧的核心,不再各說各話?.立論:讓論點有說服力的五大步驟.反駁:懂得聆聽,如何揪出謬誤,快速反擊?.修辭:怎麼表達,才能打動人心,讓人心服口服?.靜心:心平氣和、不急躁,抓準提出爭論的時機 ► 在生活四大場景,落實思辯溝通徐輔賢主張,辯論的本質,不是非贏不可,而是最好的談判、溝通工具,不只能上場比賽,更可以運用在生活四大場景── .日常溝通:如何對付擅長轉移焦點、扭曲事實、唱反調、說謊、愛吵架的人?.教育學習:增進知識研究、團隊合作、邏輯推理、寫作和表達能力.人際關係:人與人相處難免有衝突,如何溝通,避免決裂?.科技領域:如何論辯思考,才能判斷假新聞、不怕被AI取代? 本書還有更多思辯技巧、實際案例和作者奪冠的精采故事,讓我們在充滿紛爭的世界裡,能夠客觀理性分析事件、快速產出觀點、加強說服力,即使意見不合,也能傾聽對方
庫存 > 10
定價:520 元, 優惠價:79 410
Undelivered: The Never-Heard Speeches That Would Have Rewritten History
作者:Jeff Nussbaum  出版社:Flatiron Books  出版日:2022/05/10 裝訂:精裝
A fascinating insight into notable speeches that were never delivered, showing what could have been if history had gone down a different path For almost every delivered speech, there exists an undelivered opposite. These second speeches provide alternative histories of what could have been if not for schedule changes, changes of heart, or momentous turns of events. In Undelivered, political speechwriter Jeff Nussbaum presents the most notable speeches the public never heard, from Dwight Eisenhower's apology for a D-Day failure to Richard Nixon's refusal to resign the presidency, and even Hillary Clinton's acceptance for a 2016 victory--the latter never seen until now. Examining the content of these speeches and the context of the historic moments that almost came to be, Nussbaum considers not only what they tell us about the past but also what they can inform us about our present.
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
I Don't Want to Be a Frog (平裝本)
作者:Dev Petty; Mike Boldt (ILT)  出版社:Dragonfly  出版日:2018/12/11 裝訂:平裝
The hit book about a willful young frog with a serious identity crisis and his heard-it-all-before father! Perfect for fans of Mo Willems’s Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! and Jon Klassen’s I Want
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
作者:蘭天律師  出版社:印刻  出版日:2023/05/08 裝訂:平裝
李道明|國立臺北藝術大學電影創作學系名譽教授黃亞歷|《日曜日式散步者》導演熊儒賢|野火樂集 Wild Fire Music, Taiwan 總監——專文推薦「為什麼奧運用了我的歌卻沒告訴我?」「奧運會侵權了嗎?」〈歡樂飲酒歌〉一曲在台東阿美族群傳唱已久,但走出部落罕為人知。因為樂音歌聲採集,進而被國外樂團盜用,後遭奧委會作為宣傳曲。對演唱者來說,登上奧運殿堂讓部落音樂被世界聽見原是可喜,然而也憂慮為何權益不受重視?蘭天律師回憶當年這場跨國訴訟案,從侵權事件爆發到決定訴訟,從台灣發聲到訴諸國際媒體的整個過程,而這場國際訴訟案更催生出「原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例」,增訂著作權法保障表演著作的立法例。全書以中/英文梳理案件,還原事實,交代侵權責任,以正視聽。‘’Why does the Olympics use my voice without telling me?’’Since Difang Duana heard the Olympics music on the radio and immediately recognized it was his voice in the background. And started this three-year international copyright infringement litigation.“Elders Drinking Song”, this Amis song, has been passed down for centuries but is rarely known outside. In the beginning, a professor in Ethnomusicology discovered this song during his fieldwork on folk music. Then a foreign band sampled the song into a new song composition and was chosen as the Atlanta Olympics promo song. For the singers, it was gratifying to be heard in the Olympics and let tribal music be kn
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
Black Music Greats
作者:Olivier Cachin; Jerome Masi  出版社:Wide Eyed Editions  出版日:2019/02/07 裝訂:精裝
Each '40 Inspiring Icons' title introduces readers to a fascinating non-fiction subject through its 40 most famous people or groups. In this book, 40 of the most inspirational movers, shakers and innovators in black music history are waiting to be heard. Find out about each artists most iconic shows, genre defining techniques, friends, rivals and nicknames. Each artist profile is complete with 5 must-listen-to tracks: perfect for the budding audiophile.
