《I Walk with Vanessa》作者夫婦新作。操場上的一次意外,讓大家不願意再和Alex玩了。全插畫繪本引導孩子以同理心思考書中角色的感受,傳達人際關係裡的重要課題:道歉與諒解,兩者需要的勇氣與溫柔同等重要。A simple, yet powerful, picture book--from New York Times bestselling creators, Kerascoët―about compassion and forgiveness.Alex’s enthusiasm and energy can sometimes be a challenge for his classmates. He loves to play ball on the playground with his friends, but when his rambunctious behavior inadvertently upsets one of the other students, he finds himself at odds with the whole class.A perfect companion to the picture book I Walk with Vanessa, which Parents magazine named the Best Book of the Year about kindness, this story explores the difficult feelings that come with apologies and forgiveness. In a story that sees the perspective of both sides, Alex learns quickly that the right thing to do is say he’s sorry, leaving it up to his friend to find the compassion and empathy to accept it.This wordless picture book is a good reminder that it’s important to take responsibility for
This work contains four new titles in the fantastic "First Reading" series, aimed at children who are beginning to read. Luxurious hardback editions foster pride in book ownership and enthusiasm for r