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Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation (COR) (3)
Edvard Grieg (2)
潔西卡.寇特妮–堤可 (2)
Edvard Grieg (COP) (1)
Edvard Grieg (COP)/ David Marlatt (COP) (1)
Graham Sheen (COP) (1)
Hattie Grylls (1)
James Mayhew (1)
Jessica Courtney-Tickle (1)
Nancy Faber (COM)/ Randall Faber (COM) (1)

Hal Leonard Corp (3)
Alfred Pub Co (2)
Frances Lincoln Childrens Book (2)
水滴 (2)
Dover Pubns (1)
Faber Piano Adventures (1)
Otter-Barry Books UK (1)
Rubank Pubns (1)
Warner Bros Pubns (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:潔西卡.寇特妮–堤可  出版社:水滴  出版日:2022/10/29 裝訂:有聲書
全系列授權25種語文,銷售突破143萬冊 最經典音樂繪本,最獨特閱聽體驗 故事中讀到音樂,音樂中聽見故事!紙上管弦樂團再度開演! 這回邀來挪威國寶級音樂家葛利格, 演奏他最著名的《皮爾金組曲.山魔王的宮殿》。 快按下小小音符,聽聽看哪些片段讓你覺得耳熟能詳! 有沒有很驚訝?原來這些你以為不認識的曲目, 你可能早就不知道在哪裡聽過了! 現在就讓我們來讀一讀故事,了解這美妙的樂音吧。這天,皮爾金和媽媽一起參加婚宴。 賓客享用著美食,皮爾金卻無聊得很,遂悄悄離開了婚宴。 他先是遇見一群酪農,向他們誇口自己是勇敢又充滿英雄氣概的冒險家, 酪農聽了不但不相信,還紛紛譏笑他,皮爾金一氣之下決定接受挑戰, 前往山魔王宮殿帶回寶藏!他愈走愈遠,終於看見一座神祕的洞穴入口。 漆黑洞穴裡氣氛陰森。突然間,數以千計的蠟燭在他眼前閃爍著,好刺眼! 皮爾金焦急的東張西望,試著搞清楚情況,卻只發現……滿滿的山怪! 他試圖避開山怪,可是……糟糕!山怪抓走皮爾金去見山魔王了! 皮爾金到底能不能成功脫困,拿到寶藏並平安回家呢?按下每一頁的小小音符,聽聽葛利格的《山魔王的宮殿》, 多了音樂陪伴,故事會變得更加生動有趣喔! 等到讀完故事,再來複習一次所有的樂章!▍音樂老師、演奏家、音樂工作者 熱情推薦(依姓氏筆畫排序) Jenny吳怡真|姆樂音樂美學實驗室藝術總監 大V生活|人氣親子部落客、蒙特梭利與正向教養教主 小飛媽|「小飛媽媽咪呀」 王佩瑤|鋼琴家、紐約大都會歌劇院聲樂指導 朱宗慶|朱宗慶打擊樂團創辦人暨藝術總監 李宜錦|前國家交響樂團首席、台北藝術大學音樂系副教授 吳逸芳|愛樂電台「音樂塗鴉國」主持人 邱姵嘉Peggy老師|Peggy Music House音樂總監 連亦先|國家交響樂團大提琴副首席 張正傑|大提琴家 張雅菀|音樂童年教育總監 獅子老師|鋼琴老師、作家 愛小宜|親子共讀部落客▍本書特色 ★一按即聽高音質音樂:無須掃描QR Code,只要按下內頁音樂符號,馬上聆聽高音質的音樂饗宴。 ★閱聽新體驗:精緻插畫+好聽故事+高音質音樂,培養敏銳五感。每一跨頁搭配不同樂章段落,邊聽音樂邊讀,故事更生動有趣! ★專業附錄增進音樂理解:書末「音樂家的故事」和「音樂小辭典」等,讓孩子深入了解樂曲賞析與音樂相關小知識。
定價:680 元, 優惠價:9 612
作者:潔西卡.寇特妮–堤可  出版社:水滴  出版日:2023/09/26 裝訂:有聲書
紙上管弦樂團公演!開啟音樂繪本之先河!全系列授權25種語文,銷售突破143萬冊獨特閱聽體驗,適合孩子的選曲,是最值得收藏的古典音樂繪本套書!★好書大家讀入選★文化部中小學生優良課外讀物推介▍內容簡介 《韋瓦第四季音樂故事》快來聆聽韋瓦第優美動人的《四季》,猜猜各種樂器模擬了什麼聲音?小鳥在窗外嘰嘰喳喳,宣告春天來了!吵醒了伊莎貝兒,她匆忙帶著狗狗小皮,趕去參加春季慶典。眼前盡是盛開的花朵,人們在藍天下翩翩起舞。午後天氣愈來愈熱,火辣的夏日陽光照得人眼都睜不開了,但突然間,傳出隆隆聲響,大雨瞬間傾盆而下!等到暴風雨漸漸平息,大家忙著採收秋天豐美的果實,準備過冬。哇,下雪了!伊莎貝兒忍不住堆起雪人,再一路玩回家。春、夏、秋、冬四季,真是豐富有趣啊!你仔細聽,連聲音都不一樣呢!《柴可夫斯基胡桃鉗音樂故事》快來聆聽柴可夫斯基夢幻的《胡桃鉗》童話,和故事中的克拉拉一起遊歷糖果王國吧!今年聖誕節,克拉拉得到好特別的禮物:胡桃鉗士兵!夜半鐘響十二下的時候,胡桃鉗士兵竟然活了過來,他率領玩具兵,對抗凶猛的老鼠大軍!眼看玩具兵就要輸了,克拉拉拿起拖鞋扔向老鼠國王,一舉戰勝老鼠!剎那間,胡桃鉗士兵變成了一位真正的王子!王子為了答謝克拉拉破除魔咒,邀請她前往「糖果王國」作客。糖果王國長什麼模樣?會有什麼奇妙的事情發生呢?快,跟著克拉拉的腳步,一起展開這趟充滿驚喜的奇幻旅程吧!《葛利格山魔王的宮殿音樂故事》快來聽挪威國寶級音樂家葛利格,演奏他最著名的《皮爾金組曲.山魔王的宮殿》。有沒有很驚訝?原來這些你以為不認識的曲目,你可能早就不知道在哪裡聽過了!現在就讓我們來讀一讀故事,了解這美妙的樂音吧。這天,皮爾金和媽媽一起參加婚宴。現場一片歡愉,皮爾金卻無聊得很,就瞞著媽媽偷偷溜走。他遇見一群酪農,向他們誇口自己是勇敢的冒險家,酪農聽了紛紛譏笑他,皮爾金一氣之下決定接受挑戰,前往山魔王宮殿帶回寶藏!他愈走愈遠,終於看見神祕的洞穴入口。漆黑洞穴裡氣氛陰森。突然數以千計的蠟燭在他眼前閃爍,好刺眼!皮爾金試著搞清楚情況,卻只發現……滿滿的山怪!他試圖避開山怪,可是……糟糕!山怪抓走皮爾金去見山魔王了!皮爾金到底能不能成功脫困,拿到寶藏並平安回家呢?按下每一頁的小小音符,多了音樂陪伴,故事會變得更加生動有趣喔。等到讀完故事,再來複習一次所有的樂章!▍音樂老師、演奏家、音樂工作者 全系列熱情推薦Jenn
定價:1888 元, 優惠價:9 1699
In the Hall of the Mountain King (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)
作者:Hattie Grylls  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens Book  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:音效書