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Queen Elizabeth: Volume 87
作者:Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara  出版社:FRANCES LINCOLN  出版日:2022/09/27 裝訂:精裝
In this book from the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch of modern times.Little Elizabeth loved dogs and horses and dreamt of living on a farm. But, one day, she heard chants on the streets. Her uncle Edward had renounced the crown, which meant her father would be the next king, and she heiress to the throne. From that day on, she had to learn how to one day be the queen.When she was only 13, World War Two broke out across the globe. Elizabeth bravely served as an ambulance driver, and after the war ended, she fell in love with and married the charming Prince Philip. In 1952, she was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, and for the next 70 years she would serve as a beacon of continuity, looking after her subjects and serving the country she reigned over.This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Sunday: Dash Candoo and the Forbidden Island (Total Mayhem #7)
作者:Ralph Lazar; Lisa Swerling  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/17 裝訂:平裝
If the world of DASH CANDOO is new to you, fear not! All the books are stand-alone and can be read in any order."It was then that we heard a wailing sound. Sirens. Police sirens. And a LOT of them. Something serious had happened.”Something is amiss at the Botanical Gardens. Does it have anything to do with the mysterious helicopter landings on Norma Island? That place is STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS, which is why Dash and friends need to get there fast to investigate.Hilarious, action-filled, illustrated mystery stories, jam-packed with crazy stuff that makes kids laugh-out-loud. Dash’s adventures will appeal to the whole family. An unputdownable series from NYT Bestselling Ralph Lazar, starring Dash Candoo, an ingenious problem-solver, with fantastic friends and a bottomless backpack of brilliant gadgets.
定價:594 元, 優惠價:9 535
Saturday: Dash Candoo and the Missing Ducks (Total Mayhem #6)
作者:Ralph Lazar; Lisa Swerling  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/14 裝訂:平裝
If the world of DASH CANDOO is new to you, fear not! All the books are stand-alone and can be read in any order.And even better news - it's THE WEEKEND!"Then we heard a scream. Three screams to be more specific. Was our peaceful morning about to become very un-peaceful?”When ALL the world-famous fluff-tailed hemple-fluffer ducks disappear from Zoo Lake, Dash and Rob jump into action. They soon realise the ducks haven’t just gone off on their own. Instead, a MAJOR criminal operation (and duck-napping) has taken place. They need to stop it, and fast!Hilarious, action-filled, illustrated mystery stories, jam-packed with crazy stuff that makes kids laugh-out-loud. Dash’s adventures will appeal to the whole family. An unputdownable series from NYT Bestselling Ralph Lazar, starring Dash Candoo, an ingenious problem-solver, with fantastic friends and a bottomless backpack of brilliant gadgets.
定價:594 元, 優惠價:9 535
Fighting for Yes!: The Story of Disability Rights Activist Judith Heumann
作者:Maryann Cocca-Leffler; Vivien Mildenberger  出版社:Abrams Books for Young Readers  出版日:2022/08/09 裝訂:精裝
A picture book biography celebrating the life and work of disability rights activist and icon Judith Heumann, highlighting one of her landmark achievements--leading the historic 504 Sit-in in 1977 From a very young age, Judy Heumann heard the word NO. When she wanted to attend public school, the principal said, "NO." When she wanted her teaching license, the New York Board of Education said, "NO." Judy and people with disabilities everywhere were tired of hearing "NO." In the 1970s an important disability rights law, Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, was waiting to be signed. Judy and other disability rights activists fought for "YES!" They held a sit-in until Section 504 was signed into law. Section 504 laid the foundation for the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was established thanks in large part to the ongoing work of Judy and her community. Along with a personal reflection from Judy herself, this picture book biography captures the impact and influence of one o
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Little Echo
作者:Al Rodin  出版社:TUNDRA BOOKS INC  出版日:2022/10/18 裝訂:精裝
Little Echo lives alone in a cave until, one day, a chance encounter encourages her to be brave and make a new friend. A gentle story about finding your own voice. Have you ever heard an Echo?They live in lakes and tunnels and caves.But have you ever seen an Echo? Little Echo lives alone in a cave. Shy, she hides away, echoing the noises around her. But Little Echo isn't just shy -- she's lonely. And when Max comes to the cave one day, in search of treasure, Little Echo starts to discover that maybe she has a voice of her own . . .
