《紐約時報》熱門專欄精采集結亞馬遜影音(Amazon Prime Video)改編為原創劇集,第一季好評不斷安•海瑟薇與多位實力派演員共同主演2004年至今,《紐約時報》持續刊登各類型創作人寫下自身愛的經歷,映照出人們在感情裡的一笑一淚,渴望相依42個揪心、掙扎的真實故事,每一篇都是勇氣的不同形式陶晶瑩(主持人/作家)、鄧惠文(榮格分析師/精神科醫師)、陳雪(作家)、趙雅芬(作家)、張瑋軒(吾思傳
“You don’t look like brothers . . .”Peace activist and cofounder of the Enough Project, John Prendergast is known as a champion of human rights in Africa.?But the not-so-public face of J.P. is the lif
The inspiration for the upcoming streaming series starring Tina Fey, Anne Hathaway, and Dev Patel, a revised and updated collection of dozens of the most memorable stories ever featured in the New Yor