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原文書 (30)
簡體書 (3)

可訂購商品 (34)
無法訂購商品 (1)

無庫存 (35)

$200~$399 (3)
$400~$599 (2)
$600~$799 (1)
$800以上 (29)

2021~2022 (4)
2019~2020 (5)
2017~2018 (7)
2017年以前 (19)

平裝 (21)
精裝 (13)
有聲書 (1)

高順全 (3)
Alan Barnard (2)
Eric Zaslow (2)
Eve V. Clark (2)
Hansjörg Geiges (2)
James M. Wilce (2)
Karl Gunnar Persson (2)
Laurel J. Brinton (2)
Nicholas Ryder (2)
Rory Naismith (2)
S. A. Thorpe (2)
Alison Fiander (1)
Arnold Lewis Glass (1)
C. T. Russell (1)
Carol Jago/ Renee H. Shea/ Robin Dissin Aufses/ Lawrence Scanlon (1)
Felicity Cox (1)
Jeffries, Linda/ Mikulecky, Beatrice S. (1)
Kay Elder (1)
Kristen Brustad/ Mahmoud Al-Batal/ Abbas Al-Tonsi (1)
Linda Jeffries/ Beatrice S. Mikulecky (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (26)
北京語言大學出版社 (3)
Allyn & Bacon (2)
Georgetown Univ Pr (1)
McGraw-Hill (1)
St. Martin's (1)
東華書局 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:高順全  出版社:北京語言大學出版社  出版日:2019/06/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:210 元, 優惠價:87 183
作者:高順全  出版社:北京語言大學出版社  出版日:2018/02/26 裝訂:平裝
定價:210 元, 優惠價:87 183
拾級漢語 第5級 泛讀課本(簡體書)
作者:高順全  出版社:北京語言大學出版社  出版日:2018/09/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:210 元, 優惠價:87 183
Reading Power 2: Extensive Reading, Vocabulary Building, Comprehension Skills, Reading Faster
作者:Jeffries; Linda; Mikulecky; Beatrice S.  出版社:Allyn & Bacon  出版日:2009/08/21 裝訂:平裝
Reading Power 2 is a new and updated edition of the successful student-centered reading skills textbook Reading Power. Its unique structure, featuring four parts to be used concurrently, allows low-i
定價:500 元, 優惠價:1 500
作者:Mikulecky.Jeffries  出版社:東華書局  出版日:2007/03/26 裝訂:平裝
Advanced Reading Power, by Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries, is a student-centered reading skills textbook based on a cognitive skills approach. Its four key sections, designed to be used con
Basic Reading Power 1 ─ Extensive Reading, Vocabulary Building, Comprehension Skills, Thinking Skills
作者:Linda Jeffries; Beatrice S. Mikulecky  出版社:Allyn & Bacon  出版日:2009/07/24 裝訂:平裝
Basic Reading Power 1 is a new and updated edition of the successful student-centered reading skills textbook Basic Reading Power. Its unique structure, featuring four parts to be used concurrently,
定價:2954 元, 優惠價:79 2334
作者:Carol Jago; Renee H. Shea; Robin Dissin Aufses; Lawrence Scanlon  出版社:St. Martin's  出版日:2010/06/11 裝訂:精裝
From Carol Jago and the authors of The Language of Composition comes the first textbook designed specifically for the AP* Literature and Composition course. Arranged thematically to foster critical thinking, Literature & Composition: Reading ‧ Writing ‧ Thinking offers a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature, plus all of the support students need to analyze it carefully and thoughtfully. The book is divided into two parts: the first part of the text teaches students the skills they need for success in an AP Literature course, and the second part is a collection of thematic chapters of literature with extensive apparatus and special features to help students read, analyze, and respond to literature at the college level. Only Literature & Composition has been built from the ground up to give AP students and teachers the materials and support they need to enjoy a successful and challenging AP Literature course. Use the navigation menu on the left to learn more about
作者:Kristen Brustad; Mahmoud Al-Batal; Abbas Al-Tonsi  出版社:Georgetown Univ Pr  出版日:2004/09/30 裝訂:平裝
This book: develops all language-related skills including reading, listening, speaking, writing, and cultural knowledge; immediately incorporates extensive use of authentic materials for reading, lis
Commercial Law―Principles and Policy
作者:Nicholas Ryder  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/07/30 裝訂:平裝
This innovative textbook examines commercial law and the social and political context in which it develops. Topical examples, such as funding for terrorism, demonstrate this fast-moving field's relevance to today's concerns. This wide-ranging subject is set within a clear structure, with part and chapter introductions setting out the student's course of study. Recommendations for further reading at the end of every chapter point the reader to important sources for advanced study and revision questions encourage understanding. The extensive coverage and detailed commentary has been extensively market tested to ensure that the contents are aligned with the needs of university courses in commercial law.
定價:2989 元, 優惠價:9 2690
作者:Nicholas Ryder  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/07/30 裝訂:精裝
This innovative textbook examines commercial law and the social and political context in which it develops. Topical examples, such as funding for terrorism, demonstrate this fast-moving field's relevance to today's concerns. This wide-ranging subject is set within a clear structure, with part and chapter introductions setting out the student's course of study. Recommendations for further reading at the end of every chapter point the reader to important sources for advanced study and revision questions encourage understanding. The extensive coverage and detailed commentary has been extensively market tested to ensure that the contents are aligned with the needs of university courses in commercial law.
English Historical Linguistics ― Approaches and Perspectives
作者:Laurel J. Brinton  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/07/31 裝訂:平裝
