現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!美國知名兒童文學作家瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)創作的《神奇樹屋》(MAGIC TREE HOUSE®)系列,描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮搭乘神奇樹屋穿梭時空的冒險故事。哥哥傑克,聰明冷靜、深思熟慮,熱愛書本和知識,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮,反應靈敏,喜歡
Take the plunge with Jack and Annie! Jack and Annie continue their quest for the secrets of happiness—secrets they need if they're going to save Merlin. But when the Magic Tree House leads them to a t
拜倫無疑是本世紀最偉大最有才能的詩人,他既不是古典時代,也不是浪漫時代的;他體現的視現時代。我所要求的就是他這種人。 ―(德)歌德 中英對照版 X 紀念藏書票 “She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow’d to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.” 她漫步在美的光影,像夜晚 皎潔無雲,繁星滿天; 明與暗最美妙的色澤 在她的容顏和明眸裡呈現: 耀眼的白晝只嫌光太強, 在1833年由後人彙總所出的《拜倫詩集》便有十七卷之多,其中便包括《恰爾德.哈洛爾德遊記》、 《異教徒》、《普羅米修斯》、《錫雍的囚徒》、《曼佛雷特》、 《該隱》、《唐璜》等詩。 而本書精選了拜倫眾多詩篇當中的 代表作,如《當初我倆分別》、《漫步在美的光影》、《我看 過你哭》……每一首都是璀璨的經典。 “The sword, the banner, and the field, Glory and Greece, around me see! The Spartan, borne upon his shield, Was not more free.” 拜倫一生為民主、自由、民族解放的理想而奮鬥,也致力於寫作,從學生時期便開始創作詩歌。他的作品具有重大的歷史進步意義和藝術價值,他未完成的長篇詩體小說《唐璜》,便是一部氣勢宏偉、意境開闊、見解高超且卓越的敘事長詩,在英國當地乃至於歐洲文學史上都是罕見的作品。 “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but nature more, From these our interviews, i
跟著主角Jack和Annie重返神奇樹屋,進入書中世界,再次穿越時空,學習故事中豐富的歷史知識,認識圓桌武士的歷史、尋找幽靈城堡的寶藏,開啟全新梅林任務。 Merlin Mission Books 1–25 of the #1 New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House series boxed together for the first time ever! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions are more challenging adventures for the experienced Magic Tree House reader. In each adventure, Merlin the magician sends Jack and Annie on an adventure in the magic tree house. Books in this Merlin Missions set include: Christmas in Camelot (#1), Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve (#2), Summer of the Sea Serpent (#3), Winter of the Ice Wizard (#4), Carnival at Candlelight (#5), Season of the Sandstorm (#6), Night of the New Magicians (#7), Blizzard of the Blue Moon (#8), Dragon of the Red Dawn (#9), Monday with a Mad Genius (#10), Dark Day in the Deep Sea (#11), Eve of the Emperor Penguin (#12), Moonlight on the Magic Flute (#13), A Good Night for Ghosts (#14), Leprechaun in Late Winter (#15), A Ghost Tale for Christmas (#16), A Crazy Day wi
Jack and Annie of Frog Creek, Pennsylvania, know they have to find one of the four secrets of happiness to help save Merlin the magician. But when the magic tree house whisks them off to a misty islan
Jack and Annie continue their quest for the secrets of happiness–secrets they need if they’re going to save Merlin. But when the magic tree house leads them to a tiny deserted island in the middle of
This four-story collection includes: Dragon of the Red Dawn Merlin the magician will not eat or sleep or speak to anyone in Camelot. What can be done? The enchantress Morgan knows who to ask for help
Travel deep into the ocean way below the surface and you'll encounter some creatures you never knew existed! This book takes you on a journey through the dark depths of the sea towards the ocean floor
Travel deep into the ocean way below the surface and you'll encounter some creatures you never knew existed! This book takes you on a journey through the dark depths of the sea towards the ocean floor