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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

The Cost of Conviction:How Our Deepest Values Lead Us Astray
作者:Steven A. Sloman  出版社:MIT Press Ltd  出版日:2025/05/20 裝訂:精裝
定價:1485 元, 優惠價:79 1173
作者:Joao Armazia  出版社:OUR KNOWLEDGE PUB  出版日:2025/01/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:3480 元, 優惠價:1 3480
All things Big and Small
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟大大小小的事物這個禮拜無尾熊們一起去迪朵叢林摘水果~結束時,莉寶寶覺得有時候小小的也很棒😆📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼學會與他人分享🌼不要小看自己🌼一些新的水果單字🍎🍊🍋🍑🍌Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Pla
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail (精裝本)
作者:Ray Dalio  出版社:Avid Reader Pr  出版日:2021/11/30 裝訂:精裝
《原則:生活與工作》作者Ray Dalio商管新書。透過研究美國、英國等大國長年的政治、經濟與歷史變動,歸納出全球經濟危機發生的循環脈絡,試圖摸索出世界未來走向及與應對之策。From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Principles and legendary investor Ray Dalio, who has spent half a century studying global markets, The Changing World Order examines history’s most turbulent economic and political periods to reveal why the times ahead will likely be radically different from those we’ve experienced in our lifetimes.A few years ago, renowned investor Ray Dalio began noticing a confluence of political and economic conditions he hadn’t encountered before in his fifty-year career. They included large debts and zero or near-zero interest rates in the world’s three major reserve currencies; significant wealth, political, and values divisions within countries; and emerging conflict between a rising world power (China) and the existing one (US). Seeking to explain the cause-effect relationships behind these conditions, he began a study of analogous historical times and discove
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1051
Cabbage & Tyler's Amazing Adventures in Dibble world collection十本珍藏套組
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:盒裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!We can make the World a better place, one koala hug at a time!
定價:1700 元, 優惠價:9 1530
In Sunny Taichung
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟陽光普照的臺中☀️跟著無尾熊們一起去台中探險吧~導遊米卡多帶著他們去了好多地方💕有台中火車站、科博館、彩虹眷村、高美濕地...一路上還認識了好多新朋友🙂📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼認識台中景點🌼試試看才會知道喜不喜歡Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling
定價:250 元, 優惠價:9 225
Pornography ― A Philosophical Introduction
作者:Mari Mikkola  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2019/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Debates over pornography tend to be heated and deeply polarized--as with other topics that have to do with sex, pornography cuts to the core of our values and convictions. Philosophical debates concerning pornography are fraught with difficult questions: What is pornography? What does pornography do (if anything at all)? Is the consumption of pornography a harmless private matter, or does pornography violate women's civil rights? What, if anything, should legally be done about pornography? Can there be a genuinely feminist pro-pornography stance? Answering these questions is complicated by widespread confusion over the conceptual and political commitments of different anti- and pro-pornography positions, and whether these positions are even in tension with one another. For a start, different people understand pornography differently and can easily end up talking past one another. In order to clarify the debate and make genuine philosophical headway in discussing the topic of pornograph
定價:2939 元, 優惠價:9 2645
The Private Self
作者:Arnold Modell  出版社:Harvard Univ Pr  出版日:1996/02/01 裝訂:平裝
In The Private Self, Arnold Modell contributes an interdisciplinary perspective in formulating a theory of the private self. A leading thinker in American psychoanalysis, Modell here studies selfhood by examining variations on the theme of the self in Freud and in the work of object relations theorists, self psychologists, and neuroscientists. Modell contends that the self is fundamentally paradoxical, in that it is at once dependent upon social affirmation and autonomous in generating itself from within. We create ourselves, he suggests, by selecting values that are endowed with private meanings.By thinking of the unconscious as a neurophysiological process, and the self as the subject and object of its own experience, Modell is able to explain how identity can persist in the flux of consciousness. He thus offers an exciting and original perspective for our understanding of the mind and the brain.
定價:2400 元, 優惠價:9 2160
Most Wonderful Thing In The World
作者:Vivian French  出版社:Walker Books  出版日:2016/06/02 裝訂:平裝
A funny and heart-warming fairy tale about our values by Vivian French, exquisitely illustrated by Angela Barrett.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Looking for the Ding-Dong Bird
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟尋找叮咚鳥今天無尾熊們要一起去尋找叮咚鳥🎶他們能用歌聲找到叮咚鳥嗎?📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼當東西不見時跟著線索找🔍🌼新的動物及昆蟲名稱🌼叮咚鳥之歌🎼🎶🎵Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!We can
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
Spots and Stripes
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟點點和條紋無尾熊們一起幫泰勒慶祝生日🎉他們認識並畫了好多有條紋的動物🐅那大家知道有哪些動物是有點點的嗎?📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼與眾不同也很好🌼認識新的動物🌼生日快樂歌🎂Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!W
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
A Rainy Day
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟下雨天🌧下雨了~無尾熊們在雨中一起玩耍😆蓋比也在這次的冒險中學到~下雨時要記得穿戴雨具喔!☂📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼學會聆聽好的建議😌🌼下雨時要準備適合的雨具🌼保持溫暖才不會感冒喔!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
Climbing a Tok-Tok Tree
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟爬上咚咚樹🌳無尾熊們今天要去爬一棵高大的咚咚樹~但莉寶寶搆不到樹枝怎麼辦?📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼主動伸出援手🌼練習從1數到10🌼認識各種顏色Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!We can make the W
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
A Day at the Pond
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟在池塘的一天今天無尾熊們要去池塘玩☺咦!大象的鼻子卡在瓶子裡了!大家快來幫忙!!📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼練習從1數到10🌼珍惜保護環境🌱Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!We can make the World
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
The Loud Lion
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟大聲的獅子無尾熊們跟隨著大吼聲探索迪朵叢林🌳原來是大聲的獅子!其實他並沒有想像的可怕~📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼認識新的動物🌼不要以貌取人🌼對每個人保持禮貌Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!We can make
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
The Big Race
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟來賽跑吧🏃無尾熊們參加了迪朵叢林的賽跑比賽~有時比起一開始跑很快,保持速度更重要唷!📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼快不一定比較好🌼學會聆聽好的建議😌🌼永不放棄Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!We can make
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
Catching Fireflies and Stars
作者:宋安東尼Anthony  出版社:蓋比泰勒  出版日:2022/12/10 裝訂:平裝
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟螢火蟲和星星今天蓋比、泰勒和好朋友們一起在迪朵叢林過夜🌙哇!好多的螢火蟲啊!比起抓月亮🌙抓螢火蟲更簡單!🙂📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼珍惜所有生命💗🌼上床睡覺前要好好刷牙🌼好好睡覺才能讓你保持健康🙂Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and P
定價:200 元, 優惠價:9 180
Our Families, Our Values
作者:Robert Goss (EDT); Amy Adams Squire Strongheart (EDT)  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:1997/11/01 裝訂:精裝
Our Families, Our Values challenges both the gay community and American society to examine carefully the meaning of family values and the nature of social institutions such as marriage and the family.
定價:6460 元, 優惠價:79 5103
作者:Michael Slote  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2012/06/25 裝訂:精裝
Two of our greatest educational theorists, John Dewey and Nel Noddings, have been reluctant to admit that some students are simply more talented than others. This was no doubt due to their feeling tha
作者:Terence Lovat; Kerry Dally; Neville Clement; Ron Toomey  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2011/07/25 裝訂:精裝
"Under the weight of a combination of forces, many of the older paradigms of learning are being questioned in our time. Among the updated research that elicits such critique is that which deals direct
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