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Eitan and his best friend Rivka live in a place where children laugh, dogs bark and neighbours chat. But no one can leave, and once you go through the gates, you never come back…A deeply moving story about hope and friendship in one of the darkest times in history. Eitan and his best friend Rivka live in a place where children laugh, dogs bark, and neighbours chat. But no one can leave, and once you go through the gates, you never come back...This story takes place in Vilnius in Lithuania – but it could have happened anywhere in Europe during World War II, when Jews were forced into ghettos and suffered greatly in the hands of the Nazis. Conveying the horrors of the Holocaust in a sensitive but powerful way, Marius Marcinkevicius’s tale tells the story of two children who experience the horror of separation and Nazi persecution, only to find each other again thanks to a pebble, which becomes a symbol of endurance and survival. Inga Dagile’s illustrations are the perfect accompaniment t
Create a successful and happy work/life balance by choosing the right place to live!These days, plenty of people can work from anywhere. So, if you can work from anywhere, does it really matter where you work? As Melody Warnick has found from personal experience, in some ways it matters more than ever. If You Could Live Anywhere examines the powerful relationship between how we work and where we live.With a light voice and easy-to-understand tips, Warnick helps the reader develop a location strategy that puts them in the right place, which can make all the difference to their career success, entrepreneurial dreams, financial life, and ultimately, their freedom to craft a life that doesn't revolve around work at all.
More than 100 pages of new, cutting-edge content. Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan–there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredicta
RV Living in a motor home in the USA and Canada is a really smart and cool way to live on day to day basis to escape the rat race, by learning to relax, travel, work and to stay anywhere. You can live