English Now!是一門必修的英語聽說課程,針對基礎程度的讀者提供多樣化的主題,從文法、聽力、字彙、口說到發音,提供一整套完善的訓練。學生經由詳細的內容目錄確實了解教學的主題與目標,能快速搜尋重點、有效學習,全面提升英文實力。 多樣化主題反映現代日常情境中經常使用的道地英語! 完備的學習流程結合聽力、文法、口說和發音,提供完整學習,一氣呵成! 生動活潑的課堂活動激發學習欲望,鼓勵學生積
Talk and Social Theory will be an essential text for students of sociolinguistics and the analysis of discourse in conversation. introduces the study of 'talk' linked to social theory; develops a new
Talk and Social Theory will be an essential text for students of sociolinguistics and the analysis of discourse in conversation. introduces the study of 'talk' linked to social theory; develops a new