☆ 亞馬遜2016年度圖書 (Amazon Best Book of 2016),美版豆瓣Goodreads 7000+好評。☆ 讀者驚呼:“根本停不下來,這本書實在太有趣了!”☆ 屢禁不絕的毒品產業背後,遵循著哪些經濟學規律?如果用商業邏輯來分析毒品產業,會產生怎樣的效果?☆ 2500萬買家、年利潤高達3000億美元的黑金帝國,究竟如何運轉?☆《經濟學人》記者湯姆·溫萊特深入中美洲臥底調查三年,
What drug lords learned from big businessHow does a budding cartel boss succeed (and survive) in the $300 billion illegal drug business? By learning from the best, of course. From creating brand value
This is a unique look into the huge and fascinating multi-billion dollar international drug industry. Rather than reporting it as a war,” Wainwight looked at the drug trade as a business, with a quart