追隨演化論鼻祖──達爾文的腳步,Sean B. Carroll在本書以輕鬆的筆調、配合科學實例、從分子生物學與演化發育學的角度告訴我們:演化隨時在發生並且可以計算、亙古以來的生物皆擁有共同的「不滅基因」、如何從「化石基因」看出環境的變遷和生物演化,同時也讓我們知道,為什麼演化不斷重演、人類和其他生物的演化競賽、生物如何從簡單變複雜,書末以歷史證據辯駁「神造論」,最後再提醒我們,人類正在改變地球的未
DNA is the genetic blueprint of all creatures.Scientists have only recently discovered that it is also a living chronicle of evolution. In this book, leading biologist and writer Sean
For more than a century, we were restricted to studying evolution from the outside, observing its progress only through the fossil record. No longer. We can now also read the DNA record. As well as co