Discover the spellbinding magic of The Mountain King in this musical retelling of Peer Gynt – push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Grieg’s score.This tale of a boy’s adventure through the valleys and mountains of the Norwegian countryside begins at a wedding feast far, far away. Peer Gynt is bored and he’s longing for adventure. After sneaking off from the party he finds himself at a peaceful lake where he meets some dairy people. When he lies about his escapades riding reindeers through the sky, they dare him to go to the lair of the Mountain King, the king of the trolls. The king’s halls are dark and spooky, and it isn’t long before Peer is captured. How will he escape? And will he learn the importance of humility and the value of friends?As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the score. At the back of the book, find a short biography of the compose
庫存 > 10
定價:934 元, 優惠價:54 499
The Story Orchestra (精裝音效書10本)
作者:Jessica Courtney-Tickle  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens Book  出版日:2024/05/02 裝訂:音效書
Four Seasons in One Day (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)The Nutcracker (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)The Sleeping Beauty (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)Swan Lake (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)Carnival of the Animals (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)The Magic Flute: Press the note to hear Mozart's music (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)In the Hall of the Mountain King (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)The Planets (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)A Midsummer Night's Dream (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)Peter and the Wolf (The Story Orchestra)(精裝音效書)
庫存 > 10
定價:9340 元, 優惠價:79 7379
In the Hall of the Mountain King from Peer Gynt Suite
作者:Edvard Grieg (COP); David Marlatt (COP)  出版社:Alfred Pub Co  出版日:2011/08/01 裝訂:平裝
The sequence in which In the Hall of the Mountain King is used is when Peer sneaks into the Troll Mountain King's castle. The piece is played when Peer attempts to escape from the King. Peer Gynt's sl
定價:1125 元, 優惠價:1 1125
The Great Piano Works of Edvard Grieg
作者:Edvard Grieg  出版社:Warner Bros Pubns  出版日:2000/03/01 裝訂:平裝
This edition contains the Peer Gynt Suite with familiar titles such as 'Morning Mood,' 'Anitra's Dance,' 'The Death of Ase,' and 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' along with numerous of Grieg's Lyric
定價:718 元, 優惠價:1 718
Once Upon A Tune: Stories From The Orchestra
作者:James Mayhew  出版社:Otter-Barry Books UK  出版日:2021/09/01 裝訂:精裝
Six wonderful stories that inspired world-famous music, accompanied by brilliant illustrationsOnce Upon a Tune brings you six wonderful stories from many lands, all of which inspired great music. You can battle trolls with Peer Gynt if you go In The Hall of the Mountain King; grapple with a magic broom in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, meet the evil Witch of the North in The Swan of Tuonela, sail the seven seas with Sinbad the Sailor in Scheherazade; be a prince disguised as a bee in The Flight of the Bumblebee and become a fearless hero in William Tell.The stories are excitingly told and stunningly illustrated by James Mayhew, who is famous for bringing live classical music, art and storytelling to families across the UK.There are also Musical Notes where you can find out more about the stories and music, plus James’s recommended recordings to download and listen to.
