


繁體書 (4)
原文書 (16)

可訂購商品 (19)
無法訂購商品 (1)

有庫存 (2)
無庫存 (18)

$400~$599 (1)
$600~$799 (3)
$800以上 (16)

2021~2022 (4)
2019~2020 (1)
2017~2018 (5)
2017年以前 (10)

平裝 (13)
精裝 (7)

威廉.亞伯、芭芭拉.薩雅德 (3)
Daniel Bonilla Maldonado (2)
Leone (2)
Bradley C. S. Watson (EDT)/ Ryan T. Anderson (CON)/ Matthew J. Franck (CON)/ Bruce P. Frohnen (CON)/ Mary Grabar (CON) (1)
Bradley C. S. Watson(EDI) (1)
Dan Hicks (1)
Daniel D. Arreola (EDT) (1)
Derek Bickerton (1)
James Stuart Olson (1)
Pierre Passebon (1)
R. E. Batchelor (1)
Rebecca Sheir (1)
Sarah Stanton (1)
Taschen (COR) (1)
威廉‧亞伯、芭芭拉‧薩雅德 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (6)
大家 (4)
Princeton Univ Pr (2)
Flammarion (1)
Hart Publishing UK (1)
Lexington Books (1)
Storey Books (1)
Taschen America Llc (1)
Univ of Texas Pr (1)
Wadsworth Pub Co (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:威廉.亞伯; 芭芭拉.薩雅德  出版社:大家  出版日:2018/12/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:600 元, 優惠價:9 540
作者:威廉‧亞伯; 芭芭拉‧薩雅德  出版社:大家  出版日:2018/10/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:600 元, 優惠價:9 540
作者:威廉.亞伯; 芭芭拉.薩雅德  出版社:大家  出版日:2018/12/12 裝訂:平裝
作者:威廉.亞伯; 芭芭拉.薩雅德  出版社:大家  出版日:2018/06/06 裝訂:平裝
性教育在台灣的翻轉,就從這本書開始! 性,是天堂;也是地獄。性可以創造極大的愉悅、最親密的關係以及新的生命,也可能帶來傷害、疾病與剝削;性牽動人的身體、心靈與情感,更關乎整體人類的社會文化與價值信念。 但是,越重要的事,越是難學難教。性的教育,就是如此。性,要怎麼認識,才算剛好?台灣當前性教育的問題,不是教得太多,而是在於教得太破碎、太缺乏信心,在解惑與恐嚇間舉棋不定,傳授了部分內容,也留下大量疑
作者:Daniel D. Arreola (EDT)  出版社:Univ of Texas Pr  出版日:2004/09/01 裝訂:平裝
Hispanics/Latinos are the largest ethnic minority in the United States—but they are far from being a homogenous group. Mexican Americans in the Southwest have roots that extend back four centur
定價:1977 元, 優惠價:1 1977
This book brings together leading thinkers to consider the ways in which conformity is demanded by American law and social practice. This conformity threatens to extinguish the natural and civil right
作者:Bradley C. S. Watson(EDI)  出版社:PBKLEXBK  出版日:2021/03/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:2699 元, 優惠價:1 2699
作者:Leone  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2015/03/08 裝訂:平裝
Contemporary religious movements in America vary greatly in their organization, goals, methods, and membership. Reflecting the striking diversity of the current religious movement, the papers in this
作者:Leone  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2016/04/19 裝訂:精裝
Contemporary religious movements in America vary greatly in their organization, goals, methods, and membership. Reflecting the striking diversity of the current religious movement, the papers in this
Minority Recognition and the Diversity Deficit
出版社:Hart Publishing UK  出版日:2022/10/20 裝訂:精裝
This book addresses one of the most serious societal questions of our time; namely how forms of minority recognition can be articulated in the law, institutions, and contemporary societal contexts. By so doing it approaches minority rights by means of a critical engagement with the law and its categorisations. Going further, it approaches collective recognition by means of distinct rights, including participation and free speech as well as the challenges arising with related conflicts of rights. Some chapters address intersectional forms of discrimination, illustrating the complexities of societal exclusion and the hopes placed in the law accommodating a multiplicity of grounds of discrimination. Drawing on empirical findings in Europe and Latin America, the book draws theoretical conclusions and new frameworks of recognition. A fascinating study on one of the key questions engaging human rights and discrimination law.
定價:4950 元, 優惠價:9 4455
Using Spanish:A Guide to Contemporary Usage
作者:R. E. Batchelor  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/09/29 裝訂:平裝
This 2005 book is a guide to Spanish usage for those who have already acquired the basics of the language and wish to extend their knowledge. Unlike conventional grammars, it focuses on those areas of vocabulary and grammar which cause most difficulty to English speakers. It fully illustrates the differences between the Spanish of Spain and Latin America, and looks in detail at register variation. Complete with a full word index, this clear and easy-to-consult text guides students through the richness and diversity of this major world language. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to take a fuller account of Latin-American (particularly Mexican) usage. The vocabulary sections have been significantly expanded, and now include examples which contextualize each word or expression. The presentation of many sections has been improved to make reference even easier than before, and some completely new material has been added on semi-technical vocabulary and Anglicisms.
