This book tells the truly unique life story of Dr. John Maeda, a visionary leader in multiple fields and recipient of a City University of Hong Kong Honorary Doctorate. The book discusses Dr. Maeda’s most interesting experiences, from his childhood at his parents’ tofu factory in Seattle to his days as an MIT professor, a pioneering digital artist, Silicon Valley venture capitalist, and more. It is suitable for readers interested in art, design, technology, artificial intelligence, and theAsian immigrant family experience in the United States.
This book includes two distinct parts: a reprint of the biography Stephen Smale: "The Mathematician Who Broke the Dimension Barrier" followed by new content which provides an update on Prof. Smale’s life and work to the present day. The book tells Prof. Smale’s life story, including his most important mathematical discoveries as well as his worldwide travels and other exciting adventures. It is suitable for readers interested in mathematics, mineralogy, and the esteemed career of Prof. Stephen Smale at City University of Hong Kong and beyond.
This lively and thought-provoking collection of interviews with Jacques Rancière provides the reader with an incisive overview of his philosophical project, from its beginnings during the Red Years in