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Christoph O. Meyer (2)
Margaret MacMillan (2)
Professor Margaret MacMillan (2)
Aaron Donaghy (1)
Polly J. Price (1)
瑪格蕾特.麥克米蘭 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (3)
Profile Books Ltd (2)
Beacon Pr (1)
Random House (1)
Random House Inc (1)
商周文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:瑪格蕾特.麥克米蘭  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2021/11/04 裝訂:平裝
戰爭是人類不可或缺的一部分!──瑪格蕾特.麥克米蘭(Margaret MacMillan)英國牛津大學歷史學權威重磅之作最新、最完整,全方位探討戰爭的經典著作有人類,即有戰爭戰爭能摧毀一切,卻也推動文明進程跨越數世紀歷史縱深,從戰爭的根源,體認它如何左右人類的過去、現在與未來 ▋《紐約時報》年度最佳書籍;《週日泰晤士報》、《衛報》、《華爾街日報》推薦、選書;亞馬遜歷史類編輯選書▋15張真實戰爭照片、畫作及雕像,正視人類歷史的痕跡▋國立臺北大學歷史學系副教授 伍碧雯 審訂、專文推薦本書深入淺出、多角度及全方位探究戰爭的本質,從理由、手段、尚武的文明,到工業革命和民族主義對現代戰爭形態的發展與社會的演變。書中集結從古典時代至今戰役的實例,闡述戰爭如何影響人類、社會、技術發展、國家、政治組織,以及意識形態如何影響戰鬥的原因和方式。本書帶你理解戰爭與人類是否密不可分、無法切割?人類為何而戰、如何而戰?從中會發現,戰爭在人性的貪婪、自我防衛和各種理念之下,所產生的影響無人能作壁上觀。閱讀本書能了解到:⋄何謂戰爭?⋄人類從何時開始使用暴力?⋄暴力是人類的基因?⋄人類的發展為何需要戰爭?⋄國家的崛起如何引發更大的爭端?⋄軍事如何潛入人民的日常?⋄戰爭如何推動文明的路徑?⋄女性如何因戰爭而獲得權利?⋄殘酷、破壞又浪費資源的戰爭能帶來益處?⋄奧會、運動賽事等活動不是戰爭,卻顯露出許多戰爭特徵?⋄戰爭如何創造更強壯、公平的社會?人類的言語、生活處處皆是戰爭留下的印記,我們活在一個戰爭所塑造的世界裡。戰爭使人民遷移、逃難;有如此多的邊界是被戰爭所界定,如此多的政權與國家通過戰爭而崛起與殞落。戰爭是最具組織性的人類活動,反過來促使社會變得更組織化。當政府權力擴大時,戰爭也帶來有益的進步與改變:私有武力的終結、更好的法律與秩序、民主、社會福利、教育的改進、女性或勞工地位的改變,及醫藥、科學與技術的進步。欲真切理解人類,必當傾力去認識、思考戰爭。【國際書評】「克勞塞維茨寫出《戰爭論》來指導軍事從業人員;瑪格蕾特.麥克米蘭寫了這本書,把戰爭這『令人憂擾不安的謎』解釋給我們其他人聽。她研究這個主題的恐怖與魅力,還有它的範疇與韌性,直言不諱,充滿人道關懷。唯有像麥克米蘭這樣的歷史學家,擁有廣博的知識、掌握資料來源的能力、清晰的思路和高超的寫作技巧,才能如此出色地以一本書的篇幅駕馭這麼廣泛的
定價:520 元, 優惠價:9 468
War: How Conflict Shaped Us
作者:Margaret MacMillan  出版社:Random House  出版日:2021/10/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
War ― How Conflict Shaped Us
作者:Margaret MacMillan  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2020/10/06 裝訂:精裝
From the internationally renowned historian and bestselling author of Paris 1919 comes a provocative argument that war is an essential aspect of human nature, and that peace is an aberration in histor
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
作者:Professor Margaret MacMillan  出版社:Profile Books Ltd  出版日:2020/10/08 裝訂:精裝
A Sunday Times best book for Autumn 2020A Guardian critics' pick for Autumn 2020The time since the Second World War has been seen by some as the longest uninterrupted period of harmony in human histor
War:How Conflict Shaped Us
作者:Professor Margaret MacMillan  出版社:Profile Books Ltd  出版日:2021/10/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
作者:Christoph O. Meyer  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/11/30 裝訂:精裝
What does it take for warnings about violent conflict and war to be listened to, believed and acted upon? Why are warnings from some sources noticed and largely accepted, while others are ignored or disbelieved? These questions are central to considering the feasibility of preventing harm to the economic and security interests of states. Challenging conventional accounts that tend to blame decision-makers' lack of receptivity and political will, the authors offer a new theoretical framework explaining how distinct 'paths of persuasion' are shaped by a select number of factors, including conflict characteristics, political contexts, and source-recipient relations. This is the first study to systematically integrate persuasion attempts by analysts, diplomats and senior officials with those by journalists and NGO staff. Its ambitious comparative design encompasses three states (the US, UK, and Germany) and international organisations (the UN, EU, and OSCE) and looks in depth at four conf
Plagues In The Nation
作者:Polly J. Price  出版社:Beacon Pr  出版日:2022/05/10 裝訂:精裝
Sheds light on the US government’s response to epidemics through history―with larger conclusions about COVID-19 and reforms needed before the next plague.In this narrative history of the US through major outbreaks of contagious disease, from yellow fever to the Spanish flu, from HIV/AIDS to Ebola, Polly J. Price examines how law and government affected the outcome of epidemics―and how those outbreaks in turn shaped our government. Price presents a fascinating history that has never been fully explored and draws larger conclusions about the gaps in our governmental and legal response. Plagues in the Nation examines how our country learned―and failed to learn―how to address the panic, conflict, and chaos that are the companions of contagion, what policies failed America again and again, and what we must do better next time.
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:79 869
The Second Cold War
作者:Aaron Donaghy  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/06/30 裝訂:精裝
Towards the end of the Cold War, the last great struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union marked the end of détente, and escalated into the most dangerous phase of the conflict since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Aaron Donaghy examines the complex history of America's largest peacetime military buildup, which was in turn challenged by the largest peacetime peace movement. Focusing on the critical period between 1977 and 1985, Donaghy shows how domestic politics shaped dramatic foreign policy reversals by Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. He explains why the Cold War intensified so quickly and how - contrary to all expectations - US-Soviet relations were repaired. Drawing on recently declassified archival material, The Second Cold War traces how each administration evolved in response to crises and events at home and abroad. This compelling and controversial account challenges the accepted notion of how the end of the Cold War began.
定價:3119 元, 優惠價:9 2807
Warning about War:Conflict, Persuasion and Foreign Policy
作者:Christoph O. Meyer  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/07/22 裝訂:平裝
What does it take for warnings about violent conflict and war to be listened to, believed and acted upon? Why are warnings from some sources noticed and largely accepted, while others are ignored or disbelieved? These questions are central to considering the feasibility of preventing harm to the economic and security interests of states. Challenging conventional accounts that tend to blame decision-makers' lack of receptivity and political will, the authors offer a new theoretical framework explaining how distinct 'paths of persuasion' are shaped by a select number of factors, including conflict characteristics, political contexts, and source-recipient relations. This is the first study to systematically integrate persuasion attempts by analysts, diplomats and senior officials with those by journalists and NGO staff. Its ambitious comparative design encompasses three states (the US, UK, and Germany) and international organisations (the UN, EU, and OSCE) and looks in depth at four conf
定價:1859 元, 優惠價:9 1673