Written by an international team of leading scholars, this engaging textbook on the study of English historical linguistics is uniquely organized in terms of theoretical approaches and perspectives. Each chapter features textboxes, case studies, suggestions for further reading and exercises, enabling students to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and guiding them on undertaking further research. The case studies and exercises guide students in approaching and manipulating empirical data, providing them with hands-on experience of conducting linguistic research. An extensive variety of approaches, from traditional to contemporary, is treated, including generative approaches, historical sociolinguistic and pragmatic approaches, psycholinguistic perspectives, grammaticalization theory, and discourse-based approaches, as well as perspectives on standardization and language variation. Each chapter applies the concepts discussed to data from the history of English, and
定價:2079 元, 優惠價:9 1871
作者:Laurel J. Brinton  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/07/31 裝訂:精裝
Written by an international team of leading scholars, this engaging textbook on the study of English historical linguistics is uniquely organized in terms of theoretical approaches and perspectives. Each chapter features textboxes, case studies, suggestions for further reading and exercises, enabling students to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and guiding them on undertaking further research. The case studies and exercises guide students in approaching and manipulating empirical data, providing them with hands-on experience of conducting linguistic research. An extensive variety of approaches, from traditional to contemporary, is treated, including generative approaches, historical sociolinguistic and pragmatic approaches, psycholinguistic perspectives, grammaticalization theory, and discourse-based approaches, as well as perspectives on standardization and language variation. Each chapter applies the concepts discussed to data from the history of English, and
作者:Karl Gunnar Persson  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/04/30 裝訂:精裝
This revised and extended edition of the leading textbook on European economic history has been updated to take account of contemporary economic developments and the latest research and debates. A concise and accessible introduction that covers the full sweep of the European history, the book focuses on the interplay between the development of institutions and the generation and diffusion of knowledge-based technologies. With simple explanations of key economic principles, the book is an ideal introduction for students in history and economics. Revised textboxes and figures, an extensive glossary, suggestions for further reading and a suite of online resources lead students to a comprehensive understanding of the subject. New material covers contemporary economic developments such as the financial crises of 2007/2008, the Eurozone crisis, new trends in inequality and the austerity debates. This remains the only textbook students need to understand Europe's unique economic development a
An Economic History of Europe ― Knowledge, Institutions and Growth, 600 to the Present
作者:Karl Gunnar Persson  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/04/30 裝訂:平裝
This revised and extended edition of the leading textbook on European economic history has been updated to take account of contemporary economic developments and the latest research and debates. A concise and accessible introduction that covers the full sweep of the European history, the book focuses on the interplay between the development of institutions and the generation and diffusion of knowledge-based technologies. With simple explanations of key economic principles, the book is an ideal introduction for students in history and economics. Revised textboxes and figures, an extensive glossary, suggestions for further reading and a suite of online resources lead students to a comprehensive understanding of the subject. New material covers contemporary economic developments such as the financial crises of 2007/2008, the Eurozone crisis, new trends in inequality and the austerity debates. This remains the only textbook students need to understand Europe's unique economic development a
定價:1819 元, 優惠價:9 1637
作者:Hansjörg Geiges  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/02/29 裝訂:精裝
Celestial mechanics is the branch of mathematical astronomy devoted to studying the motions of celestial bodies subject to the Newtonian law of gravitation. This mathematical introductory textbook reveals that even the most basic question in celestial mechanics, the Kepler problem, leads to a cornucopia of geometric concepts: conformal and projective transformations, spherical and hyperbolic geometry, notions of curvature, and the topology of geodesic flows. For advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, this book explores the geometric concepts underlying celestial mechanics and is an ideal companion for introductory courses. The focus on the history of geometric ideas makes it perfect supplementary reading for students in elementary geometry and topology. Numerous exercises, historical notes and an extensive bibliography provide all the contextual information required to gain a solid grounding in celestial mechanics.
作者:Eve V. Clark  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/04/30 裝訂:精裝
