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Daniel H. Frank (2)
Francis Oakley (1)
Rachel King (1)
Simon Goldhill (1)
瑞秋・金 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (3)
Brill Academic Pub (1)
積木文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:瑞秋・金  出版社:積木文化  出版日:2023/08/31 裝訂:平裝
戴上琥珀色的眼鏡挖掘定格一瞬的失落場景🄰 串連東西方工藝於一線的奇異珍石,無聲滲透文明、卻又驚艷日常🄼 英國首屈一指琥珀專家 Rachel King 撰述,物件表達的新時代標竿🄱 中文世界首本琥珀專著,以神話、歷史和科學交織而成的時空之門🄴 從珍貴的現存有機寶石,橫貫古今透視世界文化脈絡中的失落地帶🅁 特別收錄琥珀藝術品、採集地圖與稀世文物等珍貴圖像 𓆈琥珀,無論是存在或定位上,它都顯得有點特別,但又不那麼耀眼。過去有人認為,其非樹脂不可溶於熱水,卻也因可燃燒的特性被礦石家族拒之門外,甚至十六世紀的普魯士文人,普遍認為它是一種瀝青。實際上,琥珀確實是樹脂,只是經過掩埋、沉積以及漫長的地質活動,最終失去所有揮發性物質,成為特性穩定的化石。也因此,琥珀有別於一般的寶石或珍飾,能讓人「讀」出許多意想不到的世界史支線劇情⋯⋯為萬物精心準備的自動書寫,重現人類歷史與民族意志的至珍貴遺跡◆ 從豆科古植物、黴菌、青蛙到蜘蛛,琥珀優異的防腐特性,讓萬物的狩獵、交配或其他行為被定格在永恆一瞬◆ 電影《侏羅紀公園》裡,科學家透過琥珀化石中史前蚊子吸過的血還原恐龍DNA,而古代北歐維京人提供的錘狀吊墜造型也被認為與雷神索爾有關◆ 希臘神話當中,琥珀是太陽神之子法厄同姐妹們為其憂傷哀嚎的眼淚,到中國又成了李時珍口中的虎之精魄和勇氣代表◆ 13 世紀的條頓騎士團為獨占波羅的海豐富礦藏,創立「琥珀師」的職業,嚴格盯守非法持有琥珀情勢,並指揮人民一起下海撈捕琥珀◆ 中國早在 3 世紀便有典籍指出,要當個琥珀盜版商,你只需要蛋白跟米粉;16 世紀的法國天文學家補充,要做得更像的話⋯⋯再加點石英粉跟藏紅花細粉吧!◆ 義大利馬爾凱農人於 17 世紀發現琥珀焚燒的迷人香氣,間接開啟藥用琥珀的天地,中國雲南亦將其視為治療耳鼻喉症狀的珍寶◆ 腓特烈一世的宮廷建築師欲建造富麗堂皇的「琥珀廳」,團隊卻因設計理念衝突不歡而散,最終這些斷續完成的牆面鑲板陰錯陽差來到英國女皇跟前,成了宮廷房間的飾面……橫跨經濟天秤兩端,富人拿它作湯匙和彌撒酒水平,窮人也將琥珀視為交易貨幣,足見其滲透人類日常,不分貴賤。這些案例拼湊琥珀不凡的樣貌與多元可能,也揭示人類與琥珀相遇後的三千年,斷斷續續的牽連與緣分。從波羅的海出發探尋琥珀,本書生動描述琥珀的概念、發展故事、政治操作、學術爭議,以及其涉足民族與個人身分、宗教、藝術
定價:750 元, 優惠價:9 675
Amber: From Antiquity to Eternity
作者:Rachel King  出版社:PBKREAKT  出版日:2022/08/29 裝訂:精裝
定價:1575 元, 優惠價:1 1575
Politics and Eternity ─ Studies in the History of Medieval and Early Modern Political Thought
作者:Francis Oakley  出版社:Brill Academic Pub  出版日:1999/06/01 裝訂:精裝
This book is composed of a series of studies in the history of political thought from late antiquity to the early-eighteenth century. They range broadly across theories of kingship, political theology
The Christian Invention of Time:Temporality and the Literature of Late Antiquity
作者:Simon Goldhill  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/12/31 裝訂:精裝
Time is integral to human culture. Over the last two centuries people's relationship with time has been transformed through industrialisation, trade and technology. But the first such life-changing transformation – under Christianity's influence – happened in late antiquity. It was then that time began to be conceptualised in new ways, with discussion of eternity, life after death and the end of days. Individuals also began to experience time differently: from the seven-day week to the order of daily prayer and the festal calendar of Christmas and Easter. With trademark flair and versatility, world-renowned classicist Simon Goldhill uncovers this change in thinking. He explores how it took shape in the literary writing of late antiquity and how it resonates even today. His bold new cultural history will appeal to scholars and students of classics, cultural history, literary studies, and early Christianity alike.
定價:2274 元, 優惠價:9 2047
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy
作者:Daniel H. Frank  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/09/11 裝訂:平裝
From the ninth to the fifteenth centuries Jewish thinkers living in Islamic and Christian lands philosophized about Judaism. Influenced first by Islamic theological speculation and the great philosophers of classical antiquity, and then in the late medieval period by Christian Scholasticism, Jewish philosophers and scientists reflected on the nature of language about God, the scope and limits of human understanding, the eternity or createdness of the world, prophecy and divine providence, the possibility of human freedom, and the relationship between divine and human law. Though many viewed philosophy as a dangerous threat, others incorporated it into their understanding of what it is to be a Jew. This Companion presents all the major Jewish thinkers of the period, the philosophical and non-philosophical contexts of their thought, and the interactions between Jewish and non-Jewish philosophers. It is a comprehensive introduction to a vital period of Jewish intellectual history.
定價:2469 元, 優惠價:9 2222
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy
作者:Daniel H. Frank  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/09/11 裝訂:精裝
From the ninth to the fifteenth centuries Jewish thinkers living in Islamic and Christian lands philosophized about Judaism. Influenced first by Islamic theological speculation and the great philosophers of classical antiquity, and then in the late medieval period by Christian Scholasticism, Jewish philosophers and scientists reflected on the nature of language about God, the scope and limits of human understanding, the eternity or createdness of the world, prophecy and divine providence, the possibility of human freedom, and the relationship between divine and human law. Though many viewed philosophy as a dangerous threat, others incorporated it into their understanding of what it is to be a Jew. This Companion presents all the major Jewish thinkers of the period, the philosophical and non-philosophical contexts of their thought, and the interactions between Jewish and non-Jewish philosophers. It is a comprehensive introduction to a vital period of Jewish intellectual history.



