美國亞馬遜網路書店暢銷榜教育實驗法第1名教育行政第4名教育改革與政策第5名 推薦者:溫格頓(Randi Weingarten),美國教師聯合會主席博克(Laszlo Bock),Google資深人資副總裁、《Google超級用人學》作者品克(Daniel H. Pink),暢銷書《動機,單純的力量》、《未來在等待的人才》作者羅賓森爵士(Sir Ken Robinson),暢銷書《讓天賦自由》作者卡
From two leading experts in education and entrepreneurship, an urgent call for the radical re-imagining of American education so that we better equip students for the realities of the twenty-first cen
The basis for a major documentary, two leading experts sound an urgent call for the radical reimagining of American education so we can equip students for the realities of the twenty-first-century eco