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無法訂購 (1)

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無庫存 (9)

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$200~$399 (9)

2021~2022 (5)
2019~2020 (2)
2017~2018 (1)
2017年以前 (3)

平裝 (10)
精裝 (1)

學齡前 (1)

Courtney Carbone/ Erik Doescher (ILT) (1)
Laura Marchesani,Zenaides A. Medina Jr.; Jarvis (1)
Loren Long (1)
Margery Cuyler (1)
Random House (COR)/ Disney Storybook Artists (COR) (1)
Sandra Horning/ Jon Goodell (ILT) (1)
Shana Corey/ Richard Courtney (ILT) (1)
Suzanne Lang,Max Lang (1)
Tad Hills,Tad Hills (1)
Tex Huntley/ Gabriella Matta (ILT)/ Francesco Legramandi (ILT) (1)
娜塔莎‧布查德-作;迪士尼繪本美術團隊-繪 (1)

Random House Childrens Books (4)
Random Young (3)
Disney Books for Young Readers (1)
Random House US (1)
小光點 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Grumpy Monkey Get Your Grumps Out (Step into Reading L2)
作者:Suzanne Lang; Max Lang  出版社:RANDOM HOUSE STUDIO  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:平裝
Funny monkey Jim Panzee, star of the #1 New York Times bestselling series, tries to show emerging readers how to get rid of a bad mood.Grumpy Monkey Jim Panzee wakes up one morning and decides that it’s time for a new Jim. He asks his jungle friends to get him so mad that he can get rid of all his grumpy feelings. It seems to work until his friend Norman reminds Jim that it’s best just to be himself, grumps and all. Easy-to-read words and colorful illustrations will hook young readers on the lifelong habit of reading. Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. They are perfect for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
Pig and Pug
作者:Laura Marchesani; Zenaides A. Medina Jr.; Jarvis  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2021/09/14 裝訂:平裝
Who doesn't love unlikely animals friendships! This adorable story is now in Step into Reading, the premier early reader line.Pig lives on a farm with lots of other animals. All the animals have friends, but Pig does not. One day a new animal comes to the farm. Pug has a curly tail like Pig. Pug plays in the mud like Pig. Pug even snorts like Pig. Pug is not a pig, but maybe, just maybe, Pig and Pug can be friends! Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words. Rhymes and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story. For children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading.
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
作者:娜塔莎‧布查德-作; 迪士尼繪本美術團隊-繪  出版社:小光點  出版日:2021/10/15 裝訂:精裝
∴∵∴∵知名迪士尼電影雙語繪本系列,全新推出!∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵配合主題設計小遊戲,提升學習效率!∴∵∴∵還在煩惱孩子們對英文學習沒興趣、沒動力嗎?每天只要十分鐘!利用大人小孩都熱愛且熟悉的迪士尼電影角色改編的雙語繪本,提升孩子們的學習興趣!除了已經上市熱銷的:《冰雪奇緣》系列、《動物方城市:超級動物》、《勇敢傳說:母親的愛》、《大英雄天團:戰鬥到最後》等。這波將會推出引導小朋友何謂友誼與朋友的《玩具總動員4:老朋友新朋友》(STEP 1)以及嚇到艾莎與安娜的《冰雪奇緣:抓鬼記》(STEP 1)。看完電影還不過癮嗎?那就跟我們一起進入書本裡的世界,跟著魅力角色們一起冒險與學習吧!【故事內容】《玩具總動員4:老朋友新朋友》(STEP 1)本書適合與學前至小學一年級的小朋友共同閱讀。附注音。玩具朋友們是最棒的朋友!Toy friends are the best friends!要有什麼條件才是好朋友?像胡迪一般親切,像巴斯光年一樣忠誠,像寶貝一樣懂得照顧別人。小朋友們最好的朋友是誰呢?本系列由迪士尼知名閱讀書系STEP INTO READING改編,配合學習等級,使用淺顯易懂的單字語句,搭配大受歡迎的迪士尼角色圖像,帶給孩子們愉快且成功的閱讀體驗,循序漸進地增強孩子們的英語能力。本系列包含所有迪士尼與皮克斯知名動畫故事:冰雪奇緣、玩具總動員、大英雄天團、可可夜總會、動物方城市、勇敢傳說、迪士尼公主等,陸續推出。不論男孩或女孩,喜歡公主或英雄,熱愛冒險故事或史詩旅程,都可以找到適合自己的故事,建立良好的英語學習基礎。《本系列特點》★☆中英雙語對照,孩子尚未啟蒙英文之前,可當成繪本親子共讀。☆★基礎單字、短句,循序漸進,增加孩子英文力。★☆簡單又有趣的故事情節加上生動活潑的角色,閱讀體驗不枯燥。☆★中英雙語分開列示,小朋友在閱讀英文時,不會被中文影響,又能適時對照。★☆閱讀年齡廣泛,學前孩童到小學中高年級學生皆適合閱讀。
定價:299 元, 優惠價:9 269
Toy Story 4: Old Friends, New Friends (Level 1)
作者:Random House (COR); Disney Storybook Artists (COR)  出版社:Disney Books for Young Readers  出版日:2019/05/07 裝訂:平裝
