Everyday Masculinities in21st-CenturyChina: The Making of Able-Responsible Men argues that a moral dimension in Chinese masculinity is of growing significance in fast-changing China. ‘Able-responsib
This book contains analysis of different domains of contemporary art inChina seen through the lens of the epistemological changes described inChina Pluperfect I: Epistemology of Past and Outside in Chinese Art.It first looks at the concept of “ink art,” describing how it meant different things to different people inthe former colony and how these different meanings came to determine certaininstitutional choices made at the beginning of the21stcentury. The following chapters are dedicated to issues related to the urban and rural contexts for art creation in Mainland China and Hong Kong. One chapter observes the ups and downs of the representations of cities inthe history of the People’s Republic of China and how they have defined a certain idea of culture. Another looks at how Chinese cities have been exceptional centers of art creations over the last thirty to forty years through the example of Shenzhen where a vibrant art scene, albeit closely connected to Hong Kong which has b
Since the21stcentury, China's rise has become a fact, and People's Liberation Army has developed rather quickly. Thusso-called China's military rise has become the most challenging phenomenon in wor
Throughout the twentieth century Taiwan was viewed as a model - whether in terms of a model colony, a model China or a development model. This perception was based on the notion of Taiwan undergoing a
Author Knutsen helped develop strike weapons at the US Navy's airborne weapons establishment at China Lake, CA. Here, he uses nontechnical language and simplified b&w diagrams to explainthe role
Military doctrine of The People's Republic of China (PRC) envisages war being waged in five spheres: land, sea, air, outer space and cyberspace. The PRC believes that the early degradation, or destruc
Sponsored by the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, the symposium drew over 150 papers considering testing and characterizing rock mechanics; physical, numerical modeling, and monitor
‘Struggling Giant’ explores the future of this emerging economic powerhouse and what the next two decades might bring inthe critical areas of the environment, economy and political stability.
The Chinese system is like no other known to man, now or in history. This book explains how the system works and where it may be moving.Drawing on Chinese and international sources, on extensive colla
The Chinese system is like no other known to man, now or in history. This book explains how the system works and where it may be moving. Drawing on Chinese and international sources, on extensive coll
In this fully revised and updated third edition of Chinainthe21stCentury: What Everyone Needs to Know®, Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom and Maura Elizabeth Cunningham provide cogent answers to urgent quest
The need to understand China has never been more pressing. Within one generation, the global giant has transformed from an impoverished, repressive state into an economic and political powerhouse; yet
The need to understand this global giant has never been more pressing: China is constantly inthe news, yet conflicting impressions abound. Within one generation, China has transformed from an impover
The need to understand this global giant has never been more pressing: China is constantly inthe news, yet conflicting impressions abound. Within one generation, China has transformed from an impover