紐約時報暢銷作家——喬納森.史特勞 Jonathan Stroud 作品Netflix影集「洛克靈異偵探社」原著前進盜墓者的交易黑市,以及受詛咒的村子——黑影把死者都吵醒了!夜晚總是如此瘋狂,怪事一件接著一件,有時甚至會覺得白天略嫌空虛。切爾西區案件後,露西帶著骷顱頭離開自立門戶。沒想到洛克伍德卻來拜訪,邀請露西與洛克伍德偵探社合作新案件——調查並移除傳奇伊令區食人魔的源頭。與舊同事們再度合作,當然充滿火花,而且才剛解決食人魔,露西的租屋便遭人闖入,骷顱頭也被偷走。她察覺這與近期靈異物品的黑市交易有關,但這案子規模太大太危險,她需要夥伴,而洛克伍德偵探社的老夥伴們主動釋出善意,並協助調查。他們將要闖入交易黑市的廢棄地下鐵車站,更要前往受詛咒的村子,調查異常大量的靈異事件、異常大量的鬼⋯⋯以及爬行的黑影。而這些線索將帶領他們發掘出更黑暗的祕密。背景設定在帶有奇幻元素的平行世界倫敦,這是個角色鮮明,在幽默中帶著諷刺的故事。「洛克伍德靈異偵探社」以青少年為故事主角,除了要面對各種靈異事件、解開謎底,還要回應故事中成年大人的挑戰與質疑。這是個娛樂性十足的獵鬼系列,絕對會讓喜歡解謎以及奇幻冒險故事的讀者愛不釋手。
From the author of New York Times Best Children's Book The Happiness of a Dog with a Ball in Its Mouth, a luminous picture book about the shadows, both literal and emotional, that accompany us throughout our day There was a shadow. It was a new shadow, but also the last hint of night. It was a morning shadow. As the sun makes its daily journey across the sky, light comes down to illuminate our world. Moving and dancing along with this light come a variety of shadows--those cast by the sun and those cast by our feelings, minds, and memories. Here we follow a girl from dawn through dusk into night as she and her friends play with their shadows, take refuge in the shade of a large tree, and set out again for home in the violet glow of twilight. With a lyrical text from Bruce Handy and dramatic, sensitive art from Lisk Feng, this book invites readers to look up and down, in and out--to notice the position of the sun and the corresponding length or shortness of shadows, as well as the subtl