This Toy Story 4 deluxe Step into Reading leveled reader with over 30 stickers is based on the exciting new Disney/Pixar movie hitting theaters June 21, 2019!Disney/Pixar's Toy Story 4 opens a new cha
定價:228 元, 優惠價:1 228
Best Friends
作者:Margery Cuyler  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2017/09/05 裝訂:平裝
Can you have more than one best friend? This relatable Step into Reading story is for every young reader navigating new friendships. Friendships can be complicated, even when you’re only in elementar
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
作者:Sandra Horning; Jon Goodell (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2013/02/26 裝訂:平裝
When a family brings home chicks from a local farm, they must do everything they can to make sure their feathered friends thrive in their new environment. With the help of their knowledgeable parents,
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
The Bean Team
作者:Tex Huntley; Gabriella Matta (ILT); Francesco Legramandi (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2019/07/02 裝訂:平裝
An all-new Step 1 Step into Reading leveled reader featuring Butterbean's Café!You are invited to Butterbean's Café! Meet Butterbean and the rest of her fairy friends from Nickelodeon's
定價:228 元, 優惠價:1 228
作者:Courtney Carbone; Erik Doescher (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2016/07/19 裝訂:平裝
SUPERGIRL and the DC SUPER FRIENDS? star in this all-new Step into Reading book. Girls and boys ages 4 to 6 will love learning about this high-flying super heroine in an easy to read Step 1 leveled re
Stuck in the Mud
作者:Shana Corey; Richard Courtney (ILT)  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2009/08/11 裝訂:平裝
Based on the new Thomas & Friends direct-to-DVD movie, Hero of the Rails, this Step 1 leveled reader will introduce children to reading—and the exciting world of Thomas and his friends!
定價:228 元, 優惠價:1 228
Otis's Busy Day
作者:Loren Long  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2021/09/14 裝訂:平裝
Join Otis and his farmyard friends for all kinds of fun. Now available in Step into Reading, the premier early reader line. Otis is a very busy tractor. He loves working on the farm and playing with his friends. But at the end of a long day, Otis is happy to go home and rest! This is the perfect complement to Loren Long's New York Times bestselling picture books featuring Otis, and a great book with which to learn to read! Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired picture clues help children decode the story.
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
Rocket Finds an Egg
作者:Tad Hills; Tad Hills  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2022/01/11 裝訂:平裝
Kids are learning to read with Rocket! The beloved puppy from Tad Hills’s New York Times bestselling picture books returns in an easy-to-read book that proves every egg has a nest.Rocket and his friend Bella find an egg! The birds in the meadow don’t know whose it is. The egg is too small, too colorless, or too round to be theirs! Will the friends return the egg to its nest? With its simple words, lots of repetition, and bright, colorful illustrations, young readers will love this Step 1 leveled reader about Rocket, which they can ready all by themselves!Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words. Rhymes and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story. Perfect for early readers of Rocket the Brave and Drop it, Rocket! and children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180



