本書勸誡各時代的講道者:首先,講道必須跟當時的議題對話,也必須跟針對那些議題的聲音對話;其次,講道應該銜接到當代最深思熟慮、最有實質想法的人,無論他們對於講道的核心議題,抱持何種觀點亦然;最後作者強調,針對講道認真進行對話的價值,乃是凌駕其時代;我們不只需要檢視,也需要重新審視心中重要的地方。專業推薦:「北美講道學在1970年代進入一個新紀元,學者稱它為『新講道學』(New Homiletics),弗雷德・奎德克(Fred B. Craddock, 1928-2015)被視為是帶動此一波新講道學運動的始祖。奎德克在1971年出版的《如一個沒有權威的人》是此運動的一部重要代表作,並為新講道學奠定重要基礎。在書中作者針對當代教會講台的問題以及所面臨的挑戰之精闢見解,至今仍在對教會說話。華神出版社能將此書翻譯成中文,實是對華人教會及神學院的一大貢獻,幫助華人教會跨越長期以來在講道學教育上與西方學界之間的巨大鴻溝。筆者非常樂意推薦這一本精彩的好書,期待藉由此書的出版能促進華人的講道學教育之更新,進而帶動教會講台的更新。」——蔡慈倫,台灣神學院院長
This is the resource that engineers turn to in the study of radiation detection. The fourth edition takes into account the technical developments that continue to enhance the instruments and techniqu
This fourth edition of Contract Law in Hong Kong is a comprehensive contemporary textbook on Hong Kong contract law written primarily for law students. The sixteen chapters of the book cover all basic contract concepts in a reader-friendly style and make ample use of case illustrations, including over 200 new cases in this new edition. The book deals with all the core areas of contract law. New legislative rules, notably the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance, have also been covered.The first two chapters introduce the major themes and explain the multiple sources of law in Hong Kong. The subsequent thirteen chapters cover the formation of a valid contract, its contents, “vitiating” elements, the consequences of illegality, the termination of contracts, and remedies for breach of contract. The book concludes with an explanation of the doctrine of privity and the legislative reform of the operation of privity in Hong Kong. Particular attention is given to what makes