How do young children learn language? When does this process start? What does language acquisition involve? Children are exposed to language from birth, surrounded by knowledgeable speakers who offer feedback and provide extensive practice every day. Through conversation and joint activities, children master the language being used around them. This fully revised third edition of Eve V. Clark's bestselling textbook offers comprehensive coverage of language acquisition, from a baby's first sounds to a child's increasing skill in negotiating, explaining and entertaining with language. This book, drawing together the most recent findings in the field, and illustrated with examples from a wide range of experimental and observational studies, including the author's own diary observations, presents an essential and comprehensive guide to first language acquisition. It will be fascinating reading for students of linguistics, developmental psychology and cognitive science.
Cognition ― A Neuroscience Approach
作者:Arnold Lewis Glass  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/02/29 裝訂:精裝
Drawing on a modern neurocognitive framework, this full-color textbook introduces the entire field of cognition through an engaging narrative. Emphasizing the common neural mechanisms that underlie all aspects of perception, learning, and reasoning, the text encourages students to recognize the interconnectivity between cognitive processes. Elements of social psychology and developmental psychology are integrated into the discussion, leading students to understand and appreciate the connection between cognitive processing and social behavior. Numerous learning features provide extensive student support: chapter summaries encourage students to reflect on the main points of each chapter; end-of-chapter questions allow students to review their understanding of key topics; approximately two hundred figures, photos, and charts clarify complex topics; and suggestions for further reading point students to resources for deeper self-study. The textbook is also accompanied by eight hundred multi
定價:2989 元, 優惠價:9 2690
The Geometry of Celestial Mechanics
作者:Hansjörg Geiges  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/03/31 裝訂:平裝
Celestial mechanics is the branch of mathematical astronomy devoted to studying the motions of celestial bodies subject to the Newtonian law of gravitation. This mathematical introductory textbook reveals that even the most basic question in celestial mechanics, the Kepler problem, leads to a cornucopia of geometric concepts: conformal and projective transformations, spherical and hyperbolic geometry, notions of curvature, and the topology of geodesic flows. For advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, this book explores the geometric concepts underlying celestial mechanics and is an ideal companion for introductory courses. The focus on the history of geometric ideas makes it perfect supplementary reading for students in elementary geometry and topology. Numerous exercises, historical notes and an extensive bibliography provide all the contextual information required to gain a solid grounding in celestial mechanics.
定價:2144 元, 優惠價:9 1930
作者:S. A. Thorpe  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/10/11 裝訂:精裝
This textbook provides an introduction to turbulent motion occurring naturally in the ocean on scales ranging from millimetres to hundreds of kilometres. It describes turbulence in the mixed boundary layers at the sea surface and seabed, turbulent motion in the density-stratified water between, and the energy sources that support and sustain ocean mixing. Little prior knowledge of physical oceanography is assumed. The text is supported by numerous figures, extensive further reading lists, and more than 50 exercises that are graded in difficulty. Detailed solutions to the exercises are available to instructors online at This textbook is intended for undergraduate courses in physical oceanography, and all students interested in multidisciplinary aspects of how the ocean works, from the shoreline to the deep abyssal plains. It also forms a useful lead-in to the author's more advanced graduate textbook, The Turbulent Ocean (Cambridge University Press, 2005)
Space Physics ― An Introduction
作者:C. T. Russell  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/03/27 裝訂:精裝
This textbook, derived from courses given by three leading researchers, provides advanced undergraduates and graduates with up-to-date coverage of space physics, from the Sun to the interstellar medium. Clear explanations of the underlying physical processes are presented alongside major new discoveries and knowledge gained from space missions, ground-based observations, theory, and modelling to inspire students. Building from the basics to more complex ideas, the book contains enough material for a two-semester course but the authors also provide suggestions for how the material can be tailored to fit a single semester. End-of-chapter problems reinforce concepts and include computer-based exercises specially developed for this textbook package. Free access to the software is available via the book's website and enables students to model the behavior of magnetospheric and solar plasma. An extensive glossary recaps new terms and carefully selected further reading sections encourage stud
定價:3704 元, 優惠價:9 3334
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