With vibrant, playful artwork and snappy text, learning about ancient Greece has never been cooler.There's so much to digest when it comes to History - how do you know where to begin? These incredible short introductions are just the thing for readers who are beginning to explore ancient history. Get to know the basics on Ancient Greece from religious ceremonies to day to day life, with easy-to-digest, humorous text that is reminiscent of the bestselling Horrible Histories series. James Davies' stunning artwork and infographics provide a fresh nonfiction approach that is sure to captivate young readers.
One of the most dynamic and globally recognized entertainment forces of our time opens up fully about his life, in a brave and inspiring book that traces his learning curve to a place where outer success, inner happiness, and human connection are aligned. Along the way, Will tells the story in full of one of the most amazing rides through the worlds of music and film that anyone has ever had.Will Smith’s transformation from a fearful child in a tense West Philadelphia home to one of the biggest rap stars of his era and then one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood history, with a string of box office successes that will likely never be broken, is an epic tale of inner transformation and outer triumph, and Will tells it astonishingly well. But it's only half the story. Will Smith thought, with good reason, that he had won at life: not only was his own success unparalleled, his whole family was at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. Only they didn't see it that way: they fe
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紐約時報暢銷全彩圖像小說系列道地英語口語,文字易看好讀警犬Greg與警察搭檔在一次執行任務時受了重傷,幸好,手術發生了奇蹟,讓他們存活下來,半人半狗的Dog Man 就此誕生!憑著野性的直覺加上人類的身體,Dog Man驚險出擊,打擊壞蛋。本產品為三民自組套書,若遇部分單書無庫存,可於訂單備註「有貨先出」,若符合拆單條件,客服會拆單出貨。亦可選購平裝本,連結如下https://www.sanmin.com.tw/Product/index/009406333此套書包含以下集數:#1 Dog Man (9780545581608)New from the creator of Captain Underpants, it's Dog Man, the crime-biting canine who is part dog, part man, and ALL HERO!George and Harold have created a new hero who digs into deception, claws after crooks, and rolls over robbers. When Greg the police dog and his cop companion are injured on the job, a life-saving surgery changes the course of history, and Dog Man is born. With the head of a dog and the body of a human, this heroic hound has a real nose for justice. But can he resist the call of the wild to answer the call of duty? #2 Unleashed (9780545935203)Dog Man, the newest hero from the creator of Captain Underpants, is still learning a few tricks of the trade. Petey the cat is out of the bag, and his criminal
紐約時報暢銷全彩圖像小說系列 道地英語口語,文字易看好讀 警犬Greg與警察搭檔在一次執行任務時受了重傷,幸好,手術發生了奇蹟,讓他們存活下來,半人半狗的Dog Man 就此誕生!憑著野性的直覺加上人類的身體,Dog Man驚險出擊,打擊壞蛋。本產品為三民自組套書,若遇部分單書無庫存,可於訂單備註「有貨先出」,若符合拆單條件,客服會拆單出貨。此套書包含以下集數:#1 Dog Man New from the creator of Captain Underpants, it's Dog Man, the crime-biting canine who is part dog, part man, and ALL HERO!George and Harold have created a new hero who digs into deception, claws after crooks, and rolls over robbers. When Greg the police dog and his cop companion are injured on the job, a life-saving surgery changes the course of history, and Dog Man is born. With the head of a dog and the body of a human, this heroic hound has a real nose for justice. But can he resist the call of the wild to answer the call of duty? #2 Unleashed Dog Man, the newest hero from the creator of Captain Underpants, is still learning a few tricks of the trade. Petey the cat is out of the bag, and his criminal curiosity is taking the city by storm. Something fishy is going on! Can Dog Man unleash justic
Devoted to the ancient Chinese Classic Rituals of Zhou, this book presents a multi-faceted picture of the life of the text from its inception some two millennia ago to its modern political and scholar
It is widely recognised that we are living through an 'age of the narrative'. Many of the constituent disciplines in the social sciences resonate with this trend by using life history and narrative ap
It is widely recognised that we are living through an ‘age of the narrative’. Many of the constituent disciplines in the social sciences resonate with this trend by using life history and narrative ap
Goodson (learning theory, U. of Brighton and U. of Plymouth, UK) and Anstead, a consultant who specializes in leadership, society, and organizational culture, explore the history of the Beal Technical
Entries on Spanish and Portuguese literary works describe each works' genre, contents, and reflection of real-life events in history and in the author's life.
What stories can we tell of ourselves and others and why should they be of interest to others? Exploring Learning, Identity and Power through Life History and Narrative Research responds to these ques
What stories can we tell of ourselves and others and why should they be of interest to others? Exploring Learning, Identity and Power through Life History and Narrative Research responds to these ques
This book brings out the need for lifelong learning theory and explores how it is possible from a postmodern perspective. The book uses life history that has gained its popularity in social science re
"Covers history, politics, customs, religion, education, human rights issues, rites of passage, and much more for 533 diverse cultural groups in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania, and Europe"--
Follow along as archaeologists dig up the past, study the remains of ancient civilizations, and learn about life in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Babylonia. See how these early civilizations created the fir
History, Geography and Civics provides an in-depth and engaging introduction to teaching and learning socio-environmental education from F-6 in Australia and New Zealand. It explores the centrality of socio-environmental issues to all aspects of life and education and makes explicit links between pedagogical theories and classroom activities. Part I introduces readers to teaching and learning history, geography and environmental studies, and civics and citizenship, as well as issues in intercultural and global education. Part II explores the use of media and sources, values and attitudes, assessment and creative teaching. Each chapter provides links to the Australian Curriculum, including cross-curriculum priorities: sustainability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, and Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia. History, Geography and Civics encourages the reader to consider their own beliefs, values and attitudes in relation to their teaching and includes provocations a
Dutch Orientalist Hurgonje spent 1888-1889 living in the Arabian cities of Mecca and Jeddah, later producing a two-volume work describing, in the first volume, the history of the city's and their rule