現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!美國知名兒童文學作家瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)創作的《神奇樹屋》(MAGIC TREE HOUSE®)系列,描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮搭乘神奇樹屋穿梭時空的冒險故事。哥哥傑克,聰明冷靜、深思熟慮,熱愛書本和知識,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮,反應靈敏,喜歡
In Monday with a Mad Genius, travel with Jack and Annie to Italy in the Renaissance, a time when every new morning brought with it the promise of artistic and scientific wonder. There, they meet none
Though the question is quite simple,Simple answers might be wrong.If you want to know the right one,Help the genius all day long,Morning, noon, and afternoon,Till the night bird sings its song. This
跟著主角Jack和Annie重返神奇樹屋,進入書中世界,再次穿越時空,學習故事中豐富的歷史知識,認識圓桌武士的歷史、尋找幽靈城堡的寶藏,開啟全新梅林任務。 Merlin Mission Books 1–25 of the #1 New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House series boxed together for the first time ever! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions are more challenging adventures for the experienced Magic Tree House reader. In each adventure, Merlin the magician sends Jack and Annie on an adventure in the magic tree house. Books in this Merlin Missions set include: Christmas in Camelot (#1), Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve (#2), Summer of the Sea Serpent (#3), Winter of the Ice Wizard (#4), Carnival at Candlelight (#5), Season of the Sandstorm (#6), Night of the New Magicians (#7), Blizzard of the Blue Moon (#8), Dragon of the Red Dawn (#9), Monday with a Mad Genius (#10), Dark Day in the Deep Sea (#11), Eve of the Emperor Penguin (#12), Moonlight on the Magic Flute (#13), A Good Night for Ghosts (#14), Leprechaun in Late Winter (#15), A Ghost Tale for Christmas (#16), A Crazy Day wi
JACK AND ANNIE are on a mission to save Merlin from his sorrows! Charged with finding the second of four secrets of happiness, the brother-and-sister team travel back in the magic tree house to the pe
This four-story collection includes: Dragon of the Red Dawn Merlin the magician will not eat or sleep or speak to anyone in Camelot. What can be done? The enchantress Morgan knows who to ask for help