定價:684 元, 優惠價:1 684
From the Desk of Zoe Washington
作者:Janae Marks  出版社:Katherine Tegen Books  出版日:2020/01/14 裝訂:精裝
#1 Kids Indie Next List * Parents Magazine Best Book of the Year * Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Book of the Year * SLJ Best Book of the Year * Kirkus Best Book of the Year * Junior Library Guild Selection * Edgar Award Nominee * Four Starred Reviews * Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year *From debut author Janae Marks comes a captivating story full of heart, as one courageous girl questions assumptions, searches for the truth, and does what she believes is right--even in the face of great opposition.Zoe Washington isn't sure what to write. What does a girl say to the father she's never met, hadn't heard from until his letter arrived on her twelfth birthday, and who's been in prison for a terrible crime?A crime he says he never committed.Could Marcus really be innocent? Zoe is determined to uncover the truth. Even if it means hiding his letters and her investigation from the rest of her family. Everyone else thinks Zoe's worrying about doing a good job at her bakery i
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
The Giant Jumperee
作者:Julia Donaldson; Helen Oxenbury  出版社:Puffin UK  出版日:2018/09/20 裝訂:平裝
Rabbit was hopping home one day when he heard a loud voice coming from inside his burrow."I'M THE GIANT JUMPEREEAND I'M SCARY AS CAN BE!" When Rabbit's friends Cat, Bear and Elephant come to help they
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Carter Avery's Tricky Fourth-Grade Year
作者:Rob Buyea  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2024/09/03 裝訂:精裝
From the author of the beloved MR. TERUPT series comes a story with surprising truths about a student no teacher would wish for, and a teacher no student would want to be stuck with.No teacher has ever liked Carter Avery. So he doesn’t expect that Ms. Olivia Krane will be any different. In fact, he heard the rumor that the new teacher—nicknamed Owl-livia, or the Owl, for short—can twist her head all the way round to catch any kid who’s up to no good. And since Carter has a hard time sitting still and not blurting stuff out, he’s sure he’s in for rough times being sent to the principal’s office. Making things worse: annoying know-it-all Missy Gerber is in his class!But the Owl knows just how to handle Carter’s energy, showing his classmates another side of him. Everything’s looking up until Carter finds out that some people would like to see Ms. Krane replaced. The news spurs him on a secret mission to save his teacher. Then a disruption, heated words with Missy, and trouble outside of
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The human and the humane:Humanity as argument from cicero to erasmus
作者:Christian Høgel  出版社:臺大出版中心  出版日:2015/08/03 裝訂:精裝
In times of conflicts and crises, an argument insisting on the humane is commonly heard. In wars, voices demanding a humane treatment of prisoners – as decreed by the Geneva Convention – will be raise
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:Frances Hardinge  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2021/09/02 裝訂:平裝
For fans of Natalie Haynes, Kiran Millwood-Hargrave and Neil Gaiman comes Frances Hardinge's spectacular new novel Unraveller. Called her 'best yet' by the Guardian, and 'sheer perfection' and 'a masterpiece' by reviewers, Hardinge expertly weaves together mythology and mystery in a meticulously-detailed world besieged by curses. If you must travel to the country of Raddith, then be prepared.Bring a mosquito net for the lowlands, and a warm coat for the hills or mountains. If you mean to visit the misty marsh-woods known as the Wilds, you will need stout, waterproof boots. (You will also needs wits, courage and luck, but some things cannot be packed.)You have of course heard that some people in Raddith are able to curse their enemies.It sounded so picturesque when you were reading about it at home, like a fairytale. Perhaps you will decide that all the stories of the Wilds and the Raddith cursers were invented to entertain tourists. And at night, when you see a many-legged shape scuttl
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
The Tale of the Unknown Island
作者:Jose Saramago  出版社:Vintage Publishing  出版日:1999/11/18 裝訂:平裝
"A man went to knock at the king's door and said, Give me a boat. The king's house had many other doors, but this was the door for petitions. Since the king spent all his time sitting by the door for favours (favours being offered to the king, you understand), whenever he heard someone knocking on the door for petitions, he would pretend not to hear..." Why the petitioner required a boat, where he was bound for, and who volunteered to crew for him and what cargo it was found to be carrying the reader will discover as this short narrative unfolds.And at the end it will be clear that what night appear to be a children's fable is in fact a wry, witty Philosophical Tale that would not have displeased Voltaire or Swift.
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Sugarlump and the Unicorn Sticker Book
作者:Julia Donaldson; Lydia Monks  出版社:Pan Macmillan UK  出版日:2019/07/23 裝訂:平裝
Packed with sticker scenes, puzzles, games and over 400 stickers, Sugarlump and the Unicorn Sticker Book is ideal for unicorn lovers and perfect for birthdays, rainy days and school holidays - a great gift for any child. Based on the bestselling picture book by the unstoppable creative team of Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks, who also created the modern classic What the Ladybird Heard series. Join a beautiful unicorn with a silver horn and sparkling blue eyes as she grants a rocking horse's wish and turns him into a real horse.But after trotting around the farm, galloping around a racetrack and even dancing at the circus, Sugarlump the rocking horse learns to be careful what he wishes for. Luckily the unicorn has one more wish to grant .
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
Chaos Walking (Movie Tie-in): the Knife of Never Letting Go
作者:Patrick Ness  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2020/11/24 裝訂:平裝
A dystopian thriller follows a boy and girl on the run from a town where all thoughts can be heard – and the passage to manhood embodies a horrible secret.Todd Hewitt is the only boy in a town of men.
定價:456 元, 優惠價:79 360
Stinky's Stories #1: The Boy Who Cried Underpants!
作者:Chris Grabenstein  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Underwear has never been so much fun to wear!It's story time at Hickleberry Elementary with Stinky the stuffed skunk! You've probably heard of the boy who cried wolf, but do you know what happened after no one believed him? Well, according to Stinky, the boy moves away to the Big City, where he gets a job crying wolf for The William D. Wolfe Company, Makers Of All Sorts Of Fine And Fancy Stuff.But when the boy gets bored again, he decides to use his talents to cry UNDERPANTS instead. When the queen hears his cries, she takes great offense--how dare he --and suddenly, the Big City is sent into total chaos! Will the boy be able to save the day before it all gets too smelly?This first stinky story is the first-ever chapter book series from beloved New York Times bestselling authors Chris and J. J. Grabenstein. Filled with page after page of hilarious illustrations by acclaimed artist Alex Patrick. Stinky's Stories is the perfect series for young, reluctant, and emergent readers--or any ki
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
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