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
Peer Gynt ─ Suites Nos. 1 and 2 in Full Score
作者:Edvard Grieg  出版社:Dover Pubns  出版日:1997/04/28 裝訂:平裝
Two orchestral suites that are staples of the repertoire, including such familiar favorites as Morning Mood, Anitra's Dance, and In the Hall of the Mountain King. Musicians and music lovers will appre
定價:644 元, 優惠價:9 580
Peer Gynt Suite Complete ─ Piano Solo - Complete
作者:Edvard Grieg (COP)  出版社:Hal Leonard Corp  出版日:1995/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Contents: Anitra's Dance * Arab Dance * Ase's Death * Gynt's Homecoming * In the Hall of the Mountain King * Morning * Rape of Bride * Solveig's Song.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:1 342
Soloist Folio ― Bass/Tuba B.c. With Piano
作者:Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation (COR)  出版社:Rubank Pubns  出版日:1989/03/01 裝訂:平裝
(Rubank Solo Collection). (B.C. in C) Contents: Out of the Deep * In the Hall of the Mountain King * Toreador's Song from Carmen * Stupendo (Concert Polka) * The Jolly Peasant (Fantasy) * The Mari
定價:342 元, 優惠價:1 342
Classical Melodies ─ Easy Guitar With Notes & Tab
作者:Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation (COR)  出版社:Hal Leonard Corp  出版日:2016/05/06 裝訂:平裝
(Easy Guitar). 36 pieces arranged in standard notation and tab including: Blue Danube Waltz * Can Can * Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy * Fur Elise * Humoresque * In the Hall of the Mountain King * Lull
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Going Solo -- Bassoon ─ Bassoon and Piano
作者:Graham Sheen (COP)  出版社:Alfred Pub Co  出版日:1998/12/01 裝訂:平裝
Titles: Handel: Jig (Water Music) * Grieg: In The Hall Of The Mountain King (Peer Gynt) * Farnaby: Fayne Would I Wedd, Tower Hill * Schubert: Trio (Symphony No.5) * Rimsky-Korsakov: Theme (Schherazade
定價:618 元, 優惠價:79 488
Classical Favorites
作者:Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation (COR)  出版社:Hal Leonard Corp  出版日:2004/02/01 裝訂:平裝
(Beginning Piano Solo Songbook). 8 timeless pieces: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart) * Fur Elise (Beethoven) * In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg) * March (Tchaikovsky) * Minuet in G Major (Bach)
定價:450 元, 優惠價:1 450
Piano Adventures - Level 4 ─ Lesson Book
作者:Nancy Faber (COM); Randall Faber (COM)  出版社:Faber Piano Adventures  出版日:1995/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Contents include: Bridal Chorus; Burlesca; Chanson; Drummer at the Keyboard; The Gondola; In the Hall of the Mountain King; Little Joke; Maple Leaf Rag; Right Ride; Prelude in C; Prelude in D Minor;
定價:380 元, 優惠價:1 380