定價:2664 元, 優惠價:9 2398
Equality Deferred: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration in America Since 1945
作者:James Stuart Olson  出版社:Wadsworth Pub Co  出版日:2002/05/01 裝訂:平裝
Issues of diversity have been and remain a key aspect of contemporary America. James Olson draws on his experience as a distinguished scholar and teacher to develop a portrait that encompasses variou
定價:2734 元, 優惠價:79 2160
The Cambridge Paperback Guide to Theatre
作者:Sarah Stanton  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1996/03/07 裝訂:平裝
This Guide is a concise reference to the theatre of the world, with entries on playwrights, actors, directors, critics and entertainers; on theatres, organizations and companies; on traditions, styles and genres of performance. Entries extend back to Sanskrit drama and the theatre of ancient Greece as well as encompassing contemporary practitioners. The emphasis is on performance in its broad sense, including popular entertainment as well as scripted drama, with entries on circus, musical theatre and pantomime, on male and female impersonation, gay and lesbian theatre, as well as Indian festival and Japanese puppet theatre, and the classic and contemporary theatre of Europe and North America. Four contextual essays provide the reader with the background to the great theatre traditions of Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle East. This book not only reflects the diversity and authoritativeness of the parent Cambridge Guide to Theatre, but also offers an accessible compactness.
定價:2612 元, 優惠價:9 2351
The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology
作者:Dan Hicks  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/10/26 裝訂:平裝
The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology provides an overview of the international field of historical archaeology (c.AD 1500 to the present) through seventeen specially-commissioned essays from leading researchers in the field. The volume explores key themes in historical archaeology including documentary archaeology, the writing of historical archaeology, colonialism, capitalism, industrial archaeology, maritime archaeology, cultural resource management and urban archaeology. Three special sections explore the distinctive contributions of material culture studies, landscape archaeology and the archaeology of buildings and the household. Drawing on case studies from North America, Europe, Australasia, Africa and around the world, the volume captures the breadth and diversity of contemporary historical archaeology, considers archaeology's relationship with history, cultural anthropology and other periods of archaeological study, and provides clear introductions to alternative
定價:2599 元, 優惠價:9 2339
Constitutionalism of the Global South ― The Activist Tribunals of India, South Africa, and Colombia
作者:Daniel Bonilla Maldonado  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/10/30 裝訂:平裝
The Indian Supreme Court, the South African Constitutional Court and the Colombian Constitutional Court have been among the most important and creative courts in the Global South. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, they are seen as activist tribunals that have contributed (or attempted to contribute) to the structural transformation of the public and private spheres of their countries. The cases issued by these courts are creating a constitutionalism of the Global South. This book addresses in a direct and detailed way the jurisprudence of these Courts on three key topics: access to justice, cultural diversity and socioeconomic rights. This volume is a valuable contribution to the discussion about the contours and structure of contemporary constitutionalism. It makes explicit that this discussion has interlocutors both in the Global South and Global North while showing the common discourse between them and the differences on how they interpret and solve key constitutional problems.
定價:2664 元, 優惠價:9 2398
Interiors Now!
作者:Taschen (COR)  出版社:Taschen America Llc  出版日:2017/11/26 裝訂:精裝
Come On In! A tour of contemporary home decor around the worldWith an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, these homes, residences, hideaways, and studios will astound and astonish, no
定價:950 元, 優惠價:1 950
