The much-anticipated sequel to the BOSTON GLOBE-HORN BOOK Award winner "LET'S GET A PUP!" SAID KATECall in the dog trainer! Don’t-Care Dave, the high-energy destructive dynamo, is definitely out of co
子:Dear dad, No mon. No fun. Your son! 父:Dear son, So bad. So sad. Your dad! 若能將英文視為山水名勝,我們就可以用一種欣賞的眼光去體會英文的山川靈秀之美,也可以懷著一股愉悅的心情,徜徉於英文的青山綠水之間。本書將引您到如夢似幻的幽境,讓您體驗英文輕鬆美好的一面,使您在「悠遊」之際,時而會心微笑,時而仰天長「笑」。現在
My Dad is a beautifully illustrated, stereotype-busting celebration of all the everyday things one child's dad does to make him so wonderfully, daddish-ly awesome!He may not be a superhero, or an astr