The Great Ball Game: How Bat Settles the Rivalry between the Animals and the Birds; A Circle Round Book
作者:Rebecca Sheir  出版社:Storey Books  出版日:2022/11/08 裝訂:精裝
A classic folktale with roots in the traditional stories of many Indigenous peoples in North America, The Great Ball Game is adapted for today's kids by Rebecca Sheir, host of the award-winning Circle Round podcast. The stunning art of Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley, an Ojibwe woodland artist, along with creative activities, make this an engaging picture book that also fosters storytelling and promotes the values of diversity, acceptance, and understanding of others. The Great Ball Game, a classic folktale originating from the Cherokee, Creek, Ojibway and Menominee people of North America, is adapted for a contemporary audience by Rebecca Sheir, host of the award-winning Circle Round podcast, and accompanied by the vibrant illustrations of Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley, an Ojibwe Woodland artist. A dispute between the animals and the birds over who is best leads to a ball game challenge. When the game is disrupted by the arrival of a tiny creature named Bat, who doesn't seem to fit
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
作者:Daniel Bonilla Maldonado  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/04/18 裝訂:精裝
The Indian Supreme Court, the South African Constitutional Court and the Colombian Constitutional Court have been among the most important and creative courts in the Global South. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, they are seen as activist tribunals that have contributed (or attempted to contribute) to the structural transformation of the public and private spheres of their countries. The cases issued by these courts are creating a constitutionalism of the Global South. This book addresses in a direct and detailed way the jurisprudence of these Courts on three key topics: access to justice, cultural diversity and socioeconomic rights. This volume is a valuable contribution to the discussion about the contours and structure of contemporary constitutionalism. It makes explicit that this discussion has interlocutors both in the Global South and Global North while showing the common discourse between them and the differences on how they interpret and solve key constitutional problems.
Dynamics of a Creole System
作者:Derek Bickerton  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/04/30 裝訂:平裝
In this volume the author describes and systematically accounts for language variation in a Creole-speaking community and assesses the implications the study has on generally accepted notions of the nature of language. Based on an extensive study of Guyana, South America, the volume analyses the bewildering diversity found in the syntax and underlying semantics of tense and aspect of the language of that country and shows that data which at first sight appear merely chaotic in fact represent different developmental stages of the language existing side by side in the contemporary community. The volume also offers strong support for theories of Creole origins of 'Black English' in the United States. It should be of interest not only to those linguists involved in Creole and pidgin studies but also to anyone concerned with general linguistic theory.
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520
Jacques Grange: Recent Work
作者:Pierre Passebon  出版社:Flammarion  出版日:2022/05/17 裝訂:精裝
This monograph, a singular immersion into the world of world-famous designer Jacques Grange, takes readers on a private tour of his works around the world. Over the course of his fifty-year career, Jacques Grange has established himself as the eminent interior designer to great collectors, artists, designers, and trendsetters. Through some thirty recent projects in Europe and America, the internationally renowned decorator offers a private tour of his most recent achievements. With a rich diversity of locations--including a luxury Parisian h矌el particulier, mansions in London and New York, and a chic seaside cabin in Portugal--the refined taste and creativity of Jacques Grange unite harmoniously. The sumptuous and exclusive photographs by Fran蔞is Halard sensitively capture the French and resolutely contemporary spirit of each of these projects. Previously acclaimed by the international press, this new edition of this monumental monograph features two new chapters and previously unpubli
定價:3575 元, 優惠價:79 2824



